E650 | The PT Biz Origin Story

Oct 17, 2023
cash based physical therapy, danny matta, physical therapy biz, ptbiz, cash based, physical therapy

In this episode, we dive deep into the origins and goals of PT Biz, a renowned business coaching company specifically designed for physical therapists. This incredible company was founded by three partners - Doc Danny, Yves, and Jerred. Danny himself started his own cash-based physical therapy practice back in 2014, but soon realized that he needed to expand his knowledge in the business aspect of things. With the invaluable support and guidance of his wife, Danny developed effective systems that facilitated the growth of his practice.

As time went on, other therapists started seeking his advice, and that's when he realized the potential for a greater impact by helping more clinicians. Thus, Danny made a decision to focus on business coaching through PT Biz, while his wife took over the reins of the practice.

Yves is a true testament to the success of PT Biz, as he was one of PT's early business clients. Their partnership blossomed organically over time through PT's mastermind group and various events. Jerred also played a crucial role in the company, bringing invaluable expertise in digital marketing, which was previously lacking. What truly sets these three partners apart is their shared values, which revolve around health, families, and mission-driven work.

The primary aim of PT Biz is to assist therapists in achieving financial success, all while prioritizing personal well-being. The partners firmly believe in the power of sharing their own life experiences, whether it's in relationships, health, or businesses, as a means to connect with their clients on a deeper level. Their ultimate goal is to help therapists "build better humans" by enabling individuals to engage in physical activities and enjoy life to the fullest for as long as possible, rather than merely imposing limitations.

To sum it all up, this episode presents a comprehensive overview of how PT Biz came to be, driven by a desire to make a positive impact on the lives of physical therapy professionals and their patients, transcending the boundaries of any single practice or location. Through their collective expertise, collaborative experiences, and unwavering values, the partners at PT Biz are dedicated to providing holistic support to therapists, both in terms of their business success and personal growth.

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Podcast Transcript

Danny: [00:00:00] Hey, real quick, if you were serious about starting or growing your cash based practice, I want to formally invite you to go to Facebook and join our PT Entrepreneurs Facebook group. This is a group of over 6, 000 providers all over the country, and it's a pretty amazing place to start to get involved in the conversation.

Hope to see you there soon. Hey, are you a physical therapist looking to leverage your skill set in a way that helps you create time and financial freedom for yourself and your family? If so, you're in the right spot. My name is Danny Mate and over the last 15 years. I've done pretty much everything you can in the profession.

I've been a staff PT, I've been an active duty military officer, physical therapist. I've started my own cash practice. I've sold that cash practice. And today my company, physical therapist has helped over a thousand clinicians start growing scale, their own cash practices. So if this sounds like something you want to do, Listen up.

Cause I'm here to help you.

Hey, Danny here in today's podcast. I want to go ahead and tee this up for you to let you know what we're doing and what's going on in this podcast. So we took a trip to Boston. My, by we, I mean myself, my [00:01:00] business partners, uh, Eve Gigi and Jared Moon. We were up there visiting a couple of clients that we work with and we had a chance to share the PT biz origin story.

So how the three of us met, like I started the practice, uh, or the consulting company with, uh, with my wife and, uh, eventually, We ended up getting more smart people involved to those people being Jared and Eve. And we sat down and had a conversation about how we, uh, got a chance to work together. And we want to share that with you because many of you may not know who these people are.

And maybe you're a new listener and you don't really know much about me, uh, or, uh, how, you know, PT biz even got started. And we want to share that with you. So you had an idea of who you're listening to and not only that, but like. Who the people are behind this company that's now has helped over a thousand clinicians, uh, start growing, scale their practice, which we're very proud of.

And we hope to help a thousand more, uh, in the near future. So, um, hope you enjoy this one. Hope you enjoy the origin story of who we are and what we're all about. So if y'all PT biz in Boston, we got some time, we wanted to take, take the time to be able to really explain, uh, [00:02:00] what, what it is we do, but more importantly, why we do it and who all of us actually are and how we got connected, because I think it's something that, uh.

