E492 | Getting What You Want Out Of Life With Shante Cofield
Apr 12, 2022
Today, I am honored to have my good friend, Shante Cofield, return to the podcast. She has been with us in the past and I am excited to be able to catch up with her today! Enjoy!
- Catching up with Shante
- Remaining grateful while continuing to evolve
- The one thing Shante will never outsource
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Podcast Transcript
Danny: [00:00:00] So one of the best ways to improve your customer experience, which we know will dramatically improve your business, is to have clear lines of communication with your clients. And that's something that can be really hard with these multiple channels between email and text. And what you really need is to centralize that in one place.
And that's something that we've been able to do as we switched over to PT everywhere within our client's accounts. We can actually message right back and forth with them. They can manage their home exercise plan within there, and it allows us to really compartmentalize the communi. That we have with those clients instead of losing an email in the inbox or missing a text and then you're, it's very hard to dig yourself outta that hole because they feel like you're not very responsive, with them.
And for us, it's made a really big difference. It helps make our staff more efficient. It helps us not miss things as much with the volume of people that we're working with. And it's a really smart way of really compartmentalizing your communication with your clients so it doesn't interfere with the rest of the channels.
You have communication with family and friends and things like that. So I think it'd be huge for your practice to centralize it the way we have. Head over to pt [00:01:00] everywhere.com. Check out what our friends you're doing over there. I think it's really cool and I think you really like it. So here's the question.
How do physical therapists like us who don't wanna see 30 patients a day, who don't wanna work home health and have real student loans create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about? This is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name's Danny Mate and welcome to the PT Entrepreneur Podcast.
What's going on guys? Doc Danny here with the PT Entrepreneur podcast and we got Man, the movement maestro. I'm so honored to have Ron again. Shante Cofield, one of my just crushes in the profession in a totally like super cool, like professional way. Like somebody, I want to be more alike. That's just.
Doing the shit she likes to do, has an awesome cat. Plays volleyball all the time. Spiking on everybody. Like I just want to be more like you on a daily basis. I really, my [00:02:00] guy, and I mean it. I think that we were talking about this for just be into the shit you're into, and other people will follow.
But in, in all seriousness, I am so excited to catch up with you. Cause I feel like it's been far too long since I've had a chance to talk to you and just see how things are going. But I see the growth that's happening. I see how much you're evolving and it's fun to watch.
It's really cool to see what you're doing these days.
Shante: Dude. Stoked, honored as always to be on. I look forward to these chats. I'll have you on in a few weeks, like you said the time goes by so fast, but also then it. I'm like, but I know what he's doing. Cuz I'm watching, I'm stalking him, I'm texting him.
Even though you took a little hiatus from Instagram, I was like, it's okay. I still know what he's doing.
Danny: I still, I did, my, my wife Ashley, she says, what's up? She was almost here. She's oh shit. Can I might jump on that one with you, but she, oh, my gotta go. Yeah. She couldn't make it. But she's a super fan.
You got a lot of super fans. How do you do that? How do you the listen, the people that I know, that know you, they don't just like you. They fucking love you. Like they are, they would kill somebody [00:03:00] from you. You have, like the beehive like Beyonce's group. Somebody says something bad about Beyonce next, they hack their whole family's website like, activity and they ruin their credit score.
How do you get like that? How does that
Shante: happen? That's amazing. That's amazing. That is amazing. I think actually you nailed it before Being so excited about the things that you're doing, and then sharing that excitement, being generous with your excitement and being generous with your energy with those around you.
And it's not just like a haphazard thing, it's really, you attract other people that are passionate about what they do. And then when you share, you're generous with your energy or excitement. I know people just wanna be seen, they wanna be supported. They wanna know that what they're doing is okay.
And I'm like, I'm here to say, that's dope. You're excited about it. I'm excited about it. I'm not trying to do that thing you're doing, but I can be excited for you. And I think people, they just love that, you nailed it earlier with, be so excited about something that people are wondering, like why am I not doing that thing?
