E411 | The Real Benefit To Taking A Chance On Yourself

Jul 01, 2021
cash based, physical therapy education, danny matta, physical therapy biz


What you're going to hear today is a message sent to me from one of our Mastermind members. We use an app called Voxer to constantly keep an open line of communication with everyone we work with. This episode is two messages between myself and one of our members who I will not name but you may recognize his voice! I wanted you all to hear not only the early success this individual is having, but also how much energy he now has after making this pivot in his career. Enjoy!

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Podcast Transcript

Danny: [00:00:00] So I was having a conversation with one of our staff members about documentation and, he had come over from a, in-network practice that he was working at and he was talking about just how long it would take him to document and click through and the workflow and how, just how time consuming it was and how much easier it's been with the software that we use, which is PT Everywhere.

And I know for us, we're very, very aware. Sort of time leaks within our staff and our own, our own, schedules. And it's just one of the, the worst things you can do is just waste time on things when you could be doing them more efficiently. One thing for us is we have to document, it's something we need to do and you need to do it as as efficiently as you possibly can because that's where you're gonna save a lot of your time.

You know, we were seeing our staff members save upwards of an hour a day as far as, cleaning up his documentation, making it more efficient. What if you got an hour of your day back just from documentation? What if all of your staff did the same thing? Highly recommend you take a look at PT everywhere.

It's been a huge time saver for us and really has made a big difference in our efficiency of our practice. You can check 'em [email protected]. I think you're [00:01:00] gonna really like what they have. So here's the question. How do physical therapists like us who don't wanna see 30 patients a day, who don't wanna work home health and have real student loans create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about?

This is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name's Danny Matta, and welcome to the PT Entrepreneur Podcast.

What's going on guys? Doc Danny here with a PT Entrepreneur podcast and I'm doing a short intro for this one. I thought this would, would be interesting for you guys. Basically what you're gonna hear is, two messages. One is a message from one of our Mastermind members, via, we use a, an app called Voxer so that we can communicate, back and forth with voice messages.

And it's an easy way for us to be able to, just compartmentalize these conversations. And we get a lot of [00:02:00] them. We're working with over a hundred business. Says within that group right now. But it's a, it's a great spot for us to be able to quickly respond to people or connect them with the right person or share the right resource.

So we constantly have an open chain of communication. And this is one of our mastermind members that, he went full-time in, I guess it would've been February, beginning of the year. And so it hasn't been even half a year at this point. He's only been in business for six months. And, I thought it was a really pertinent, message.

I asked if he could, if he'd be cool with, for of us putting us up. We won't share his name, but you, you know, he's maybe, you know, his voice. I don't know, and then just my response, to him. And honestly, my, my response is, is, it is what it is. It is really about what his. Messaging is about how things are going and really what, what he gets the most, benefit from, just the most gratification from, and being able to hear that from somebody else I think is really important.

You know, and I, and, and with this individual, he talks about energy and how much energy he has even after long days and I think for, for many of us, [00:03:00] you know, we, we. Basically fade into whatever existence we're going to have and our day. It just becomes a blur, right? Like you're just, nothing changes, nothing significant happens.

You don't really grow, you don't really learn anything. You kind of just manage your day. You go about it on autopilot almost, and. energy is not the same. Energy. Energy is, something that can be taken from you or, or given to you just by the type of scenario. Find yourself in the surroundings that you're in and the people you're working with.

You know, we've all probably met that person that is just an energy vampire, right? They're just like, oh man, I've gotta spend. I dunno. Let's call this guy Bob, right? It's like, oh, I gotta, I gotta see Bob. Like, Bob just, he's so negative. He never has anything positive to say. And you, you see him and it's like you need a nap afterwards.

You're so tired. You're so mentally drained. And then let's say you see. I don't know, John, and you're like, man, I can't wait to work with John. [00:04:00] John is just like super positive. He's trying really hard. He does everything I ask him to on the, on the, rehab side, which, which helps us get better outcomes, but also know that we're doing the right thing and, and, and you work with him and you have more energy afterward than you did before.

You're excited, right? Like same hour, same amount of work, completely different energy afterward. Well, one of the biggest benefits to working. , you know, the people that we get to work with frankly, is the people. It's the people. It's the work we get to do with them. It's the personal reward we get where that's the relationships we get to develop.