You know, we worked a lot. We worked a lot of businesses, worked a lot of clinics, and we've seen a lot of business partnerships that just don't work well. Like we even had our own business partnerships that haven't worked, worked well. And, um, you know, for most of the clients that we work with, they have no idea what What we do, how it started and why, you know, three guys with beards have anything to do with, you know, performance based clinicians, uh, around the country, uh, and why we've been able to work with hundreds at this point as well.

So, you know, when, when we look at the backstory of PT biz and the whole origin story, I guess, of what, of what it is and why we do what we are doing, what we do, uh, it really comes down to impact on the profession because. When I started my practice in 2014, I had no interest whatsoever in the business side of it.

I just wanted to be a great clinician. That was it, right? Like just be a clinician and people will come and see me. I learned very quickly that that's not how it [00:03:00] works, right? It's just like you can get a semi busy schedule that way, but it is a very, very rough place to live. Um, it's very erratic. You don't have any predictability.

It's, it's very stressful. So, you know, by default, we had to really, uh, learn about the business side. And, and fortunately for me, my wife, who is very operationally, you know, minded, she ran nonprofits and, um, she came in, it was that business started to grow and she really helped me nail down the, the systems of that business and make it an actual business.

Um, and as we had, and people started to reach out to us asking us what we're doing, which happened pretty quickly within probably a year to year and a half. Um, you know, I started to realize that the impact that we could have really came down to, well, how many people can we help? Right. And if we were just to hire people locally, I think if I think sometimes I look back, we just would have had that one business and just focus on our practice, we definitely would probably be, I don't know, maybe a dozen clinicians that were that were, you know, within our company, somewhere in that range.

And, you know, we've worked [00:04:00] with, uh, Well over, you know, a thousand clinicians in some capacity, hundreds, you know, personally, um, and even in the last 12 months, they've hired over 200 clinicians. So the impact side for the profession, you know, it wasn't even close. And I really started to look at what, what should I spend my time on if I really wanted to help the profession, want to help more people, and it's not even on the business side.

I view it as. We help people learn how to move better, how to make better lifestyle decisions and how to do things physically, uh, with the people that they enjoyed being with for as long as possible. You know, so the impact is it's not the business. It's not even the clinical space. It's the people, right?

It's the impact on the people. How can we affect the most, uh, individuals? And that's, what's so cool about all these clinics that we work with. So, you know, when we made the decision to really focus on PT biz, my wife was, you know, super operations ninja in athletes potential. She took that business over, she ran it and allowed me to the free time to focus on, you know, on PT biz and building that up.

And I also realized there's a lot of [00:05:00] stuff that I wasn't very good at. Um, you know, and. Had the opportunity to, to work with, you know, with Eve, who was just like such a great coach and somebody that was, it was obvious when we started to work together that he was, you know, really good at working with other clinicians and building them up.

And then what we, what we were missing and what we really knew we didn't have was somebody that understood like the digital business side of things, because we'd never run a business like that. It had all been brick and mortar in person. And, uh, and that's where, you know, Jared, the relationship with Jared that we'd had previously made a ton of sense, you know, and I didn't know if it would be the right fit either, uh, cause they all have independent opportunities in a lot of other areas.

Right. So like to be able to, to other really talented entrepreneurs and then apply that to what we're doing, I think that's like the magic that ended up happening where we have these different skill sets, but we all kind of in the same place in our lives, which is cool, I think in, in the ability to not.

Like you don't want to run a race as somebody else is trying to run a different race, right? It's going to be a problem. I think that's where I see a lot of business partners partnerships suffer. And we didn't really have that. We all have kids about the same age. We all [00:06:00] have. An interest in health and wellness.

We all want to, you know, help other people through different businesses where they're actually like mission driven. So like all of that really led to where we're at today. And, um, it's just really cool to, to be able to do that. And, and to, for it to work in a way where we've really been able to help as many clinicians as, uh, as we have, there's no way, you know, I would have been able to do anywhere near, uh, have as much impact as we have had if it wasn't for, you know, the people that, that have joined along the way, um, you know, and, and I don't think they really have good to share their side of it.