I should be wanting to do that [00:04:00] thing. And I think when you have that kind of energy it's magnetic, it's electric, and people just, they wanna be around it.
Danny: Is that a picture of your cat with a surfboard
Shante: that is Rupert. Which surfboard? That was a gift from Micah over at ZHealth. She took my Instagram intensive course and knows that I love Rupert and he, no, she loves animals as well.
Yeah. And that showed up at Christmas and I didn't know who it was from that, what I put on Instagram. And I was like, did someone send this here? Someone did. Who Of
Danny: course, that would be so random if it showed up at the wrong house. It looks just like your cat.
Shante: That is Rupert in a Hawaiian shirt. Green, of course, with a surfboard.
Danny: Oh my God. That's amazing. That's such a intentional great
Shante: gift. So thoughtful.
Danny: So is that like a, do they have a site for that? Like they have something surfboards, like any, and you can choose like
Shante: what they're with and I was like, this is it's so thoughtful. You nailed it. I was just,
Danny: It's my favorite thing.
Do you think you could[00:05:00] I'll look for this. If I can find this. I'm gonna get this for you for Christmas. I'm gonna get one of Rupert's spike in a volleyball. Just with just crushing somebody, just that would be, to go right next to that one. My man. Stay
Shante: asleep and he is next to me right now.
Yeah. That's like the opinion you have pets. That's like the epitome of live your best life. They are so congruent with what they want, how they're feeling, doing what they want to be doing. My man sleeps for 20 hours
Danny: a day. Yeah. We get a great cat. I have a lemon of a cat. She's she's the worst cat.
She's still alive. She's 17 or 18 years old, just walking around the house, sneezing on everybody, she's just, she's we got, we really didn't, no shame. Get a good pick on that one. I feel like that was a 20 year mistake probably on Ashley's part, but, no shame, maybe. No, no shame from that.
Yeah. Whatever. It's, it is what it is at this point. But anyway, back to back to what's going on with your business. Yeah. And, watching the evolution of what you have going on. It's been really cool. And I, this is for people that don't know your backstory.
Absolutely. Go back, listen to some of the podcasts we've had with Shante. Listen to [00:06:00] her podcast. Actually listen to your podcast this morning about content creation. Oh God. I thought that was awesome. You do such a good job. We dive into that in a second, but such a good job of. Creating frameworks like simple frameworks for people to, to follow, which is actually really hard to do because it is, I've been working
Shante: harder to do that because it's really hard to do that.
And, who's been really inspirational in terms of that is Jill. So my business partner I run Legacy with that is her specialty. She's incredible at naming things. She's incredible at pulling out frameworks and really just productizing things. It's like literally her superpower. So in working with her, I definitely lean on my strengths.
And you and I have talked about this, like the value of having a team and then you get to do the thing that you are the best at doing, right? And the other people get to do the thing that they're the best at doing. I, when I be working with our clients and such, I don't sit and rack my brain as much in terms of trying to figure out frameworks for them, but I have been trying to get better at it, being surrounded by someone who's so good at it and realizing how helpful it is for people.
Cuz a lot of times, when things come naturally to you, It's not so helpful for [00:07:00] other people to just be like, just do it. Yeah. And they're like but how do I do it? So yeah, it's been really helpful for me to pull back on things and be like, okay, what exactly is it that I'm doing? And let's see if I can put a system to this and hopefully it helps someone.
Danny: Yeah, you're right. If you look at like sports, any of the best players are terrible coaches. Absolutely. Michael Jordan is like, just do what I do. You're like, just dunk on somebody. Just jump higher. I don't know. That's it. You be it. Just be better. Yeah, that's right. But to your point, the sort of breaking that down and connecting the dots to where it's a repeatable, simplified process, I think it's really hard, and I've seen you do this now, with your, just your career in general kind, like we were talking about previously, just going from.
