E497 | How To Be Authentic

Apr 28, 2022
cash based physical therapy, danny matta, physical therapy biz, ptbiz, cash-based practice, cash based, physical therapy

One thing you should always strive for is being your authentic self. People notice. Whether you are writing a blog or podcasting, people appreciate you being who you are rather than trying to be someone you aren't. Don't overthink how you want to be heard.

  • Being ok with how you carry yourself
  • Act like you're having a conversation with someone you already know
  • Honesty over trying to be super polished all of the time

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Podcast Transcript

Danny: So there's all kinds of hidden fees within your business that are just part of doing business. One of those is credit. Processing and for us, we didn't even realize how much we were paying in credit card processing with the first management software we were using for our practice. And when we switched over to PT everywhere, we just realized we were saving literally hundreds of dollars a month with credit card processing with their partner with Card point versus who we were using with our prior.

Software. This has made a massive difference. It's more than paid for itself. It allows us to decrease our overhead. It allows us to have more cash flow to reinvest in our people, in our technology, in our facility, in marketing and everything that's gonna drive the business. So don't get abused by credit card processing companies.

Make sure you're paying what you should pay. And if you're looking for a management software, highly recommend PT everywhere directly integrates. Processor makes it very easy and their rates are super, super competitive. So it's saved us a ton of money and it probably will do the same for you if you don't know what you are getting charged.

So head over to PT everywhere. Take a look at what they've got. I think you really like it. So here's the question. How do physical therapists like us who don't wanna see 30 patients a day, who don't wanna work home health and have real student loans create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about?

This is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name's Danny Matte, and welcome to the PT Entrepreneur Podcast.

What's going on guys? Dr. Danny here with the PT Entrepreneur Podcast, and today we're talking about being authentic. What is never thought was a topic that I'd be talking about, but I had somebody ask me the other day, they said, man, you seem like you're authentic in your content, your authentic and your podcast.

And this person I got a chance to meet in person. They're like, I just feel like. Just feel like you're the same person. I know who you are. And I laughed because I was like what are you supposed to do? Just not just be whoever you are when you're talking or you're writing something or doing a video or whatever.

And I thought about it more. And I think a lot of people do that. They I think a lot of people try to just Make themselves look like what they want people to they think people will like in a video or in, in, if they're doing a podcast or if they're writing a blog post or an email or something like that.

And as I thought about it, I realized like the key to being authentic is just talking to people and saying things and writing things just like you would to people that you already know, to your family and your friends. And and not putting too much thought into it, honestly. It's literally just being yourself.

And I think that's a hard thing to do. I read the Matthew McConaughey book green Lights, which is a crazy ass book. I got a story is pretty nuts. But the main takeaway I took from that book was. He says in there you can't, other people won't find you cool until you find yourself cool.

When I started laughing, I read that this, I'm sure I screwed up his quote, but it's something like that. Imagine, just imagine somebody with a, in Matthew McConaughey's voice saying that, cuz he's got a cool way, cooler voice to me. And imagine him, saying that as if he was in the daisy and confused.

That's basically the way I interpreted that and the audio book's way better because he reads it and it's really good. But that resonated with me, I think for a lot of people astute, especially like how many of you, how many of you growing up just. Didn't feel comfortable in your, with yourself, right?

Just the way that you are and things you're interested in and the way that you just want to, interact with the rest of the world and you learn how to change some of those things and push things down that maybe you know, you are interested in or things that you you want to learn more about or whatever you're embarrassed about things.

Especially, I see this even with With my kids at certain ages, my son is 10 and it's right. He's in fourth grade and he'll be in middle school, which is crazy. He's gonna be in middle school soon. And I think that around his age and a little older is where we start to, start to change ourself based off of what we think other people.

Want us to do or find interesting or cool or whatever, based off of other people's opinions. And I don't know at what age as an adult that starts to change, but I think for everybody it does. It definitely did for me. I don't know when that was, but at a certain point you just stopped caring so much.

And when you start looking at being authentic in your own business in life I don't think it's just business, but just the way you carry yourself in life. You just have to be okay with that. And Okay with the things you think are funny, as long as they're not hurting somebody else, just do that, be into those things, if you're super into painting, be into painting, I don't know. I did a a painting class with our staff. It was the oh man, what the heck is his name? I'm drawing a blank on him now with the puffy hair. You'll know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, we did a painting class for. Like landscape painting and Bob Ross. Bob Ross, that's it. I knew how he's coming back to me. I'm getting older, but I still, I pulled that one out. Bob Ross painting was awesome. So fun. And I had the, I had a blast. It's but man, if I was younger and I was like, man, I'm going, I'm into Bob Ross painting, I'd probably get, I've gotten beat up.