You know what I'm saying? Like it's just really. You hear what I have to say a lot on the podcast and all that, but behind the scenes, like these guys do so much stuff on their own, on their own. So, um, maybe take it off at Eve. Cause like Eve, you know what, what's funny about is like, he was like one of the first people that actually worked with as a Business like client, uh, and I didn't even know what I was going to do the day that he showed up in Atlanta.

You know, I just was trying to deter people from working with me, and he just said, Yeah, I'll pay a couple hundred bucks to come sit in your office with you. And, uh, and then here we are now, right?

Yves: Yeah, no, it's almost like, it's a very serendipitous story, I [00:07:00] feel like. Like, I was, uh, basically started my cash practice out of a CrossFit gym.

And that CrossFit gym owner went to one of your courses, if you remember, Mobility Walk courses when you were

Danny: coaching there. Yeah, who, who was the gym

Yves: owner? Robert Van Newkirk. Yes. You know, great guy, absolutely amazing person, allowed me to rent for free, gave me so much leeway to really start my business and learn a lot of things.

And he set up a phone call with us and we just like chatted on the phone and, you know, I was like, what is this cash thing? Like, how would I do it? I was running insurance based practice at the time. Oh, this is awesome. You can totally do this. And I think it was like a solid year later. And I reached out again and I was like, well, I want to, I want to learn a little bit more.

And you're like, well, I'm charging now. And I was like, it was a no brainer for me. I was like, let's do this. Like, I want to learn more. I need to see the tangibility around this and drove to Atlanta. Like I said, spend a day with you. And we say the story all the time, but you know, you made it look honestly, not that hard.

I'm like, this seems. So easy, like you just hung out with your patient [00:08:00] for an hour, and, uh, this seems very, very simple, you're in a CrossFit gym, I was expecting, I don't know what I was expecting, but I was expecting something almost grandiose, and, you know, as soon as that happened, I mean, you paved the way for me, I was like, cool, I can do this now, I can do a cash practice now.

And then we circled back again a third time and you're like, I'm starting this mastermind. You should be a part of it. I was super hesitant at first. Like I was really on the fence about even just joining and you're like, no, let's do this. Here's why. And I was like, this makes a lot of sense. I need to learn way more about business.

And then was able to kind of again, springboard again, present in one of the events. And you're like, Hey, let's, let's do this. Let's create a partnership together. Yeah. And it's so cool to hear you talk about the, uh, the impact because that's what I was driven by too. You know, like I was gonna license me to move, I was trying to do a startup, I was trying to do the same thing, I wanted to impact as many people as possible, especially in the health and wellness space, and I knew I was limited by brick and mortar practice, and I was like, what else can I do, what other opportunities do [00:09:00] I have to create more impact, uh, in the world, honestly, and once I was given that opportunity, I mean, there's, it was a no brainer for me.

I was like, I'll do everything I can to make sure this works and we can make this happen because I care about the profession. I knew that we could have such a good impact on people's lives. And, you know, I was trying to think about a little bit more and it was just like challenging too, right? Like it's something that I'm also driven by, like, what's this next thing?

How can I continue to push my limits? And I was like, I don't know how to run, run this thing, but I know we can figure it out together. You know, and we'd had enough interactions and I knew that we just. Had similar family values. We had similar personal values and I was like, there's just way too much alignment here And I already had two bad business partnerships that did not go well Right.

I said different values, right? Like alcohol is a bigger part of their lives or like they just weren't, you know Working out as much and just different even family structures and I was like, this is a no brainer and obviously we're here What is it six, seven, eight years later? And I've just been able to have, I [00:10:00] think, a huge impact on the profession.

And I feel like we're just

Danny: getting started. I'll tell you what's funny too, is like, you're the only person that I talked to with the, the mastermind. When I was like doing these one on one calls and like, this is just, there's gotta be a better way. So I thought, all right, we'll creep everybody up. You're the only person that downsold me on the call.

