E647 | Local Marketing: What's Working Now

Oct 05, 2023
cash based physical therapy, danny matta, physical therapy biz, ptbiz, cash based, physical therapy

In this episode, Doc Danny dives into the world of physical therapy and explores innovative tactics that can help physical therapists attract more clients. We examine how local marketing strategies have evolved beyond traditional education events to now include injury screens and performance testing. Injury screens involve a comprehensive assessment of clients' range of motion, strength, and movement control to identify potential deficiencies that may lead to injuries.

By highlighting these areas for improvement, clients gain a deeper understanding of their own physical limitations and become more motivated to seek professional help. 

Furthermore, we explore the concept of performance testing, which utilizes metrics such as grip strength, vertical jump, and single-leg hops to evaluate athletic performance and identify any underlying issues. By providing objective measurements, clients gain valuable insights into their current performance levels and are inspired to address any concerns, especially if they aspire to participate in specific activities.  

Not only do these screenings and tests provide a benchmark for measuring improvement, but they also present physical therapists with an opportunity to diagnose problems and attract new clients who are eager to address the deficiencies identified. We strongly recommend that physical therapists consider incorporating these types of assessments in order to differentiate themselves in a competitive market and effectively engage potential clients. 

Join us as we explore the power of front-end tactics in the world of physical therapy marketing!

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Podcast Transcript

Danny: Hey, real quick before we get started, head over to Facebook and join the PT entrepreneurs Facebook group. If you haven't done so yet, we have monthly live trainings going on there. There's an opportunity for you to join in the conversation instead of just listening to what I have to say on this podcast, as well as the people that I bring on.

And it's a really cool place to join about 6, 000 other clinicians that are. Honestly, trying to change the landscape of our profession through these cash and hybrid practices. One other thing that's really cool is we have a guide in there. That's a quick start guide. When you join, you can go and check this out.

There's about seven videos that we've curated that are the most common questions we get in the best case studies that we've found to really help you start, grow, and scale your practice up to seven figures. So if you haven't done so yet, head to Facebook request to join the PT entrepreneurs, Facebook group.

You have to be a clinician. We're going to check you out. We don't just let anybody in. But if you are head there, go ahead, get signed up. We'd love to have the conversation with you in that group.

So here's the question. How do physical therapists like us who don't want to see 30 patients a day, who don't want to work home health and have real student loans, create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about? This is the question. And this podcast is the answer. My name is Danny Matei and welcome to the PT entrepreneur podcast.

What's going on doc. Danny here with the PT entrepreneur podcast. And today we're talking. A little bit of tactics in terms of what you can do on the front end to really help you get more people to want to work with you in your practice. And this comes from a few conversations that I had in particular at the PT Biz Mastermind event that we had a couple weeks ago in Denver.

Uh, and what, what's been interesting is to see the evolution of local marketing. Now, what I mean by that is, you know, local marketing. Uh, for me, whenever I started, my practice was just like education events, uh, exclusively, right. Just like teaching people on all kinds of different topics and basically any.

Uh, location I could possibly get into whether it was a gym or it was, uh, a corporate environment or anything. I, it didn't matter, uh, could be a team, whatever, you know, talk about whatever things that I felt could help them, um, in more of a, You know, workshop format and, and there's still definitely a place for things like this.

It's a great way to build reputation for your practice and your brand. Um, and what we see is there's evolutions that, that, uh, that have sort of come from that. And some, um, are great augments to that. Some are better in, in isolation to just do those only. It depends on your style. It depends on, uh, what.

Type of niche you have, but I'll give you a couple of examples of ways in which this has been iterated on that we're seeing are working really well right now. One of those being what are called injury screens and injury screens are basically where you set up an assessment of some sort, uh, can be many different variations of this as you know, long or short as, as you want to basically show, uh, what we consider incomplete mechanics with that people might have, right?

So what I mean by incomplete mechanics really is either a lack of. Uh, range of motion. So maybe they're very limited. Maybe it's a lack of strength. Maybe it's a lack of control through range of motion. Um, and any combination of those things that could lead to potentially a problem that somebody might have, uh, you know, that they would create a musculoskeletal injury of some sort, right?

Uh, then you can, whatever, layer in all the neurologic stuff you want with that. Whatever it is that you want to do. Basically, you just want to show that there is a deficiency in something or. A lack of deficiency, right? So maybe you're testing and you're like, man, you look great. Everything, uh, everything looks awesome.

Good to go. You know, proactively we're kind of checking these things. These are things like, you know, let's say the FMS screen is a good example. That's been validated with, you know, many, many different, uh, tests. Very simple, pretty straightforward. Um, you know, and, and the thing with that is there's a, there's a lot of information being kind of gained from that, but people realize, oh man, I'm not so good at this test.

