E579 | How To Accomplish A Lot More This Year

Feb 09, 2023
cash based physical therapy, danny matta, physical therapy biz, ptbiz, cash-based practice, cash based, physical therapy

Today, I am talking about how to achieve more of what you set out to do in 2023. The first step is to take some time for yourself at the end of the previous year or the beginning of the new year to think about what is important for you this year. One useful way to do this is to come up with a theme for the year. Enjoy!

  • Setting Goals for a Happy Life: Achieving Micro Goals with Accountability
  • Tracking Personal and Relationship Goals for a Happier Life
  • Supporting a Sleep-Deprived Parent in Pursuing Their Goals

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Podcast Transcript

Danny: Hey, real quick before we start the podcast episode, I want you guys to check out our new YouTube channel for PT Biz. We are putting out a weekly video on the most common questions that we get, and we are breaking those down in a way that's more engaging. Where you can learn better and really focus on one thing at a time.

So if you're interested in really learning more skills to upgrade your cash and hybrid practice, head over to YouTube. Subscribe to the PT Biz Channel and check out the weekly videos that we're coming out with to help you win in the cash-based practice game. So here's the question. How do physical therapists like us who don't wanna see 30 patients a day, who don't want to work home health and have real student loans create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about?

This is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name's Danny Matte, and welcome to the PT Entrepreneur Podcast.

What's on guys? Dr. Danny here with the PT Entrepreneur Podcast, and today we're talking about how do you achieve more of what you are setting out to do this year. So this is coming out, it's February. So you still have. Almost the entire year in 2023 to achieve whatever it is that you said that you wanted to do this year.

And I guess step one, if you don't do this, is to take the time either at the end of the previous year, so in 2022 would've been the end of that year or beginning of 2023. Take some time to actually. Give yourself some space, give yourself some downtime and just think about what is important for you this year?

One thing that I like to think about is like what's, what is my theme for the year? What's something that if I look back on 2023, I say to myself, man, I. Like I was on it with that. I accomplished that one theme, that one thing. And I've had some where it's growth and whatever like things where I'm like really, going after a goal.

In, in most cases it was in business, but this year, whenever I set my 2023 goal, And it's funny when people ask me this, cause usually it usually has something to do with business. They ask me, it's like, what's your goal for this year? And my goal is I just wanna be as happy as I possibly can be.

That's my goal. What a what a funny little goal to have. I never thought in my life I'd be like, yo dude, this year just wanna be super happy. And but for me, like that if I am, that means that all these other things that I need to do, I've been doing so. The way in which I try to stay as compliant with that and accountable to that as I possibly can is actually by detailing out what areas of my life, what relationships and things are important, and then defining sort of annual goals that I want to accomplish for that year.

And I'm going actually go back to something that I had a friend recommend to me last year that I didn't actually do what I wish I had. Cause I probably would've accomplished more of these sort of micro goals that I had. But it is to actually write this stuff down. Write it down in a notebook and look at it every week, right?

So I'll look at it every week, okay, where am I at on track with this? And actually write this stuff down. Not necessarily just look at it on the spreadsheet, which is what I typically do have kinda a spreadsheet of all the things that I want to do and tracking it. But there's something about just writing these things down and seeing them visibly all the time to remind you of either how good or how bad of a job you're doing.

Just to give you an example of, some of the things that. That I write down because I there's a few really important relationships in my life, right? So it's Ashley, who's my spouse our son his name's Jack and our daughter, her name's Maggie. These are really important relationships for me, obviously, right?

So I actually have. Goals, annual goals that I wanna accomplish for each of them. So for instance, one of those would be six camping trips with with Jack this year. He likes to camp. I like to camp. We like to, go out with our family who's also into that. We like to, get out in a, in an area where, there's not a lot of people we can do some off-roading in, in, in my truck.

And You can sleep on the ground, which is never comfortable. I don't care what anybody says, but it's it's not comfortable, but it sure makes your bed feel a lot better. The next day whenever you get back you're like, damn, this bed is the most comfortable bed in the world. And I think you need that perspective to really appreciate some of the things that we do have.

So that's a great example of okay, where am I at? Six camping trips. Our first camping trip is actually gonna be Next weekend. And I'll write these things down. I'll track those, like even like relationship with myself, right? So I have, I want to do 144 workouts in the year. For me, as I look at that, like it's not something that I wanna track on a weekly basis.

I look at this just annually. Where am I at? Am I tracking these things? And am I behind? Am I ahead? Am I right on, on target? I wanna play golf 24 times this year. That's, that may seem like a somewhat of a trivial thing. It's not really something that I've done much. Since, honestly, since I had kids.

But I've gotten into it with my son recently and it's been a lot of fun to get back into a hobby. So I wanna try to play, and that's really nine holes. And I go out, I'll play nine holes in an hour and a half of this little local course and it's great. Get it done in the morning. I start my workday a little bit later on, on on the day that I'll go out, but I'll be done an hour and a half.

