Missy Albrecht- Owner of Invincible in Denver, Colorado
From 5 years of struggling to figure out the business side of a cash physical therapy practice, to tripling her revenue in 6 months. This is Missy's story.

Meet Missy--- she used to work in a high volume insurance based PT practice. She’s a specialist with visceral manipulation and movement impairments. This is a tough niche to have and work with 20+ people per day. Needless to say, Missy got frustrated and decided to do her own thing.Â
Missy knew she had to start her own practice to work with people the way she wanted to. Unfortunately, like many clinicians, she had quite a few early failures due to a lack of business knowledge.
Eventually, she decided to get help on the business side and everything changed.
Let’s break down what happened:
Who? Missy Albrecht
Problem: Unable to work with clients the right way and unable to make what she deserved. She jumped into business for herself, but quickly realized there was a lot to learn to ensure a successful cash-based practice.
Solution: The PT Entrepreneur Mastermind (my 12 month coaching program for cash-based practice owners looking to dramatically grow their business)
Did it work? Yep, Missy was able to triple what she had been making per month within the first 3 months of working with us. She started charging what she’s worth by using a proven sales system. She started getting more of the right clients due to now having a repeatable marketing system.
Here’s what I can tell you about Missy:
She’s hungry, driven, up for the work and she listens.
We’ve worked with over 500 clinicians that are looking to start, grow or increase cash services in their practices. I can tell you one thing we have learned is that the ones that do best, are the best implementers. They get the resources and support they need and then they implement like crazy!
Understanding what you need to work on and doing it is how you can make $13K a month with 100% cash paying clients.
So the question is, do you want results like these for yourself?
If you do, I have good news! We can help get you results like this. It won’t be easy, nor will it happen overnight, but I’ve seen it happen over and over again and it’s very possible.
You’ve got to be hungry, driven, ready to listen and ready to implement the things that will change your career and business forever.
If this sounds like you, it’s time to get to work!
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