E531 | How To Organize Your Content

Aug 25, 2022
cash based physical therapy, danny matta, physical therapy biz, ptbiz, cash-based practice, cash based, physical therapy

Many of us know we should be creating content on who you are and what you do, but it is such a broad topic that it can become a bit convoluted. Where do we start, what should be the ad creative, and how often should I change this up? These are common questions you might be asking yourself when it comes to getting out your content and today I wanted to help you gather your thoughts on this. Enjoy!

  • What is the intent
  • Getting the reps in
  • Knowing your avatar

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Podcast Transcript

Danny: Hey, I've got a question for you. Do you know if you're tracking the right data, the right metrics, the right key performance indicators in your practice? This is something that's huge for us and really helps us make solid decisions within our business, but the prior software that we're using to run our practice made it really challenging.

To actually get that data out and use it in reports. Since we've switched to PPG everywhere, this has actually become way, way easier for us to be able to have the right data. We have a dashboard of all the things that we actually want to see, the metrics that we want to pull, and it makes our life a lot easier to pull the information that we need to make the right decisions within our business.

So if you're running blind and you're not tracking the right things, or you're having a. Hard time actually pulling everything together. I highly recommend you check out our friends at PT Everywhere and see what they've got going on with their software platform. It's what we use for our practice. It's been a game changer for us.

You can check 'em [email protected]. I think you really like it. So here's the question. How do physical therapists like us who don't wanna see 30 patients a day, who don't want to work home health and have real student loans create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about?

This is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name's Danny Mate, and welcome to the PT Entrepreneur Podcast.

What's going on guys? Doc Danny here with the PT Entrepreneur Podcast, and I want to dive into something a little bit tactical today. It has to do with marketing. It has to do with something that I recently learned from a fractional chief marketing officer that we a chance to work with recently.

And this is somebody that's worked super high level with multiple eight figure and nine figure businesses. And it's somebody that we got a chance to take a look at what we're doing at PT Biz. And I thought this one thing that I learned, I thought I would share with you because it's one of the more important moments of clarity I've had as far as marketing is concerned recently and it's top of mind.

So I wanted to share it with you. We started talking about marketing and writing content as well as ads and how to organize that. Cause I think this is a really challenging. Topic for a lot of people, it's just such a big broad topic, right? It's hey, create copy. Create content, create ads and do that on a regular basis, right?

And that's, that, that's a lot if you really think about it. Cause it's broad and you don't really know where to start and what the intent is. So to drill down to that and you can apply this to your business immediately in terms of what you're doing, even on just social media. But if you're writing any ads for your business or anything like that, or any blog content or things of that nature, this is an easy way for you to organize your thoughts.

So number one, you have to define who it is that you're trying to help, right? So who's your avatar? And let's say that person has back pain, right? Let's use a simple example that a lot of people have issues with, and that would be back pain, right? Okay, you have your avatar you ha, you have to then understand on a deeper level what are the things that motivate them, right?

So getting outta pain would be number would be one, right? Getting back to activities that they've been avoiding decreasing likelihood of future issues. The speed of return to activities that they like, like any number of things that are, what are called angles that solve a problem that they have.

So if you can solve a problem that somebody has, you can have a business wrapped around that. But if they don't know you can solve their problem, then they're not gonna come in and work with you. So in this example, let's take Like speed in which you can get somebody back to something that they like.

So that would be one angle. So the speed of return from back pain. So if you have data around this, or if you have a case study around this of somebody that you've worked with, you can write a blog post or a social media post about that person and highlight the angle of speed of return from a back injury.

Because it could be, Hey, this doesn't have to take years. Check out our client, John. He returned to CrossFit after just two months of working with us, even though he'd been frustrated with back pain for years. And that now is a speed angle that you're taking with that same person. Now, if we took a, let's say a family angle with that hey Are you tired of telling your kids you can't pick 'em up anymore or wrestle with them cuz your back hurts?

Check out what our client John did when he got back to, whatever with his kids in just two months. So you're now taking a angle of family and you're addressing that versus speed and now you have an angle of. Something else that you can talk about that's gonna, it's gonna address a concern that somebody else has in a slightly different way.

And it comes down to variance and volume in a lot of ways of messaging. That's really important. So as you think about this, you think through this, think about a couple things. Number one, who is your avatar? And you may have multiple, maybe it's a middle-aged man with back pain. Maybe it's a middle-aged female runner, maybe it's, a youth athlete.