I don't have to spend six hours on the weekend, with. With buddies, it's just I feel like I, it's such a burden on my family and do things like that. But for me, I wanna get out there, 24 times in a year and really just be able to have a hobby again and again. This comes back to what my annual, theme is what my goal is, and that's it.

Just to be as happy as I can be. And that also means, giving back to other people. That means having business success, personal success, family success, being healthy, being physically and mentally healthy. And these are all things that I actually write down and I track and these sort of like sub-buckets of what that equals because I can tell you like, if I work out 144 times, go on six camping trips, two overnight trips with Ashley without the kids, I go on, a daddy daughter date once a month, with with my daughter.

I coach her one to two of her teams and our business hits our financial goals. Without me working, excessive amounts of of time, I'm gonna be a happy fucking dude. Super happy, and I just have to remind myself of the things that are important because your overarching annual goal is, it's a high level goal.

It's hard to quantify that. It's hard to say, what does that mean if for someone to be happy? What does that mean for someone to be successful? Like you have to drill these down a little bit and you have to look at them every single week. So if anything, I recommend, get yourself a notebook.

Write this stuff down and just see where you're at for the week. I have 'em on my whiteboard and I write it down in a notebook. So every day when I come to my office, I look at 'em and I'm like, dude, am I doing this? Am I not doing this? Okay. I look into my notebook, am I doing it? Am I not doing it?

And if I don't do it, it's because I'm a dick. Because it is not for lack of seeing it and lack of following through on it. It's for lack of caring. That's a way bigger problem if you're aware of what's going on, not being aware and just being busy and you're just letting things fall through the cracks, cuz you're not being intentional enough about what you're trying to do.

But if you're aware of it and you're still not doing it, that's a way bigger problem. Most of us, that's not the case. We just don't know. We get busy. So take the things that are most important to you. To make your year great in whatever capacity that is. Write 'em down, put 'em in front of you somewhere where you see 'em over and over again.

Write 'em on a piece of paper. Put 'em on the, the mirror in your bathroom where you brush your teeth every morning. Look at 'em, put 'em in a notebook. Walk around with what your goals are and then start systematically chipping away at these things so that you're not just breezing through, your year.

And. And you, then you look back and you ask yourself, man, did I actually like accomplish anything of meaning this year that I was trying to accomplish? Or did I just tread water and some years. Honestly, you just gotta tread water cuz shit can be crazy. I see like my my neighbor they have two kids that are under the age of two and it's, I see where they're at and I remember that stage and dude, you're just trying to tread water, like you're trying to just survive.

It's tough. We had him over for dinner the other night and his wife was outta town. They had some family stuff going on she had to go home for, and you could just tell he was just, it's Really appreciated the help, but also he was just tired, sleep deprived. You when kids are that age, it's tough.

Throw into the mix, like starting a business or something like that at the same time, and all of a sudden it's man, just try to tread water. Get through it. Wait till you catch your breath, and then, go for some of these things you can progress towards again. So there's stages for all that.

Don't feel bad if you're not moving towards something, but man, if you have the bandwidth to do it, and you can really focus on trying to make some headway in your life and whatever's important to you. I've found this really helpful. Write it down. Some are very visible. Write it down somewhere you're gonna, see it in a notebook on a regular basis, and then really start to chip away and keep those things super mindful and that will help you accomplish a heck of a lot more of what you're trying to do this year than if you just don't ever think about it.

What's up, PT Entrepreneurs? We have a new exciting challenge for you guys. It's our five day PT biz part-time to full-time challenge where we help you get crystal clear on how to actually go from a side hustle to a full-time clinic. Even if you haven't started yet. This is a great way to get yourself organized in preparation for eventually going full-time into your business.

So we actually help you get crystal clear on how much money you're actually gonna need to. Replace with your business to be able to make a lateral transfer. How many people you're actually gonna need to see based on what you should be charging. We're gonna tell you three different strategies you can take to go from part-time to full-time, and you get to pick the one that seems like the best fit for you for your current situation.

We even show you all the sales and marketing systems that we teach within our Mastermind for people that are scaling to multiple clinicians, past themselves that you need to have in your business to be able to go full-time. And the last thing is we help you create a one page business plan.

This is a plan that's gonna help you get very clear on exactly what you need to do and drive action. That's what this is all about. We want you to win. We want you to take action, and in order to do you have to get really clear on what you need to do next. So go to physical therapy

Get signed up for the challenge today. It's totally free. We think this is gonna be a game changer for you and are excited to go through it. Hey, real quick before you go, I just wanna say thank you so much for listening to this podcast, and I would love it if you got involved in the conversation. So this is a one way channel.

I'd love to hear back from you. I'd love to get you into the group that we have formed on Facebook. Our PT Entrepreneurs Facebook group has about. 4,000 clinicians in there that are literally changing the face of our profession. I'd love for you to join the conversation, get connected with other clinicians all over the country.

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