E463 | Why Your Story Is So Important
Dec 30, 2021
There is so much power behind your entrepreneurial story and today I wanted to give my thoughts on why this should be a focal point of how you are selling yourself to people. I hope everyone has a Happy New Year! Enjoy!
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Podcast Transcript
Danny: Hey, I've got a question for you. Do you know if you're tracking the right data, the right metrics to the right key performance indicators in your practice? This is something that's huge for us and really helps us make solid decisions within our business, but the prior software that we're using to run our practice made it really, really challenging.
To actually get that data out and use it in reports. Since we've switched to PPG everywhere, this has actually become way, way easier for us to be able to have the right data. We have a dashboard of all the things that we actually want to see, the metrics that we want to pull, and it makes our life a lot easier to pull the information that we need to make the right decisions within our business.
So if you're running blind and you're not tracking the right things, or you're. Hard time actually pulling everything together. I highly recommend you check out our friends at PT Everywhere and see what they've got going on with their software platform. It's what we use for our practice. It's been a game changer for us.
You can check 'em [email protected]. I think you really like it. So here's the question. How do physical therapists like us who don't wanna see 30 patients a day, who don't want to work home health and have real student loans create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about?
This is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name's Danny Mate, and welcome to the PT Entrepreneur Podcast.
What's going on guys? Doc Danny here with the PT Entrepreneur Podcast and happy holidays. It's, uh, for me, it's, this is, uh, after, uh, Christmas. I'm recording this after Christmas between, uh, new Year's. Uh, and you'll probably listen to this Thursday, uh, as well. So happy holidays to you. I hope you spent a lot of meaningful time with your family.
Uh, enjoyed. Christmas cookies and are gonna do something fun for the new year. Um, I wanted to jump on and chat with you a little bit about the power of a story. The power of what you put meaning around, uh, with your business, with, uh, what you're selling, um, and in this case art and just kind of show you like how someone can make something.
Um, You know, meaningful to other people by having an compelling, uh, a very compelling story. So, um, I am, I am by no means a, uh, a, an artist or I don't really know anything about art. So if, if. If you're like an art major and you're listening to this, I'm gonna sound like a complete idiot. But if you're not, you're just gonna come at this through the lens of, of a regular person that doesn't really know what they're looking at.
And I'll tell you the backstory of this. So my wife's birthday is the middle of December, and we took a, a short trip up to New York City, um, to go up there for her birthday and, um, you know, go, go to a show. Go and, and, uh, Check out the city and, and it, it was yeah, super pretty at, at Christmas. And so anyway, we made a little trip up there.
It was a lot of fun. Got a chance to even stop by, um, the Resilient Performance guys, uh, practice in Manhattan. Um, Doug , who runs that office and was one of the owners, um, gotta meet up with him and. And, uh, it was cool to see their space. Definitely check them out if you're in the area. I think they do such a good job, um, just as clinicians and, and really trying to be just world class at what they do, which I, I always appreciate.
Um, so anyway, we went up there and one of the things we did is we went to, uh, MoMA, which is the Museum of Modern Art, I believe is what it stands for, um, which is in, in Manhattan. And, uh, modern art is, you know, there's, there's a lot of things in there. I mean, we're super cool and people are just so creative and artistic and, um, it's, it's just, yeah, it's, it's an awesome place.
I definitely would recommend checking it out. Um, and there was also some super weird stuff in there too. Like, super, super strange to me, at least Art. Um, and one thing that I saw, it was a huge, huge painting. Like it was, it took up an entire wall, uh, on the first level when you walk in. And it is a painting by Carol Dunham called Ship.
So you can look this up to get a better idea of what I'm talking about. And at first I was like, oh, that's a interesting looking painting. And then I realized, I was like, double take at this thing and looked at it again and realized that it was a, uh, a ship with a bunch of sort of cartoon looking people that had.
Penises, uh, coming outta their heads. And, uh, yeah, that's this huge painting in, in the middle of this prestigious museum. And I sat there for a second and I was like, why in the hell is this and how's this get in here? Like, it literally looks like somebody snuck it in here as a joke. Um, and, and I looked this person up and I, I, I find all this art, uh, you know, that this, that this guy Carol, um, has done and all of these things that, uh, you know, that are like famous of the stuff he's done.