You were like, well, what if, what if it's this much instead? And I didn't know what I was doing. So I was like, yeah, okay, well, you're the only one that did that. And I remember thinking, I was like, that was a good move on his part. And, uh, and, and, but nobody, nobody else did that. I always thought that was, I thought it was funny, but it was also interesting to like, uh, I, you know, I took everybody and I gave them an accountability partner.

And Jamie Yoder is your accountability partner. Who's still in the mastermind today. Right. Which is, and he's doing great in Cleveland. He's awesome. But I remember him, he's just like. My accountability partner is awesome. Like, it's like, you know, he had great things to say. And then when you present it on local marketing, it's just, it was obvious you had previously, you know, business experience with the practice.

And, um, and yeah, it's just like, it's hard to do something [00:11:00] on your own. I think that's the thing I learned that, you know, uh, even with like with Ashley and I, um, it, it's a different, it's, it's different. It's all still in the same family, right? It's like the stress is just in one, one family, even though there's another person, there's just, there's layers to that.

It's hard, uh, with your spouse too. It's really great with your spouse to be able to share time with them and to spend a lot of time with them. But when it's, when things suck, it really sucks because it affects the business, the business affects personal. And then, um, you know, so it is nice to like have non spouse business partners where it's, at least you're not bringing that home every night.

And it's affecting your, your, uh, your relationship with your spouse. Cause that, that's a really hard thing to do. And, and, uh, and a really cool thing too. It's like such a cool thing to be able to work with your spouse, but there's definitely layers there that you have to get used to. Navigating so that you don't let that affect a personal relationship whenever, you know, there's something negative going in the business, which happens, it's like, it's always going to happen to some degree.

There's always going to be these, you know, these peaks and these troughs and you can make it look as smooth [00:12:00] as you want, but it's not, it's not right. It's very, uh, it might be up into the right, but it is undulating along the way. Right. So, um, you know, and then what we realized, the big thing we realized, and we, I remember having this conversation with you was like, we don't have somebody that can do, you know, the digital side didn't understand it.

Uh, we, I knew I wasn't very good at it. I'd already learned that I knew you wouldn't be very good at it because you didn't have really any interest in that. And it's such a hard thing to learn. Hey, sorry to interrupt the podcast, but I have a huge favor to ask of you. If you are a long time listener or a new listener and you're finding value in this podcast, please head over to iTunes or Spotify or wherever you listen to the podcast, and please leave a rating and review.

This is actually very helpful for us to get this podcast and really help them develop time and financial freedom. So if you would do that, I would greatly appreciate it. Now back to the podcast.

And I just remembered we'd had. You know, Jared as a, as a, like, honestly, one of the first business coaches that I hired on the digital side. And we hired him with the first podcast. We had the docking jock [00:13:00] podcast. Honestly, it was just simple stuff. It was like, do you have a newsletter? You know, are you getting email subscribers?

Like, are you tracking anything? And we're, we're like not dragging a damn thing, but we were getting like 60 downloads a month on this podcast. And we thought, oh man, we may have an opportunity to do something with it. We had some sponsors. And, uh, he helped us really organize the back end and I couldn't think of anybody, I didn't know anybody else that, that I would have any trust with that is like actually run a digital business.

So it was like, you were, you were the only option. It wasn't like there was anything else. You had way more leverage than you probably even knew. Yeah. I mean, I

Yves: remember it was cool, like behind the scenes, like, so I was running garage gym athlete and I got to, you know, consult a little bit with Doc and Jock, but I was also consulting with a couple of other businesses.

Right. Uh, but then you and I would still have conversations, like you, you know, we'd text back and forth or you'd call every once in a while, uh, in a less formal role. So like, I got to hear the very beginnings of like, yeah, I think I'm starting to mastermind. Yeah. And like, so I got to follow along. I thought it was cool and I was keeping up with the, [00:14:00] the journey and then like the more serious it got, you invited me out to an event and I spoke and then, you know, uh, you know, we started talking about becoming a, being a part of that.

And uh,

Danny: I, I was torn a little

Yves: bit before the first event. Because I didn't really know a lot. I'm not a physical therapist. Like, I like to make sure that everyone's aware of that fact. Like, uh, I'm an active duty military officer, turn strength and conditioning coach. Um, but still very passionate about, like, my personal mission is building better humans, you know?