With rock tape, you're teaching and even though you're teaching like their framers and some of their information, you have your own stuff in there. Own stories that you're, like frameworks that you're relating with that and anecdotal stories and connecting things. And honestly to this day that, that rock Blades course I did, that's still one of the better courses I've ever been to.
[00:08:00] Just like simple. I was like, oh shit, I get this better now. And I've gone to stuff before. Yeah. I didn't know what I was doing. I was like, oh God, scrape your skin and it'll get better. I don't know. This is what they say to do. But now I actually understood some of the rationale after it much better.
And then from there to see you, then you doing your own stuff and you have your own frameworks on movement and how you're, improving that and working on that and teaching that. And then from there to go into sort of the social media world and understand how to help people build these platforms from there and now in digital business and helping people grow.
Actual digital businesses, which I think is really hard to do in comparison to brick and mortar. Like making that change. It's been really interesting to watch and every time it gets a little harder, like everything you're doing Totally, I feel has gotten harder and harder. So h how has that been, especially recently, Yeah.
For you to go from, you're the Instagram person to now it's really digital business and Totally. And all the aspects of that. So like, how's that transition been
Shante: recently? Yeah. Yeah. I think, in, in you describing my story thus far, it's largely been one of vehicles where my whole shtick, and I didn't realize it until like retrospectively I'm looking [00:09:00] back, but my whole shtick has always been about helping people create their best life.
It started out in physical therapy. That's why I got burned out. I don't, I wouldn't even say it burned out. I just didn't like it. I don't think I was actually burned out. I was just like, I don't wanna do this anymore. You picked the wrong career
Danny: at what, 22?
Shante: I was like Exactly. You're like a kid and you're like, I'm gonna do this forever.
And I was like, I don't know about that. Yeah, I, I picked physical therapy cuz I knew that I would always have a job. Yeah, and I still feel that way. If anything happens, I will have a job whether I have to work at hospital, which I would never do, or go solicit my own services.
Like people will always have bodies. I will always have a job. Even in the metaverse, we'll figure something out. Oh yeah, you
Danny: crush it in the metaverse kidney. You understand that? A little avatar rolling up in there. Or you can, right? Yeah.
Shante: So you know, it's been vehicles for helping people live their best life first.
Pt, with movement. Then it was teaching with rock tape and helping other instructors figure out how to better help their people so they could have better careers. More fulfilling careers. Yeah, more fulfilling lives. And then we went into kind of the Instagram thing. Using Instagram as a vehicle.
It's just to help [00:10:00] people gain confidence and show up in the space. And now digital business or online business being like more so of that vehicle. I think the next evolution will be me just like directly doing that. More of my, my favorite thing is to be on a stage. I like that leverage model really being in front of a lot of people.
I love speaking, but I want to be like the keynote speaker. I can do breakout sessions, but like you just talked about breaking down systems and like saying exactly how to do something. It's harder for me and it's also, it's not as fun, right? Yeah. Probably not as fun cause it's harder, but, Being in front of a bunch of people and having more of that 30,000 foot view talk and having more of that inspirational, motivational talk, that's where I thrive and that's where I went.
That was my goal for 2020. And I had some things lined up and then 2020 was like, no. But they're coming around this year so it's totally working out. But each change, each iteration if you will, I think from the outside might look harder, but one of my values and one of the things that I value is safety.
And so I am never jumping before I know what the like landing is gonna [00:11:00] be or knowing that I could handle the landing. And so yeah, nothing has been so like, oh my God might fail and go bankrupt, or something like that. It's always been, this will be okay, this will be good. Or an inkling like, this will be great.
Danny: Do you have like a speaking event or like a conference or something? You're like, man, if I speak, if I'm at this bad boy that's, I've made it. That's a goal.
Shante: I don't have a specific one, but this year I'm speaking at Convert Kit. So the email marketing values is Convert Kit and Great.