So I think we learn those things and then we forget that we're, we can be into things we're interested in. When it comes to your content and these. Context in particular, we're talking about business. Highlight, like just put elements of your own personality into what you do, what you say.

Like the things that you write in in like a social media post or if you have a, if you have a newsletter, do you know how boring newsletters typically are? Like you do a Thursday newsletter, nobody wants to open that. But if you can surprise somebody in that or tell an interesting story or share a something that you learned or something that is like funny that you found funny that you can throw in there.

That you would, that you would say to your friends if you were talking to them, or your siblings or something like that. That's gonna just put you in a place where people feel like they're getting to know your personality, they're getting to know you, and they're getting to, get more familiar with you as a person, as a business owner.

Cuz businesses are normally just corporate faces, right? They're just like cold and. There's not a lot to it more so than, whatever the brand represents. But these service businesses that we have, these smaller businesses, they're us in a lot of ways. It's you, it's your family. It reminds me of I, I feel like every time that I would go to get like takeout food with my parents from like a Chinese restaurant, there was always like kids there playing like video games in the corner, right?

Like that. Authentic as shit. They're literally like doing their homework over there, or they're playing video games for, this is like many family restaurants whatever type of food it was. But that's how our businesses are. Like our kids are there all the time.

We're constantly talking about our family or involved in our family and what we're doing. And so if you don't wanna share that or you don't feel comfortable sharing, your own thoughts and your own life with people in your business, I think you're missing. Because I think it just allows you to really relate to people on a different level than just, this exchange just of a service or a product or whatever it might be.

I think the easiest thing to do as far as being authentic is just, Act like you're talking to somebody you already know, act like you're having a conversation with somebody you already know. I probably say plenty of shit on here that I shouldn't say, and it's on servers somewhere documented.

The funny thing is my kids will go back and listen to this I gotta be okay with that, and I try not to embarrass them or say anything that's gonna, they're gonna be like, oh my God, dad, why did you do that? But half the time I just do because, I just do it as if I'm talking to somebody that I know.

And I think that. If I look at, the ability to to grow a content channel and and see some some success with that, but also to, to have a group of people that when we do get a chance to work with them, like they, there's trust there. It's not because I'm, trying to be.

Somebody that I'm not or any of my business partners are doing that. It's just are who you are and the more you can represent yourself the way that you would re represent yourself to people you already know and that you're not trying to impress and you're not trying to be polished for, and, make sure you show up the right way and don't offend anybody or whatever.

And it's dude, just be who you are. Just say what you think and what you feel and and the thoughts that you would share with people regardless. I think that's how you find your voice. I think that's how you find your au authenticity without being a I think there's a lot of people out there that are like, oh, for marketing purposes, you gotta be vulnerable.

What a fucking stupid thing to do. Are you kidding me? You have to sit down and think about how can I be vulnerable in this post so then I can get more clients? You deserve to get zero clients if you're sitting there doing that. And I've been in, in marketing groups, I've been in marketing masterminds where they've literally talked about frameworks of vulnerability.

What the hell are we doing? Are you serious? Like you, plenty of people have shit that they need to deal with. Everybody, basically. You don't need, you don't need to be vulnerable, you just need to be honest. That's about all you need to do. So if you're struggling with that, just think about being more honest.

Be honest with how you're engagement with people, how you're communicating. And you don't have to have all the answers, and you don't have to be, super polished. No, who wants that? Nobody. Nobody wants that. People like Batman more than Superman because Superman doesn't really have any, flies a kryptonite.

You got one thing? Okay, dude, you got one thing, Batman. You're just some guy with a bunch of damn problems today. You're. You're you've lost your family early on. You're just a guy with a bunch of gadgets that's running around in a leather bat suit with some cool cars, right?

But it has a lot of flaws. It has a lot of things wrong with him, and I think people relate to that a lot more than they do, to people that are super polished. Sorry if you're a big Superman fan, I'm just, no offense. But either way, Batman's cooler, always be Batman if you can. Anyway, hope this helps.

See you soon.

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