E527 | What's Worse, Regret or Failure?

Aug 11, 2022
cash based physical therapy, danny matta, physical therapy biz, ptbiz, cash-based practice, cash based, physical therapy

I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine who is in the process of making a career change. We mainly chatted about change and how challenging this can be for someone. It doesn't all happen at once but if you work on the right things, you will build momentum and smoothly make that transition. Enjoy!

  • Being honest with yourself and admitting you don't like what you are doing
  • The pain of regret later in life
  • Taking a chance before it's too late

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Podcast Transcript

Danny: So I was having a conversation with one of our staff members about documentation and he had come over from a in-network practice that he was working at and he was talking about just how long it would take him to document and click through and the workflow and how, just how time consuming it was and how much easier it's been with the software that we use, which is PT everywhere.

And I know for us, we're very aware of. Sort of time leaks within our staff and our own schedules. And it's just one of the worst things you can do is just waste time on things when you could be doing them more efficiently. One thing for us is we have to document. It's something we need to do and you need to do it as efficiently as you possibly can because that's where you're gonna save a lot of your time.

We were seeing our staff members save upwards of an hour a day as far as cleaning up his documentation, making it more efficient. What if you got an hour of your day back just from documentation? What if all of your staff did the same thing? Highly recommend you take a look at PT everywhere.

It's been a huge time saver for us and really has made a big difference in our efficiency of our practice. You can check 'em [email protected]. I think you're gonna really like what they have to offer. So here's the question. How do physical therapists like us who don't wanna see 30 patients a day, who don't wanna work home health and have real student loans create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about?

This is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name's Danny Matte, and welcome to the PT Entrepreneur Podcast.

What's going on, guys? Is that Denny here, the PT Entrepreneur podcast, and today we are talking about making changes. So this is something that is, top of mind for me. I recently had dinner with a buddy of mine and he is going through a career change. And the backstory for him is he's actually a a pastor and he.

He hasn't necessarily been functioning in that role for about the last five years. But he has been the essentially CEO of the of the church that, that he runs, which has actually has I think it's seven or eight different locations. A lot of people, a huge team of people that he is in charge of and He's, he's moving on to another chapter of his life in terms of leaving that space not being involved in the in the world, of of church anymore.

And is going into he doesn't know entrepreneurship of some sort. And it's been interesting, chatting with him because he's somebody I've known now for a while and I remember him saying something about feeling like he needed to be doing something else. This was a couple years ago and.

Just not really sure what that was. And he still had a lot of things to get in place for the current organization he was with, didn't feel like he could leave it in a good place. And about a year ago, he said he was making some progress towards that and he was on the headed the direction of being able to do something different that he wanted to do.

And and just recently I guess it was about a month ago. He officially left his position and and is in limbo, is figuring out what's next for him. And he has a few months to, of a somewhat of a runway, to just figure things out. And he has a few things that he's working on, but I had an interesting conversation with him about change and about how challenging it is.

And those of you that are listening to this that have, gone and started your own practice, most of the people that are gonna listen to this is probably what's going to resonate is that You decided to make a change. It didn't happen all at once. Typically, it's this sort of slow thing to build.

It's like a snowball, it just, it builds and builds, picks up momentum. And eventually, you have to make you make a change. And this guy, what he told me, what I thought was interesting was he's I've felt this way for a long time. And it didn't go away. It just started to get worse.

It started to get more and more nagging in terms of just his feeling that he wasn't doing he wasn't doing something that he should do, that he wasn't challenging himself in a way that he should, and that he said primarily what was really like bothering him was this feeling of complacency, this feeling of being able to stay in this role, in this sort of comfortable position for a long time and and not really force himself to grow.

And I think that a lot of us feel this way when we are, in a position where we're working in a clinic. Maybe you don't really like it that much. Maybe you like it enough. To where you'd be content just staying there but you know that there's like something else that you want to do.

There's a challenge that you want to face. You wanna see how you can do in certain situations, you wanna see, what you're capable of. And. To see how much growth, you can actually have both personally and professionally and entrepreneurship. It's interesting where this guy's definitely not in going into this in terms of entrepreneurship was like something that he wanted to do.

He worked for this he worked for this organization, I think it was like 15 years. And. So he'd been there for a long time. It wasn't like he, sprung out wanting to go start his own thing right out of college. He was working for a big organization when leading a big organization and, but this feeling that he had just started to continue to grow and build and eventually, he.

Decided he had to do something even though he didn't have his entire plan formulated of what he's gonna do. He has some good ideas of what he's gonna do and he has some things he's already started, but he doesn't really know for sure what that's gonna turn into. And there's anxiety associated with that.

There's fear associated with. Stepping into a new world from the one that you're in. And that's normal for people to, really, shy away from that. Because it's, there's unknown and that unknown is very scary. And it's normal though. I think that what I'm trying to get across is, I'm listening to this guy, describe what so many people that I work with describe as well, which is, This underlying feeling that's hard to explain that they need to be doing something else.

A fear of not knowing exactly how to do that or what that's gonna look like, and yet the pain of not doing it is worse than actually going through it. I once had somebody explain to me that starting a business is like throwing up. You feel sick. You feel uncomfortable, you don't want to do it cuz you know it's gonna be really uncomfortable to throw up.

And then it happens. There's pain for a short period of time, and then when it's over you feel a lot better. You feel relieved. You feel, you know significantly. Better. And I think it's a pretty good example of how it feels to start a business. And there's a lot of unknown variables.

There's pain, there's a discomfort. But once you finally make a change that deep sort of festering just feeling that you have, that's, that something is wrong, you're not doing the right thing, it goes away, it is removed from the situation because now, You are doing the, you are doing the right thing, but you're solely focused on figuring that out, which there is a lot to figure out.