I went to the, to their, craft and commerce conference for the first time. I think it was 2018 actually. You're tied into this story. So I went to that conference because I sold one of your blueprints, Jim PT blueprints, and you give affiliate amazing affiliate commissions for that. And so I took that money and I said, I'm gonna go to two.
Conferences and I went to podcast movement, which was so weird. [00:12:00] Podcasters that people that just do podcasts, they're
Danny: weird. One second I've thought about, is that the one that Pat Flynn does
Shante: or he, I don't know if he does it. He's at so many of them. Okay. But it was like, it's fine Danny, but like people that only do podcasting, they're like a little bit weird.
You do podcasting, I do podcasting, but you're also like do a bunch of other things. So you
Danny: show me these people are just that's what they did. They're just sitting in a room talking to people all day. But then they's,
Shante: that's why cuz I'm like, they're just doing that thing. So there's a lot of like socially awkward people.
Danny: was, that one wasn't good, but Convert Kids wasn't, that
Shante: was Kit was dope and it's smaller, but it was dope. And I was sitting in the audience and I was like, I'm gonna speak on that stage one day, Uhhuh. And so 2020, I got the invite to, I pitch. I had some friends and then I got the invite to speak, or 2019 going to 2020.
And then obviously it got canceled, but they're bringing it back this year. And I'm speaking this year, I have a main stage talk and I have a breakout session talk. And so when is it? It [00:13:00] is June 22nd. June 23rd through the 25th.
Danny: All right. In Boise. Make sure you get, get your tickets. Where's it gonna be?
Shante: It's in Boise, Idaho. Which is oh, that's for the base. That's why. Cause Nathan is out of there. And so they do it at this place called Jump. And it's actually really nice, but I remember when I went to the first one, I was like, Boise, okay. I've
Danny: never been to Idaho. I'm actually going this summer though.
So I think we're actually gonna be. Just after you what are you going for? Maybe I'm might bring the whole Matt fam to your to your talk. And my kids would love it, man. My kids are like, they love stuff like that. You played Uno with my kids. They would totally be like yeah, let's go watch your talk.
I, I think that's awesome. And it's so cool when you're like, man, I wanna do that right? And then you do it. But tell me this, so you said you said, oh, connections I pitched something. What was the process for that? Cause I can't imagine they, it doesn't sound like they're like, oh, the movement maestro's here, come on up here and talk while you're here, while we got you.
Shante: That would be great. It was, yeah. So [00:14:00] the first year I went, I met this woman named Claire Ptro. I'm still really good friends with her. She's, she does a lot in the digital ads world. Very proficient. And she was, she happened to sit next to me at one of the, at the event. And I, so I went to this event by myself.
I went to podcast movie by myself. Oh, wow. And I went to Crafton Commerce by myself. I was just like, you know what? I'm gonna do this. I'm moving into the digital space and like trying to switch things, and so I'm gonna go and just make friends. Is that scary? Not so much. I think because of all the teaching I had already done, and I'm introverted by nature.
I know how to run a room and run a stage, but it's not my choice. Like I'd rather be hanging out alone. So it wasn't really, and it was really cool because at Bali, at both of them, but especially a convert kit at Craft and Commerce, there's no other movement people there. So it's actually super refreshing.
Nobody else did this and everyone else was there. Everyone else that was there because they wanted to be there. They were running, this was like for either their side hustle or maybe it was their meantime thing. When you go to C sm, it's like a [00:15:00] blonde people that like don't really wanna be there and.
It's a different vibe. Yeah. Everyone was here because they wanted to be there and there's something they, things they loved. I met someone that did had like a chinchilla farm and I was like, that's very different.
Danny: Chinchilla farm. Yeah. Instead of making the coats outta that
Shante: or something. I was like, I don't know what they're do doing with the things.
Danny: Exactly. People have those as pets. It's a thing.