And so, when I got to come to that first event and I saw the people were more like the people I'm used to working with. Like, healthy, you know, movement based, like, that kind of thing. I was like, oh yeah, for sure. Like, these are, these are basically the people. Like, I want to help too, but I can't, I was coming at it from a different angle.

Like, my real motivation behind it was like, entrepreneurship almost destroyed me. Like, mentally, like, emotionally, it was really bad for our family in the beginning. And so, when I started to move more towards helping entrepreneurs [00:15:00] in like, business consulting role, that was my main thing. It's like, yeah, I can, I know some stuff that can probably help you make more money.

Like, when I consult people, but I'd be like, way more on the psychological side of like, I don't want you to burn everything to the ground in the process because I mean, I still have my family and like, I have a great relationship with my wife and my kids, but it wasn't that way in the beginning. So I want to help you.

We've all heard the stories, right? All these entrepreneurs who like their health greatly suffers or they get divorced multiple times. They have no relationship with their kids. I mean, like that's the path, you know, that's the path most people are taking. And so that was one of my biggest things coming in is trying to help people navigate those things.

And that's, that's my big reason you're talking about impact, like that's my big why is like I want to help build better humans. I don't want people to burn their relationships down or like suffer, you know, with their health and all those kind of things. But, um, it was fun working with you guys, you know, like the people that we're working with and then also working together.

Because I [00:16:00] had never actually been in a business partnership at that point. And so we tried it out for a year, right? That was kind of the agreement we made. Like, let's try it out for a year. If it doesn't work, we can all go our separate ways. I was like, yeah, that's that's probably for the best because I don't know if this will work out, you know, uh, But as you guys have mentioned we all have like very similar values with health and fitness and putting family first Our kids are similar ages None of us want to burn this shit to the ground, you know, like we want to like, uh, You know live the best life possible So it just ended up working out and now I really feel like we are Making an impact in the lives of the people that we're helping uh, not only as they scale their clinics, but like You know, things that you talk about, like generational wealth and generational health, like their families and their kids and all that.

So, uh, it's just great. The partnership's been great and we get to help a lot of people and it's, it's been

Danny: awesome. Yeah. And it's interesting. I, I, I feel like, uh, the non business side is something that we really didn't lean into for a long time. You know, I don't think that we thought anybody cared about that.[00:17:00]

Yeah. You know, it's like, you're here because you want us to help you make more money. In your business, like very, I thought it's very transactional. Yeah, it's like, okay, I teach you these things. You make more money, you take that and you reinvest your business and you grow and then like we're good. And I think what we started to realize was there was a lot more there with people not under, not like knowing how to manage the.

The stressors and the unknown and the, uh, just the, just the crazy lifestyle of someone that owns a business, especially somebody in such a conservative job. Like you gotta, you gotta keep in mind, like clinicians do. We don't go to school and learn anything about business. You may, you know, you maybe had one business class and you had a business plan you had to put together, but it wasn't even anything significant.

I mean, I went to school in the military, like we didn't have any business class, like of any sort. Right. So. It's not, uh, it's not something that most people come out of school to do, so they have no mentorship, no impact, uh, or no idea how to, how to handle that. [00:18:00] Um, but then they jump headfirst into these businesses like I did, and then all of a sudden it's like, oh my God, I just jumped the deep end, I don't know how to swim.

Not only do I not know what's going on on my business side, but I don't know how to take like the stress that I have and not like impact that onto my family. Not, not, uh, Make my bad day their bad night. Yeah, which we see it happens a ton, right? And I think that's if anything, you know I think that what we do more than most We work with a lot of business coaches a lot of different mastermind groups a lot of successful people But you know if you look at a scorecard I think if you're adding these things up in terms of like business success, but like your friends and family your kids You're you're your spouse your health your Mental health, physical health, um, you know, fun that you're having all those things.

If you were to add all those up, I think our score is super high. And we say no to a lot of things that could increase our business score potentially. Like, you know, they would, [00:19:00] they would, uh, allow us to make more money, but it's like the trade off is just not worth this. And I think the one thing that we do really well and with the people that we work with is they see that as well.