That's really what you want more than anything is for somebody to say. Wow. Why can't I do that? Or why is that hard for me? And this is where logically. If you can help them improve whatever it is they're trying to improve or really connect the dots for why it matters, then all of a sudden you have somebody who's a very interested potential client.

This is where we've seen a lot of success with this type of a, um, of an assessment. Another variation of this would be some sort of like performance testing. So we have people that do this during their plan of care towards the end. We have people that do this standalone as a, uh. Uh, almost like a more advanced assessment, uh, but they're looking at longevity metrics or looking at performance metrics, you know, in terms of, uh, how long can you hold on to a bar, right?

What's your grip strength? What's, what's your, um, you know, your vertical max, right? Or what's your single leg hop, uh, side to side, right? If you're comparing something from an athletic standpoint, there's a lot of different. Ways in which you can test these. And it depends on the population that you're testing.

So it has to be specific to that. But what's interesting about these as well is you're basically showing, Hey, there's some stuff that we're missing here and it might not be a problem right now, but it might be a problem in the future. So for us to be able to kind of sift down to what this is, that what we need to work on and what the deficiencies are, like we can work on those.

Uh, and once you, once people start to see like, Oh man, like. I'm not doing so hot here, right? Or why, why can I only jump this far on my right leg versus my left leg? Uh, maybe you had an injury that you never resolved right fully. And like, it could lead to plenty of other things, especially if they're continuing to, uh, play at a high level.

So. It's these objective measure measures with people that are so profound in terms of getting buy in. And that's really what we're after, right? Is we want to see, is there something that we can help somebody with? Is there some sort of performance metric that we can standardize? We want to help them realize where they're at on that spectrum, right?

Uh, it's sort of like, I think of it like a physical fitness test in the army, right? We did. And you can say what you want about the test, right? The, whatever the test is, the test, but the test is a standard. And so we know, okay, well, if you can't run two miles in X amount of time and you fail the test, right?

So, but if you don't know what your two mile run is, then you don't know if you're good or bad, right? You don't know if you need to improve that or not improve that. So it's the objective side of things. It really gives people a place to start to say, all right, cool. Like I do want to resolve some of this because not everybody is just motivated by.

Symptoms right by pain. A lot of people are, but some people are motivated by really not being able to do the things that they want to do. That's a huge pain point for a lot of people. Like if they feel like they can't participate in things that they really like to do, um, or if they feel like. They want to be able to be performing better and they don't know how or why they can't.

Uh, and if you can help solve that for them, you can really diagnose, uh, some of the stuff that's going on and, and teasing that out during tests, you have a really cool opportunity to turn them into a new client and not just a new client, but one that's like very much. Uh, driving towards, uh, working on the things that you found, which gives you a really good test retest opportunity, uh, with that as well.

So something to think about something a little more tactical that I want to share with you. Uh, definitely worth testing in your own practice. If you're not doing this right now, thinking about injury screens, think about performance testing, things that are going to be like. Objective measures of how people are doing face to face.

Uh, those are really, really powerful in terms of helping people take the next step to want to actually work with you and see you as an expert that can help them make changes in these areas versus somebody that they're, you know, that they don't know and they feel like it's just marketing to them. To get in as a, uh, as a patient, you've got to be able to differentiate yourself, especially in this performance sort of, uh, lane that is becoming more and more popular, which is awesome.

Uh, but it was going to require you to continue to be a better, better business owner. So hope this helps, uh, hope this little tactical tidbit from a conversation that I had recently is helpful. So start testing out with your own patient population for testing out of your own marketing and let us know how it goes.

Hey, Peach entrepreneurs, we have big, exciting news, a new program that we just came out with. It is our PT Biz part time to full time five day challenge over the course of five days. We get you crystal clear on exactly how much money you need to replace by getting you ultra clear on how much you're actually spending.

We get you crystal clear on the number of people you're going to see and the average visit rate you're going to need to have in order to replace your income to be able to go. Full time, we go through three different strategies you can take to go from part time to full time and you can pick the one that's the best for you based on your current situation.

Then we share with you the sales and marketing systems that we use within our mastermind that you need to have as well if you want to go full time in your own practice. And then finally, we help you create a one page business plan. That's right, not these 15 day business plans. You want to take the Small Business Association, a one day business plan.

It's going to help you get very clear. On exactly what you need to do and when you're going to do it to take action. If you're interested in signing up for this challenge, it's totally free. Head to physicaltherapybiz. com forward slash challenge, get signed up there. Please enjoy. We put a lot of energy into this.

It's totally free. It's something I think is going to help you tremendously. As long as you're willing to do the work, if you're doing, doing the work, you're getting. Information put down and getting yourself ready to take action in a very organized way. You will have success, which is what we want. So head to physicaltherapybiz.

com forward slash challenge and get signed up today.