Shante: Wow. It's a thing. I happened to sit next to Claire and we became friends. I literally still friends with her today. She came to visit not too long ago and she had spoken either that year or the next year she'd spoken at the event as like one of the breakouts cuz she's all stuff with Facebook ads.
Yeah. And so I also made friends with one of the main guys who's not with the company anymore. This guy Barrett, you just talk to people. And then I wrote to him and I just asked, that was one of the biggest lessons I've ever learned in my career was this the value of asking. Cause the worst thing that happens is they say no.
Yeah. So I pitched, him and like my thoughts and like how long I had been using Convert Kit and what I thought about it.[00:16:00] And he knew of me. Then Claire put in a good word for me with Alexis, one of the other people that was there. And lo and behold, they wrote back and were like, we'd love to have you.
Yeah. That was the process I literally ask. Does it help that, the how long I've been using them, the fact that I haven't audience already. All of those things contribute for sure. But the big thing was that I didn't wait to I'm gonna be discovered. Yeah.
Danny: I have to ask, I'll wait till they ask me.
Like that's, but this is actually a really valid point and something that I don't think most people, but I think they're a bit worried about maybe asking for something in the way, okay. They, first of all, they don't wanna get turned down, but also they don't wanna put themselves in a place where maybe they tarnish a relationship too.
Maybe it's too quick or something like that. And I think it's hard for people to feel out when they should or shouldn't do some of those things. But, in your case, what a, what a. An interesting person to sit next to you, Howt, just sit down next, see somebody, hey, that's already presented. Or oh yeah, let me connect you with, it's always it's dude that [00:17:00] I'm, I, the older I get, the more I dunno if I just am more aware of some of these things that are serendipitous or whatever, but definitely look back on things in my life and I'm like, whoa, I just randomly happened to do this.
Or this person was there and then this led to this and that. Yeah. Totally. But the biggest thing. You just got you asked for that. And I think most people would not. Honestly, they, yeah, you have to, they wouldn't do it.
Shante: That is what one of the biggest lessons. So anytime I, I'm on a podcast, the people ask life lessons, things like that.
And that was something I learned from a student. I had Mark who in the beginning when I, first had him, and I wasn't a rock tape instructor yet. We were sitting in, I remember sitting in like the tiny ass little lunchroom we had. And cuz I worked in New York City, so everything is small, right?
We're sitting in this tiny little room and I'm on my like tiny little computer writing notes and he's telling me about these, all these opportunities he had. And one of them I think was actually, he got to go to something with K Star. He did something with Greg Cook and I was just like, mark, what?
Why do you have all these opportunities? And he was like, oh, I just asked. And I was like, excuse me. What? [00:18:00] What do you mean you just asked? Because mind you, he's a student. It wasn't even like he was like some big time guy or like that Yeah, he was like a student and he was like, oh, I just, wrote and ask and I was like, Huh.
So I ended up taking the I ended up taking the rock tape course like that weekend, and I had a peak from friends with Perry Nicholson, through social media. And I was taking it for him. I was like, I wanna go. And he's teaching it. And so at the end of the course I asked him, I was like, how do I become an instructor for this?
And it was literally the first time, like ever, that I had asked for something. And that was an absolutely life-changing moment cuz of all the things that unfolded after.
Danny: Wow. I think that's huge. The other thing that, you talked about was, like intentionally moving towards things that you want to accomplish or you want to do, or where you want to live.
You, I've heard you talk about that. I chose here, Kelly told me one time, he goes, there's no luck in where you live. If you wanna live somewhere you, you live there. You live there, right? And I heard this quote the other day on a podcast. [00:19:00] And the quote is about intelligence.
And I wanna know what you think about this. Cause I think that you do a better job that if the quote, if you think it's right, then you're one of the most intelligent people I know. So the quote is, the only real test of intelligence is getting what you want out of life. That's it. And I, I heard that and I was like, I don't know if I agree that.
