E655 | The 3 Best Times To Run Marketing Campaigns

Nov 02, 2023
cash based physical therapy, danny matta, physical therapy biz, ptbiz, cash based, physical therapy

In this episode, we dive deep into the three best times for physical therapy businesses to execute internal marketing campaigns to reactivate prior and current clients. By targeting clients who have already experienced their services and have established trust, these campaigns have a higher chance of successfully selling additional services compared to new clients.

Our first suggested time for running a campaign is in September/October, leading up to the holiday season. During this time, many PT clients tend to slow down their visits as other priorities take over. By running a campaign ahead of this period, businesses can give their cash flow a boost heading into a slower time.

The second optimal time is mid-January through February, right after the holiday season. As people come off a spending break, they are often looking to kickstart their health and wellness goals for the New Year. By offering accountability and support, a campaign during this period can assist clients in sticking to their resolutions.

Lastly, we explore the period of April through May, leading into summer break. This is an excellent time for messaging that focuses on getting clients healthy for increased summer activities. By aligning their marketing efforts with the desire for a fit and active summer, businesses can attract more clients.

We also discuss the potential revenue generated from successful campaigns, which typically ranges from $15,000 to $150,000. Our speaker recommends running 1-4 campaigns per year, providing templates for businesses to use or customize according to their needs. Lastly, we emphasize the measurable success that internal marketing can bring, making it one of the most valuable skills for predictable revenue growth in the world of physical therapy.

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Podcast Transcript

Danny: And I can tell you the first time that I actually ran one of these campaigns, it was out of literally sheer does need, like I had to generate cash going into a holiday season because the first holiday season that I had in practice, I thought I was going to go out of business. I actually started looking for like hospital based PRN jobs because I thought I'm going to have to get a part time job to float this business because.

Everyone like disappeared during the holiday. Hey, are you a physical therapist looking to leverage your skill set in a way that helps you create time and financial freedom for yourself and your family? If so, you're in the right spot. My name is Danny Matei, and over the last 15 years, I've done pretty much everything you can in the profession.

I've been a staff PT. I've been an active duty military officer physical therapist. I've started my own cash practice. I've sold that cash practice. And to date, my company, Physical Therapy Biz, has helped over a thousand clinicians start, grow, and scale their own cash practices. If this sounds like something you want to do...

Listen up because I'm here to help you

what's going on. Doc Danny here with the PT entrepreneur podcast. And today we're talking about the three best times to run internal marketing campaigns. So let me tee this up by explaining what an internal marketing campaign is. And some people will call these reactivation campaigns, but basically these are campaigns where you're marketing to your.

Current and prior customers. Now, these are typically going to be the easiest people to sell to. And the reason why this is assuming you did a good job with them. The reason why is they already know I can trust you. That's the hardest part with a new customer is that they're not quite sure if you're actually going to be able to help them.

Not quite sure if the right fit. They're not sure if you're What you're charging is in line with the value that you're providing, but people that have already worked with you. And again, assuming you actually did a really great job with them, they already know those things and they like you and they've already paid you and they feel good about it and you help them get an outcome.

And now it's okay what else can these people help me with potentially with these remarking campaigns? When we look at internal marketing campaigns, these are where we are giving somebody an offer of some sort to actually come back in and work with us or continue to work with us. Maybe in some other capacity, you could have some sort of wellness or performance based option for them.

Maybe you're programming for them. Maybe it's personal training, maybe it's semi private training, maybe it's nutrition stuff, whatever. Maybe it's like health coaching to some degree. Maybe it's literally just ongoing. Visits where you are doing some sort of hands on work that they really value.

Potentially that could be it as well. Whatever it is you want to be able to have these internal marketing campaigns, because they are literally one of the greatest ways to generate predictable revenue in your business from leads that you have to, you don't have to go out and find and or pay for. So the return on investment for this is very high.

And I can tell you the first time that I actually ran one of these campaigns, it was. Out of literally sheer need, like I had to generate cash going into a holiday season because the first holiday season that I had in practice, I thought I was going to go out of business. I actually started looking for like hospital based PRN jobs.

Cause I thought I'm going to have to get a part time job to float this business because everyone like disappeared during the holidays and go figure. People's backs aren't necessarily the priority. Their knee pain isn't quite as bad. Their shoulder doesn't hurt as bad when they're eating Christmas cookies, whatever it might be.

Like people have other things going on around the holidays. They're traveling, they're spending money on other things and they're just busy. They have less time as well. So for me, after that first holiday season, I thought to myself, man, I've got to do something. To help with this because I knew I was going to have a dip in revenue based on the prior year.

And I had another staff member another I had two two other staff members should say by that point So what I decided to do was run an internal marketing campaign in september that year to be able to bolster my cash position to be able to get through the holidays you know really from thanksgiving through the beginning of the year because it's just slow right?

This is something we ended up doing every single year at our practice. We call this open enrollment because it felt like it sounded like something that, that insurance would do like medical. It sounded legit and that's what we called it. And it worked really well. Like it worked great.

We actually had, years where we were. North of six figures in terms of being able to bring revenue back in, going into a holiday season. So if you can imagine like adding a hundred thousand dollars to your cash reserves, cause these are all paid in full packages, plans of care. That's a big deal for us as business owners.

And then we were able to, work that, work those visits off over the prior, the next six to 12 months, depending on how long it was taking for them to come in and utilize whatever the service was. I'm going to put us in such a better position and Christmas and Thanksgiving were way better after we started doing this.