You may have multiple avatars. You definitely need a. To really understand at least one to be able to build a caseload off of that. But if you have a bigger practice, you may have multiple clinicians that have skill sets and different, subset niches, and you may have multiple avatars that you have to create content for.

So as you do that, define your avatars. Get very clear on who they are, how old they are, the things you're interested in, the fears they have, the desires they have to move towards or back towards things that they want to do. And then think about the. Parts of that, they're the most important to them. Those are the angles that you're going to create your content around and write, copy for in order to align with what their interests are.

And you don't really know who's is who's. You just know that they exist. So you need to create. Angles and content for each one of those. That way you have the greatest likelihood of appealing to all of the pain points of the avatars that you're trying to reach. That's how you can start to create a more predictable, well-rounded marketing approach.

But it takes some effort because, for me I struggle with this myself, is like organizing. The efforts of being able to in video or in text, interpret what I'm trying to get across as far as a message to the people that I know I can help. And I think many of you'll will also struggle with this a little bit as well.

So my advice in that, Area is reps is volume, this is something that, that now I'm working on every single day. Just trying to write, trying to create and just get better reps in as well as seeing what other people are doing that I think are smart and then starting to see how can I take that and, Apply their sort of approach or methodology in a similar way.

But for my avatar, for my audience and with my voice and my style of how I would communicate because you can't just the thing is you'll see people and man, their content's killing it. And then you try and just do the exact same thing, but it's inauthentic and it's easy for people to sniff that out.

It's not it's just not There's many things that I don't talk about or that I'm not interested in that if that, if I just instantly, if I just started to change that, it would, the people that have been like aware of what I've been saying and working on for a long time, they would be like, the hell is wrong with him.

He's changed. I don't like it anymore. And same thing with you. You can't just go and rip somebody off and use, use what they're saying. You have to have your own style, your own approach, and that takes a little bit of time and effort for you to develop that. So I would recommend. Start working on creating some content, thinking about those angles, in different elements of that on a daily basis.

And group it based off of pain points. The angles you're gonna talk about for the specific avatar. So to drill it down, you have your avatar, the person you want to help, think of three or four. Angles or pain points for them that you can address. And then start to create content around that with a similar message to that avatar, but with a slightly different angle for your content that will help you create more content that's directed towards the person you're trying to help but have more variance.

And it won't be as, as stale. It'll last quite a bit longer. So I hope that helps. Like I said, this was a recent conversation we had. As I have more and more of these I'll try to share more of this with you guys cuz these are people that. We're fortunate to have access to that you probably wouldn't have access to.

And I'll share what I learned, hopefully it helps you. So as always, guys, thanks for listening and I'll catch you next week.

What's up, PT Entrepreneurs? We have a new exciting challenge for you guys. It's our five day PT biz part-time to full-time challenge where we help you get crystal clear on how to actually go from a side hustle to a full-time clinic. Even if you haven't started yet. This is a great way to get yourself organized in preparation for eventually going full-time into your business.

So we actually help you get crystal clear on how much money you're actually gonna need to. Replace with your business to be able to make a lateral transfer. How many people you're actually gonna need to see based on what you should be charging. We're gonna tell you three different strategies you can take to go from part-time to full-time, and you get to pick the one that seems like the best fit for you for your current situation.

We even show you all the sales and marketing systems that we teach within our Mastermind for people that are scaling to multiple clinicians, past themself that you need to have in your business to be able to go full-time. And the last thing is we help you create a one page business plan. This is a plan that's gonna help you get very clear on exactly what you need to do and drive action.

That's what this is all about. We want you to win. We want you to take action, and in order to do you have to get really clear on what you need to do next. So go to physical therapy Get signed up for the challenge today. It's totally free. We think this is gonna be a game changer for you and are excited to go through it.

Hey, real quick before you go, I just wanna say thank you so much for listening to this podcast, and I would love it if you got involved in the conversation. So this is a one way channel. I'd love to hear back from you. I'd love to get you into the group that we have formed on Facebook. Our PT Entrepreneurs Facebook group has about 4,000 clinicians in there.

That are literally changing the face of our profession. I'd love for you to join the conversation, get connect with other clinicians all over the country.

I do live trainings in there with Yves Gege every single week, and we share resources that we don't share anywhere else outside of that group.So if you're serious about being a PT entrepreneur, a clinical rainmaker, head to that group. Get signed up. Go to, or go to Facebook and just search for PT Entrepreneur. And we're gonna be the only group that pops up under that.