And then I thought about it more and I was like, you know what? I think that guy might be right because I know a lot of people that are super smart and they just don't really do anything that they wanna do, or they don't move towards anything that they wanna do. And frankly, they may not even know what they want their life to look like.
Yeah. And you seem to have done a really good job. Of defining, you know what, I wanna play volleyball. I want to be somewhere warm. I don't wanna be somewhere cold. I want to be able to travel, I wanna be able to teach. I wanna be able to do all these things. And you've just in over a period of time moved more and more towards what you want to get out Yeah.
Of life. So I'm interested.
Shante: Totally. I think that if I was to translate that quote to me, it sounds like the ultimate test of, or the real test, only [00:20:00] test of intelligence is realizing that you have choice in agency. Yeah. And that is really hard for people. Really hard. Whether it's that it's just beyond their comprehension, because they've never.
It has never been like shown to them or made known to them or whether they don't want it. I think a lot of people don't actually want it. I agree. They don't because with choice and with agency comes responsibility. Yeah. And it's I don't really want that. I just wanna go through things and, that's fine if that's what you want, but you also can't complain about, the shit that happens cuz it's, you do have choice and you do have agency and you can.
Choose where you live and you can choose the job you have, and you can choose to have kids or not. Like I've always said to you, kids and winter are choices. I have chose neither of those things. Like they're great for some people, I don't want those things. Yeah. And yes, with realizing that you have choice in agency and then actually, executing those things, we get responsibility and then we get what is the word that I wanna use?
We get [00:21:00] outcomes, right? No matter what this cons, people will call them consequences. But consequences just are like, the consequences has a negative connotation, but it's just the out the outcome of this thing, the result of this thing. So when you decide to act on agency and decide to act on, with choice, there's consequences to that.
Maybe people don't like it, maybe people say something and you have to be willing to deal with that. I don't, I believe that. True confidence doesn't come from doing something true. Confidence comes from knowing you can handle the result or you can handle the outcome. That's when you decide to do it.
When you think about it from like a PT perspective, people who jump higher or you wanna jump higher, it's because your nervous system knows that you can attenuate the forces of landing. It's, you can handle the outcome. Your body won't let you go faster or higher than it knows you can handle. Yeah.
So same thing with having confidence to do anything, it's because it's not that you have the confidence to do that thing, it's ultimately you have the confidence to handle that outcome, which I think ties [00:22:00] into what that person was saying, that true intelligence is realizing that you have control over these things.
You have agency over these things, and then what are you gonna do?
Danny: I can't jump very high, so me neither Danny, you just need to work on me neither Absorbing load more. Yes, that'll help. I think what you hinted to what you just touched on there that is so powerful is that I do think there's people that are somewhat unaware, right?
And they and it's somewhat like they have, the lens they see the world through is just the way that it is. And that's just it, right? And they just say, no one's challenged that view or anything else. And and then there's other people that they see that there's other options, but then I think in a lot of ways they either think that it's unattainable or that it's too much work, yeah. It's ah, that sounds like it would be hard, right? Yeah. Totally. And we've both been there, with making decisions and starting to try to do things that are, different on our own, on our own path. And it is super fucking scary. Like I think that in [00:23:00] some ways we're just used to the lifestyle of, have an inherent risk with certain things and no safety net, a lot of people probably have, it's just, Like remembering that and being there and thinking about just like how limited I guess, people's views are of what they can actually do.
And I'm sure you see this a lot with business owners that you're working with. What do you do with somebody that you see in all intensive purposes? You're like, dude, you have all the potential in the world. You just don't even realize what you can do. I almost feel like that is the harder sort of problem to solve than somebody that's just completely unaware and doesn't even
Shante: care.
Totally. So one of the things that I've learned in coaching thus far is you can't, you and I both know this, you can't force someone to go faster than they're willing to go, right? And so I think this ties back into the beginning of our conversation where you just show people how dope things could be and eventually if they really want it, they'll start inching their way over to it, which has really become so much of why I show what I show on social media.