So it's not the only time to do it, but this is the emphasis of where I learned this. And it really came from, me really just getting involved in general business development groups where I was learning about marketing. I was learning about sales and it just seemed like a good time of year to do it, but it's not the only time it's definitely one of the best times.

One of the three times that are really good times to run one of these campaigns is right before the holidays. So September, October, October's definitely where I would say, you don't really want to push into November too much because now you're competing with Thanksgiving and Santa, and you're going to lose that battle.

Like people will pick. Christmas presents for their kids over visits for themselves. So make sure that you don't run into close to the holidays, but right before the holidays is a great time to do that. Hey, sorry to interrupt the podcast, but I have a huge favor to ask of you. If you are a long time listener or a new listener, and you're finding value in this podcast, please head over to iTunes or Spotify or wherever you listen to the podcast, and please leave a rating and review.

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the other two times that are really great to do this. In particular, if you're listening to this right now, it's going to be too late. Okay. It's too late for you to try to run one of these campaigns. You're better off waiting until the beginning of the year and really. Not even necessarily the very beginning of the year you want to think about like mid January into February, because people are coming off this holiday hangover where they don't really they don't really want to spend money on anything.

They're still paying their credit cards off. So you want to. Delay it just a little bit, into January and into February. And I really liked this sort of mid January timeframe to be able to help people with their health and wellness goals. So this is a really good time to just tie this in and time this with getting people back to training, back to the gym, back to running, back to whatever it is they're doing, because they'll have these these.

New Year's resolutions that for most people drop off after the first 30 days. So you get a chance to swoop in there and help them achieve these, right? And actually be their accountability partner, help them with whatever you're going to help them with and align that with a reactivation campaign.

So the messaging for that really comes down to you helping them achieve their New Year's resolution to help them with their health and wellness goal. And it's the same thing. You have a remarketing campaign. To resell people that you've already worked with that maybe you're currently working with and you can sell them into a recurring service of some sort of continuity service that really helps with your recurring revenue.

This is another really good time to do this. The third time and really a time that I like a ton is leading up to summer break. So this usually happens somewhere between it depends where you, when you get out of school. Like my. My school, my kids, they school actually really early.

They're typically out of school the last week in May. So for us, we would run this, somewhere in between April and and may to where it's really helping people get healthy for the summer, right? So that they can do all the things that they want to do, all the activities that they want to do.

Over the summer and it's a great time to position that marketing as, being a an advocate, being that person, helping them achieve whatever it is they're trying to do over the summer, be active with their friends and family, do a race, do a triathlon, do a. Whatever it is that they're training for, but be that person that's helping them with it.

These are really good times that you can run these re reactivation, internal campaigns, and learning how to do this is just a skill, right? It's just like one of these skills that we help all the business owners that we work with learn how to do. And what's cool about it is you don't necessarily just have to run the plays that we run that work, which we definitely.

We recommend starting there. So everyone that we work with, we'll run like one of these open enrollment campaigns. And it's as simple as literally like paint by the numbers, right? You're going to follow this sort of template. You're going to say these things, you're sending these emails out.

You're gonna have these types of conversations and boom, you're at. Typically somewhere between 15 and maybe 150, 000 in revenue. I think the most we've ever seen was probably closer to 200 grand on these bigger practices, which is nuts. If you think about it, like that's so much money to bring in at one time off of prior customers, but they have a big list, big company, right?

But anywhere between 15 and maybe 150, 000 is what we typically see. So even if you can learn how to run one of these once a year. And that's all you learn. This is a skill that, you can pull that lever once a year and you can reactivate revenue in the business without having to go out and find it.

That's a really important predictable marketing technique that you need to learn. So this is something that we help everybody with, but once they learn that they can say, Oh, in my area, X, Y, and Z is important. So I can build something around this and we can do a reactivation campaign around that.

And that's great. Cause for most people, they're going to run somewhere between. Two and four of these a year depending on their area, their niche and how much they want to do these. But it is one of the best marketing techniques that I've ever found. All you need is to have people to reactivate.

You probably already done the hard work of generating, clients. Now you get to do the, I think the easiest marketing, the most effective marketing in the world, which is to market back to those people and give them a reason to come back in. And then boom, all of a sudden you got predictable revenue.

So I hope this helps follow these three areas, right? So by. September, October leading up to the holidays, don't compete with Thanksgiving and Santa, you're going to lose that one tight into the beginning of the year to help them with their with their health and wellness goals and then before summer, helping them get ready for the summer so they can be as active as they can leading into the summer season.

So those are three areas, try them out. Obviously you hear, this is going to be too late. So the first one of those three that you're going to be able to try is going to be beginning of the year. Run it. Hopefully you see the same success that people that we work with do. And if you don't, man, we can help you with that.

Like this is something we do all the time. So if you're interested, head to physicaltherapybiz. com. Check out what we got going on over there. We have a couple of different programs where we can help, and we'd love to help you implement one of these campaigns that honestly probably directly wipes out your investment with us within the first couple of months of working with us because of how much we help you reactivate.

So hope you like this one. Talk to you soon.

Hey, peach entrepreneurs. We have big, exciting news. A new program that we just came out with. It is our PT biz part time to full time. Five day challenge over the course of five days, we get you crystal clear on exactly how much money you need to replace by getting you ultra clear on how much you're actually spending.

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