And, so I thought this was really interesting and something I wanted to share with you. So hopefully, you know, this gives you, you know, some, some momentum. This, this, this gives you some, some clarity that you're doing the right thing. And if, if you're sitting on the fence and. You know, you just go through your day and your day.

Every day is the same. It's like Groundhogs Day and you're not growing and you're tired at the end of the day, maybe you're doing the wrong thing.

Mastermind Member: Hey Danny. Thanks for, setting me up with the cpa. I appreciate it. It's actually [00:05:00] funny because the, I just did a workshop this weekend and the one dude's like he my cpa, so we had a big conversation.

I'm like, if I, you know, if I, he seemed like a pretty cool dude, but I'm I, I'll the guy you recommend it. I, I'm pretty sure he is probably a fantastic cpa, so I'll, I'll go with him. And I'm, you know, I'm sure it'll go well, but, like, dude, I already made $10,000, or it's just about, I haven't crushed the numbers in my head.

It's gonna be either $9,000 or $10,000 I made in the past, literally the past 10 days, like I sold, I sold three 10 visit packages, my 10 visits, 1990. Now I raised it cause Roger like is going crazy. So I'm like, I gotta be like Roger and that eye at it and like sold two six visit packages. So, You know, a bunch of evals.

My evals like 2 72 now. So I do this crazy, like I'm and like I'm just, I'm just giving a shit about people. Like one lady, she was like, oh, I don't know if I wanna do the package. And I'm like, well, you know, you can go single session rate, that's fine. So the cost a bit more in the long run, but you know, it's, you can go single session if you want.

And I feel like she was just testing me to see if I was just trying to sell her something and then she's like, oh, you know [00:06:00] what, no, I could, I could do the package. That's fine. I was like, all right, whatever you want. Oh, the one lady, that's what happened, dude. I had my 20 visit on there for like 1 79 visit, and this up, this lady was like, bought into the 10 and I'm like, Hey, I have my 20, you know, it's more for my post-op patients.

She's like, what can I do the 20? So I'm like can you can, yeah. And then so she bought the 10. We, we might, I might, she might do some i an angle around, she might do the 20 later on, but dude, it's like, it's crazy. Like it's, it's third the way through June. Yeah. But 5,000, $10,000. So I'm, I'm hoping to push 15 plus this month and just go for that update.

My goal is to get that red tag by is it August or September? Whenever, I think it's September, our next live event. So, Dude, that's my goal. And you know, I, my thing, dude, I didn't even give a shit about the money. Like, yeah, it's great to make money, but dude, I, I, I had an eight hour fricking day eight. I had eight patients on Friday, like all hour long.

I didn't feel like I was working, like I got home and I was still, I got home at seven o'clock, started at 7:00 AM got home at seven and I'm like, I still have all this fricking energy. Like, I just love [00:07:00] my freaking job. I get to wear shorts, I get to wear a wards hat, and I'm like, I would never fucking be able to do this.

So I just wanna say, dude, thanks for everything you guys do. Cause like this is freaking awesome, man. But uh, hope you have a great weekend.

Danny: Man, that's really that's super cool to hear. You know, congrats on that. It's funny the, the money is just a byproduct of, you know, providing value in the marketplace, but it's fun the people get to work with, I think are the the.

Honestly, I think they're the best part of this type of a business. You know, cuz they're proactive. Like they're, they're trying to stay healthy. They, they're looking for people that want to, you know, partner with them. As a healthcare practitioner, not necessarily just tell 'em what not to do or.

Prescribe 'em some medicine or give 'em a band and tell 'em to go do some clamshells or whatever. Like they're looking for somebody. They can legitimately be part of their, their ecosystem, their health and wellness kind of point. As the way I look at it, it's like you're, you're quarterbacking their point of you, you're the point of contact for their for the health and wellness like a quarterback, right?

So you're kind of running the the, the plays of like, Hey, you need to see this person and this person, and this is what we work on here. And, and so it's cool to hear. [00:08:00] How much progress you're making in a short period of time. Yeah, you'll definitely get the red name tag, but like, here's the, the part that you're gonna move into that is really important to keep in mind too, right?