It is a difficult thing to do. But the last thing he told me was in regards to regret. And part of, for him, with his role as being a pastor was dealing with a lot of people that were they were dying, that are on their last leg. And, being a part of the process to help, help them with that.

And talking to a lot of people about their lives and learning about them. And the concept of regret is something that comes up a lot. Elderly people, esp, not necessarily elderly, but people that know they don't have too much time left. Regret is a strong thing and it's a strong motivator to hear what people regret.

And a lot of it is, there's overlap and one of those things that people regret more than many other areas that they just haven't, accomplished or tried in, is taking a chance in themself, doing something that they wanted to do, not doing the thing that they just. Did for a living or shied away from because of they felt like maybe they would fail or they'd be ridiculed, and that regret is.

Incredibly painful. It's one thing that, that he said he, he heard over and over again, and that's not something that he wanted. And I think that many of us feel the same way. You're, the regret you're gonna have for trying something and failing is really minimal in comparison to not trying at all and not knowing what you could have accomplished.

Not knowing whether you did, have the ability to do what you wanna do or not. Or the ability to change, you and your family's lives because of the success that you may have had. And that's a challenging thing, and it's something that we hear a lot of people. They do take the leap into their own practice or their own business of some sort.

It's a big one because it allows people to create a life around that business that they want to lead to create time and financial freedom for themself and their families. And ultimately to do work that they find more satisfying on a daily basis, which, the quality of life associated with that is just so much better in my experience at least.

And definitely there's. Hardships and challenges associated with the life that we've decided to live. But I wouldn't trade it at all. And it's just so interesting to talk to this guy and just kinda see where he is at because I remember where I was at, almost a decade ago, and having some of the same self-doubt and thoughts and knowing I needed to do something, but not really knowing exactly what he's gonna look like.

And I don't, I just think it's just completely normal. That's normal. And. I just, I want you to know it's normal because if you're going through a transition where you're trying to, become an entrepreneur and do your own thing there's a lot of things you don't know. There's a lot of variables that, you just don't know where they're gonna fit or how it's gonna work or what things are gonna turn into.

You just know that you need to do something and you can't ignore it forever. And if you do, you know it's gonna fester and it's gonna get worse. And then one day you're not gonna be able to make that change. And that's pretty sad. And I think you should keep that in mind because the next day is not guaranteed.

All we have is the present. The past doesn't matter because nothing you can do about that either. The future, you can try to move towards whatevers you want, but you have no idea if you're gonna get there. And. Honestly, how much time you have, so you have to focus on the present. You have to focus on the things you can do now and the decisions you can make to have courage to do the things that you want to do, which.

To be honest, very few people have, and very few people will ever they'll ever take a chance on themself because it's scary and it requires a lot from you and faith in yourself that you're gonna figure it out. So if you're on the fence about something and you feel the same way that my buddy did, and you have this feeling that just not going away that something needs to change.

You need to be doing something different. I don't see it going anywhere. I hope that you're able to, figure it out, hope that things like this help you and help you find confidence in the fact that you can do these things and that you don't know everything, and that you should also get some help.

Because it does help significantly. My friend has a mentor that he's lined up and it's gonna help tremendously. Like just the fact that he's working with somebody that's already done what he's trying to do. Makes him feel so much better about what he's actually trying to accomplish and the likelihood that he'll get there.

So I recommend you go for it. I recommend you find somebody you trust to help you with it. And I'm a big fan of entrepreneurship, so I hope everyone that feels compelled to do that takes a chance on that and doesn't ignore it and then regret it one day because one day you won't be able to do anything about it.

Hey, Pete, entrepreneurs. We have big, exciting news, a new program that we just came out with That is our PT Biz part-time to full-time, five day challenge. Over the course of five days, we get you crystal clear on exactly how much money you need to replace by getting you. Ultra clear on how much you're actually spending.

We get you crystal clear on the number of people you're getting to see, and the average visit rate you're going to need to have in order to replace your income to be able to go full-time. We go through three different strategies that you can take to go from part-time to full-time, and you can pick the one that's the best for you based on your current situation.

Then we share with you the sales and marketing systems that we use within our mastermind that you need to have as well. If you wanna go full-time in your own practice. And then finally we help you create a one. Page business plan. That's right. Not these 15 day business plans. You wanna take the Small Business Association, a one day business plan that's gonna help you get very clear on exactly what you need to do and when you're gonna do it.

To take action if you're interested and sign up for this challenge is totally free. Head to physical therapy Get signed up there. Please enjoy. We put a lot of energy into this. It's totally free. It's something I think is gonna help you tremendously, as long as you're willing to do the work.

If you're doing the work and you're getting. Information put down and getting yourself ready to take action in a very organized way, you will have success, which is what we want. So head to physical therapy and get signed up today. Hey, real quick before you go, I just wanna say thank you so much for listening to this podcast, and I would love it if you got involved in the conversation.

So this is a one-way channel. I'd love to hear back from you. I'd love to get you. Into the group that we have formed on Facebook. Our PT Entrepreneurs Facebook group has about 4,000 clinicians in there that are literally changing the face of our profession. I'd love for you to join the conversation, get connected with other clinicians all over the country.

I do live trainings in there with Yves Gege every single week, and we share resources that we don't share anywhere else outside of that group.So if you're serious about being a PT entrepreneur, a clinical rainmaker, head to that group. Get signed up. Go to, or go to Facebook and just search for PT Entrepreneur. And we're gonna be the only group that pops up under that.