And they see the, like, this isn't the most important thing. It's not, you know, you having. Three BMWs and two ex wives and no relationship with your kids is not a good trade off. Like, don't do it, you know, and, and for whatever reason, I don't know why it's not that common, you know, to, to see that. Um, but it's something that is more important for us, as far as that goes, that it is to add an extra...

Zero to, you know, the business or our bank accounts or whatever it might be. Yeah.

Yves: I remember that inflection point. I remember we were business, business, business. I need more new patients. I need more revenue. I need to move my business forward. And I think we just, we talk about it a lot and it just came like more non structurally during the events.

You did the whole glass and rubber ball analogy one time, yeah, how much of a personal focus is that? And it's just we [00:20:00] really started to implement it into our systems is exactly we have a 86 test where it's a business test And then we created more like personal. Yeah, um goals and goal setting into that as well and everybody loved it You know, I feel like our members kind of showed us is like can we hear more about this?

Like how are you guys doing this? Like what is this? What does this look like? Can you just Push us more in this area as opposed to push us just always in business. And we were hesitant to do it first. You remember like the, are you sure this is what you want? But now it's just like, people are just almost honestly, just starving for more.

And the thing I like the number one business growth hack in the world that I've learned as an entrepreneur for, uh, you know, over a decade now is the, the Jim Rohn quote, like work on yourself harder than you do your job. Yeah. If you actually

Danny: live that motto

Yves: and you are. Like, anytime I start to feel like I'm getting squished, like too much stress, too much things going on, what I need to do is work less.

I need to go run more, lift more, be with my family more, read more books [00:21:00] and then like creativity comes back, like I'm excited to jump into my work again and it's just funny and then the business starts to grow from actually working a little bit less and focusing more on myself, you know? And so, I think most people don't realize that.

They think that it just needs to like narrow down to work only but... There's only so much you can do that, you know,

Danny: and I think I think the other reason that we kind of shied away from It is like I don't want to be somebody's life coach. You know, it's like it's such a bad stigma It's like a line there for sure.

Yeah, you're here. You're like look dude I mean, I'm not here to tell you what to do your life, you know And I think that's I think that is something that I people obviously seek that out. There's massive businesses around Life coaching. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it necessarily. I'm saying like that's not really what I want to do Um, you know, I want to help people understand how to start grow these businesses and do it in a very systematic way where it's a very high success rate and that they don't have to try to figure everything out and feel stressed about, you know, are they, I mean, cause you're really betting, they're betting a [00:22:00] lot on the fact that they can make this work a lot of time, definitely financial side of things and they're, they're putting themselves out there into the world to all their friends and family and saying, I'm going to try to do this.

Yeah. Yeah. And for most people, the biggest fear they have is actually it not working. And then, you know, they're, when they're sitting at Christmas dinner, their uncle's like, Oh, Jimmy gave it a shot. It didn't work or whatever. Right. It's like that, the fear of failure, I think is what really is hard for people.

But, uh, we don't, when we started looking at what people really wanted, it was a lot more of that and we do lean into it. But I think the biggest thing that, that, that we do like looking at this from the outside perspective is we just do what we say. They should do. And I think that the, that's more powerful than whatever we say, right?

It's like, it's, it's the same thing with kids or, you know, whatever, anybody that's like looking to you as an example, if, if you're saying one thing and you're doing something else, it's so off, they can feel it, it's, it's not authentic, um, and doesn't come across very well. [00:23:00] So to just be able to like go to a live event and we do this, you know, pretty hard workout.

The first morning of the event, we have to be able to do that, right? And it's but because we're trying to stay physically healthy, you know, we work on ourself on the mental health side We work on our relationships and and so we can talk about these things that people wouldn't have those questions But we're not just saying like hey, you need to go do this You need to do whatever with your with your kid or whatever it might be Because they're here for business advice But if they want to have them, you know They have a question or they have a sidebar thing and they're like, hey, man, I'm really struggling with X Y Z What's cool is that like people are like open to ask us that stuff and now that they know it's or talk to each other about it, which is cool because you can be at a live event and all of a sudden somebody's talking about, you know, making free enough time to be able to coach their kids t ball team or something like that.