This is a really. Uh, uh, painting, I guess. Uh, and as I was looking it up, like it, it, it has a story around it, a story of what these things mean and why, uh, like what, like what it stands for, right? And it's, it's, it's really his interpretation of the bumpy nature of life recurring throughout his painting in the past decades.
So, you know, all his paintings are, are about the bumpy nature of life, and in this case, It is, uh, cartoonish protagonist of the ship engage and what appears to be a tragic comic battle. A similar cast of eccentric characters suggests that, uh, the awkward, or as Donna puts it, bumpy nature of life occurs throughout the theme of this painting.
So it's a bunch of stuff that I didn't actually understand. I don't know what this means. I think some of these words are made up. Um, Tragic comic, I'm pretty sure maybe is not a real word. I don't know. Here's the point of that I'm getting at with this. There's a, there's a dick ship picture, a painting, huge painting in one of the most prestigious museums, art museums in the world, and.
For me, I look at this and I'm like, holy crap, this is crazy. This guy got it in here. But the way he did it was having meaning around the art, which he was creating to him. It tells something that is, you know, a, a story in some ways telling through art that is compelling enough to get people to say, yeah, we wanna put this on our wall.
Right? And there were a lot of things in there like that. And as I looked these up, I mean, they all sort of had like meanings around them, right? You could have a a.in the middle of a blank canvas. It's just a.in the middle of a blank canvas, but it's somebody that might, you know, mean, uh, or, or be equivalent to the tragedies of life or whatever the heck they're gonna put on there as their story.
And what I, what I'm getting at in a roundabout way is stories make your products, your service, everything. Stories are how we communicate and we market and we sell things. Having a story around your business, having a story, You know, your, your services, the products you're selling. Um, ha you know, and, and drawing more meaning from it than just, oh, I help people with knee pain, right?
Like, having an interesting story makes people want to work with you more. Makes people want to, um, you know, engage with you and, and be a c a client, a consumer, uh, Share your story. Share your individual short story. Be okay with doing that on social media, with doing that on your website and your blog.
Highlight yourself, you know, and talk about like the interesting things around why you're doing what you're doing and the movement you're trying to create within your own. Business because it's the difference between somebody being intrigued and there's a compelling reason for them to wanna work with you and just white noise of everybody else.
So stories are marketing. There's a, there's a massive amount of power in, in stories. It's something that really holds our attention more than anything else. And. You can turn a dot on a blank canvas into a famous piece of art by having a compelling story and reason around that as well as the person in their story.
And that is what I found was what made this right. It's like groundbreaking things in the world of art based on like the reason why somebody did something is just as important as what they actually did, especially it seems like. With modern art because it can be interpreted in so many different ways.
And, and of course I'm the asshole and they're like, oh, I can draw that block on the wall. And I, and I probably could, and many of you probably could, but you know, we probably didn't do it at a time when nobody was doing that. And do it in a way where we could, you know, really tell people the meaning of what we were, you know, doing with that in a, in a way that compelled them to want to actually like buy it or sell it or, you know, own it and have it on their wall.
And they tell themselves the same story, you know, when they, when they look at it. And, you know, if you have no story. All you see is a picture of dicks on a ship. That's it. Like, and you gotta go look at this picture. Otherwise, this isn't gonna make any sense. And my wife's probably gonna listen to this and be like, why the hell did you talk about this?
But I found it so fascinating when we were there. I just, I just couldn't, like, I had to look it up and figure out what the heck, how did this guy get this into this museum? And, you know, I read his story. I figured out what, you know, what was going on, what the meaning was. You see what you want in it. You know, it's art.
It is different to everybody. Uh, I just took away the fact that stories are so important and if you don't have one, you gotta work on it because it's what's gonna help you sell yourself, sell your business, and really have a compelling reason why people would wanna work with you over other people.
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So this is a one one-way channel. I'd love to hear back from you. I'd love to get you. Into the group that we have formed on Facebook. Our PT Entrepreneurs Facebook group has about 4,000 clinicians in there that are literally changing the face of our profession. I'd love for you to join the conversation, get connected with other clinicians all over the country.
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So if you're serious about being a PT entrepreneur, a clinical rainmaker, head to that group. Get signed up. Go to facebook.com/groups/ptentrepreneur, or go to Facebook and just search for PT Entrepreneur. And we're gonna be the only group that pops up under that.