Meet Tara!
Tara Caberwal

Meet Tara--- true story, Tara is a badass! She spent a decade working as the physical therapist for an Army Special Forces group. Eventually, she decided she wanted to use the impressive skill set she had developed in the civilian world as well.
 Tara has one of the most impressive clinical skill sets I’ve ever seen. That’s been her sole focus for years and when she decided to go into business for herself, she knew she needed some help.
Let’s break it down:
Who? Tara Caberwal
Problem: Great clinical skill set but no business experience. Paralysis by analysis in terms of how to actually start a cash-based practice.
Solution: PT Entrepreneur Mastermind (12 month program.
Did it work? Yep! She now sees highly motivated clients that are willing to pay cash for her services. She’s created more time freedom for herself and has eliminated the burnout feeling that high volume work can create.
Here’s what I can tell you about Tara:
She’s a clinical ninja and deserves to make great money and work with people the way she wants to.
In order to do this, she didn’t need to work on her clinical skills anymore. She had to upgrade her business skills to allow her to get clients and use her amazing clinical skills.
If you’re an amazing clinician, you have to learn how to market and sell. If you don’t, your clinical skills won’t be getting used much because he won’t have many clients.
Following a proven system is the fastest way to the end result of a successful cash-based practice.
Are you ready to dive head first into your own cash-based practice or scale your current practice?
If so, I have good news! We can help get you results like this. It won’t be easy, nor will it happen overnight, but I’ve seen it happen over and over again and it’s very possible.
You’ve got to be hungry, driven, ready to listen and ready to implement the things that will change your career and business forever.
If this sounds like you, it’s time to get to work!
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A lack of direction and plan may already be costing you a great deal.
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