You know, it has nothing to do with. Uh, revenue has nothing to do with new patients, but it has everything to do with them, like having success, not just in business, but just in their life in general.

Yves: Yeah, the [00:24:00] way I look at that, because I'm on the same way with the life coach thing, is like, there's a, there's a line there, like, I don't want to tell somebody, here's how to have the best relationship with your spouse.

Right. Because I always tell people, like, I know how to have a great relationship with my wife. Yep. Your wife, I have no idea. Like, I, I just, I can't tell you, I can't tell you how to be a good father, a good mother. But what we can do in business is we can give you, if you work with us long enough, we'll give you enough time freedom and financial freedom to where you can be the best in those areas.

Cause if you have enough time and you have enough money, then you can focus on being the best father, whatever that looks like for you or the best spouse, whatever that looks like for you, the best brother, whatever that looks like for you. So like if you have those two things, which is ultimately what business is and gives you the vehicle to do, if you get time, freedom and financial freedom.

Now you can focus on being the best and I think that's kind of where I normally cut it off is like all these things are important and you need to focus on them, but you focus on them will help you be able to focus on them because at the beginning Sometimes taking care of your [00:25:00] family is working the extra hour.

True. You know, like sometimes it has to be not always you don't always want to make that choice, but if it's the choice between like that extra hour or your family eating, you know, if you're at that level of starting, you know, it can be that hard. Sometimes you have to put in the extra time, but after a certain point, you have to work yourself out of the habit.

You're like, I've got the time and financial freedom. I can just focus on my family now. Well,

Danny: I think it's good too for us to be able to say, cause like, yeah, we've all done that. You know, like, look, Hey, 78 hour work week. No problem. Like check that box. But the difference is, you know, if you can say, Hey, you're going through a growth cycle, you should probably preemptively have a conversation with your family and let them know that, Hey, for the next couple of months, we're onboarding this new staff member.

We're moving to a standalone space. Like, I'm not gonna be around as much, I'm gonna need more support, and like, that's such a better place to be than not, just like, leaving your family hanging, and like, just take, and like, internalizing everything, and just being like, alright, I'm just gonna bear this burden, and then you turn into a jackass, to [00:26:00] everybody around you, because you just can't like, push it down forever, eventually it's gonna, it's gonna come back out, so I think for us, what's really helpful is, Having, like, actually gone through these things that we're helping people work on.

Uh, we can at least, you know, it's like we can see around corners that they haven't gone around yet. We're like, listen, around that corner, you probably should talk to your wife about, you know, you're going to be doing a lot more stuff. Uh, so if you want that relationship to, you know, not suffer, have that conversation and let them know, like, and talk to them, like, what's important to them.

And at least set the stage for that, because a lot of the stuff that we help people with is like, no one told me that. You know, it was like, oh, okay, this was a bad idea, you know, and then you're like trying to dig yourself out of a terrible hole. Um, when it's something as simple as that can make such a big difference.

Yves: I think that's such a differentiator between our partnership and I think PT biz in general. Right. Like, we're just willing to have these conversations. You're willing to be vulnerable and say, I totally messed this up. I suck at this. Here's what I learned. [00:27:00] We're just like, keep willing to have those conversations.

Only we realize how many people are going to go there. Yeah, right. We're willing to say like. You need to prioritize this, like not focus on growth. Like it's, it's much harder, I think, to do what we're doing. Like you can just ignore it and just be like, cool. This is how you get new patients. What'd you do?

I'm not even gonna go there. Like, these are harder conversations to have with our clients. Ultimately, like sometimes gets really emotional and really difficult, you know? And, but ultimately we know that these are the conversations we want to have. This is areas we want to grow and we want to help our members do that.

Danny: Yeah. And I think life experience helps with that too. Like there's. And this is, you know, anybody that's watching this and you're, if you're a clinician and you're thinking, okay, maybe I do need to get some help. We may be a terrible fit. We may be a good fit. You know, it just depends on what you're looking for.

