E542 | 3 Lessons Learned From The Mastermind Live Event

Today, I wanted to share some thoughts and lessons learned from our recent Physical Therapy Biz live event that we did last week here in Atlanta, GA. These are always such a great experience for the incredible business owners we get to work with but also for our team.

  • Imposter syndrome exists...
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E541 | The Key To A Successful Working Partnership

Today's episode is a straightforward, simple approach to communication and it comes from my friend, Brett Bartholomew. Whether you are choosing to work with your spouse or partner with someone else in business, you must understand the complexity of communication. If how you communicate is not at...

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E540 | Resolving Burnout Through Entrepreneurship with Colleen Rollo

Welcome back to the P.T. Entrepreneur Podcast! This week, I am excited to bring you one of the amazing clinicians and business owners we get to work with. We first connected with Colleen Rollo in the summer of 2021 and she was in a stage of her clinical career of wondering what was next....

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E539 | Here's Why You Need A Coach

Piecing every part of your business together and doing this on your own is probably not the best decision. It's almost a rolling of the dice and just hoping things turn out well for you. How do I know? Because this is what I did in the early days of my practice. It can be financially draining...

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E538 | How You Should Start Your Cash-Based Practice

Today, I break down a question I recently received from a podcast listener: "is it possible to start up a cash-based performance PT in a standalone location vs. starting out of a gym setting?". This is a great question and my views on this have changed as we continue to work with more and more...

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E537 | Don't Be Afraid To Be Yourself

When you are teaching a workshop or doing anything where you are the authority, you need to let your personality show. This can go a long way in building rapport with people and today I wanted to leave you with a relevant story of why this is important. Enjoy!

  • Why your personality matters
  • Back...
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E536 | 3 Huge Hiring Mistakes

Today, we are talking about hiring within our practices. I wanted to discuss some of the mistakes I made as a business owner when hiring and the mistakes I see when others are hiring. Not knowing if you're making the right decision on hiring can be a very frustrating place to be. Enjoy! 

  • ...
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E535 | Why You Need To Be A Human Body Consultant

Back when I first started Athletes' Potential, I had to learn how to tell people what I did. People generally thought physical therapy was just something their grandma would go through after a hip replacement. We all know it is much more than that, and you must be good at communicating this to...

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E534 | How To Be An Amazing Clinician Fast With Andy Chen

It has been a while since I have had the chance to sit down and have a conversation with a very smart person within our industry and today I was lucky enough to be joined by one of our Mastermind Members, Andy Chen!

Check out this resources if you plan to start your own physical therapy clinic!

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E533 | Marketing Lessons From The Music Industry

Today's episode has to do with the unsung hero of your content and your marketing and that is messaging. When you take a look at musicians and the music industry, they do such a good job of communicating who they are through their lyrics. This is something you should be doing through your...

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E532 | Are Cash-Based Practices Greedy?

Something I wanted to address this week is 'Are Cash-Based Practices Greedy'? This stems from a recent conversation with a newer clinician at our former practice, Athletes' Potential. As entrepreneurs and business owners, we have a chance to pave the path for many other clinicians who deserve to...

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E531 | How To Organize Your Content

Many of us know we should be creating content on who you are and what you do, but it is such a broad topic that it can become a bit convoluted. Where do we start, what should be the ad creative, and how often should I change this up? These are common questions you might be asking yourself when...

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