But, you know, one of the things that I can definitely say is just when we look at life experience and things that we've done, like we've all, you know, we've, we've, we've all started grown, sold businesses. Like we have done a lot of things on the business side, but we all also have, you [00:28:00] know. Longstanding, uh, marriages, we have kids, we have, you know, good health, we have great relationships around us, like, we have life experience with things that, uh, you can't, you can't learn that from a book, like, you can't just read that, and, you know, and, and I think that it's hard sometimes when you're, when you're looking for help, and there are some people that are great marketers, and there's a lot of great marketers out there, They can, you know, influence you to, to make a decision, but they, they may not be the best, um, coach for you.

They may not have the best fit for, for where you're at. And I always tell people, it's like, you know, we're not just some, some guy and living in our mom's basement that can like create a slick Facebook ad, right? I'm a guy in my own basement, in my own house that is doing, you know, content and is helping people and, and, uh, and, and we've been in a lot of places where it's the military, or working in a pediatrics clinic, or owning an in network practice, or You know, a cash based practice or teaching internationally [00:29:00] on, you know, health and wellness topics and like these things that, that we have done, you know, collectively, I think that really helps us with being able to relate to other people.

Um, and that's why we have such a, if you, if someone saw a live event, they'd be like, Whoa, there's a lot of different looking people here in a lot of different backgrounds from all over the country and, you know, North America. And it's because I think that the shit that we did unknowingly that was hard has been very helpful for us to be able to help them, you know, as they navigate through difficult things as well.

So that's it. We'll leave it at that. This is PT Biz. This is, you know, the three people that, that run it, you know, and, and what we're trying to do. And like Jared said, you know, like the idea of building better humans is like such an easy way to put it. It's like whatever, and that can mean a lot of different things.

You know, with PT Biz, it's obviously we want you to have success on the business side, um, and not drop the ball personally and, and on your health. And all that. And, and if you drill it down even more, it's like the businesses that we work with, they're building better humans by helping them get out of a [00:30:00] pain state back to a physical activity that they enjoy and really enjoy their physical activities.

And, and, you know, in the mental health side of that, that comes along with it, you know, for as long as possible, instead of telling people, no, don't do this anymore. It's like, yeah, let's do this or like, what, what do you want to do that you've never thought was possible? And then all of a sudden you have somebody in there like, Oh my God, I'm 50 and you're telling me I can do something physically that I'd haven't done before.

And you're like, yeah, man, we're in your corner. We build the model for it. Like you have to put the effort and work into it. And we're going to be coaching along the way. And that's a really cool thing to do. So it's funny, like it's, it all comes down to just being a better, better human in a lot of different ways.

And that's really, uh, you know, maybe just like in one, you know, short sentence, that's what it is.

Hey Peach Entrepreneurs, we have big, exciting news. A new program that we just came out with. It is our PT Biz part time to full time 5 day [00:31:00] challenge. Over the course of 5 days, we get you crystal clear on exactly how much money you need to replace by getting you ultra clear on how much you're actually spending.

We get you crystal clear on the number of people you're going to need to see and the average visit rate you're going to need to have in order to replace your income to be able to go. Full time we go through three different strategies that you can take to go from part time to full time. You can pick the one that's the best for you based on your current situation.

Then we share with you the sales and marketing systems that we use within our mastermind that you need to have as well. If you want to go full time in your own practice. And then finally, we help you create a one page business plan. That's right. Not these 15 day business plans. You want to take the small business association, a one day business plan.

It's going to help you get very clear on exactly what you need to do and when you're going to do it to take. Action if you're interested in signing up for this challenge, it's totally free head to physicaltherapybiz. com Forward slash challenge get signed up there. Please. Enjoy. We put a lot of energy into this.

It's totally free It's something I think is gonna help you [00:32:00] Tremendously as long as you're willing to do the work if you're doing doing the work you're getting Information put down and getting yourself ready to take action in a very organized way You will have success which is what we want. So head to physicaltherapybiz.

com forward slash challenge and get signed up today