My clients are all great and I find that I don't really have to have that. [00:24:00] Discussion with people anymore because of the way that I've been, quote unquote marketing how I show up on social media where I'm just like, you can live your best life. I'm gonna be over here living mine. If you wanna choose to be love yours, awesome.
If you don't, that's fine too. Yeah. If you're ready and you want help, cool. I'll be here. And that's the people that I get now is that they're ready to figure out whatever their best life looks like. Some people wanna live in the snow and all the other shit's. Not for me, but they want that. Yeah. And so they're ready to, figure out ways to be able to do that.
And so I think the way that I handle it now is simply by leading, by example and being like, these are all the PO possibilities that are out there. If you want to go and try and find yours, cool. If you don't, that's fine too.
Danny: I think you do a good job of also just, and this is where I struggle a bit with social media because I don't do a very good job of Finding balance with it.
And I frankly just don't like it. Yeah,
Shante: it's just it, you
Danny: don't like it, it's not for you. The more I learn about it, the more I just, and now have kids, that are of [00:25:00] age where Yes. Like my son, we didn't get him a phone recently. I'm not getting him phone. I told Ashley, I was like, I don't think we should get him a phone.
Cause to college. And she says, that's actually probably counterintuitive and it's gonna lead to long-term problems. So he'll probably get a phone before then. But he has a watch now that we can he can call us, we can call him or text him or whatever, but I can basically remove all the other shit off it that I want.
And I can, it's also gps. I can track the whole track, double turd wherever he goes. If he thinks I don't know where he is at. He's got another thing coming. I know exactly where he is at school right now, that being said I'm cons, I, I am concerned in some degrees about social media on the negative impacts of their confidence of their self.
Yes. You, but also I totally agree also, but also, but not allowing them to have access to it makes them anti-social and limits the interactions they would have with people in a way that's naturally a environment where they're being social now. Yes. I think there's a challenge with it, and I for sure, I'll say one of the positives that I think for you and what you do is you do a really good job of just, you just highlight your life, and what you're doing and just stuff you're [00:26:00] interested in, and people get a glimpse into like your life and who you are, and it's very transparent. This is a thing and you're, it's not it's not like you're, yeah. You're not like renting a yacht for the weekend, you're, balling out on this, look at my yacht, right?
That's not, you're doing that. This is doing stuff that you like to do. And I think that's actually really one of the cool parts about it that makes, transparency in the relationship so people feel comfortable with
Shante: you. Yeah. It's interesting that people. I never saw this side of Instagram.
I think maybe because when I first came on I was like largely watching K Star. Yeah. I was watching, or Kels, I was largely watching Perry and I was looking at movement, people teaching. Nobody was out there. We didn't have stories either. Nobody was like, here's me being having a million dollars.
It was like, here's me sharing my ideas. So when I hear people talk about social media from the like curated feed of with these fake backdrops, I'm like, who are you following? What? I was never, in that world, that side of things. So all that I've ever known and experienced and done in terms of Instagram was showing up and sharing your thoughts and ideas and looking to help people and connect with people.[00:27:00]
That's, I started in 2014 and I'm still doing that today. I totally agree though, Danny, with kids, you know that, that show, that not show that documentary came out, which I largely disagree with the social dilemma. It is a problem for kids. That's, it's totally different. I'm like, for, if you're an adult, get your shit together.
Like you have choice in agency, turn it off. Don't use it like we know that it's a business. They're gonna try to keep you on here. And people are like, I love the ads, I love targeted ads. I don't have to go searching shit. Yeah. Great stuff popping up. But for kids, totally. That's it is definitely problematic in, in that regard.
But the transparency is, and the things that I teach when I'm teaching Instagram is number one, show up as yourself. It's also seems incredibly fatiguing to me for people to try to live this story, this fake story. I'm like, but you're tired. How do you do that all the time?
Danny: Yeah.
And not terrible only that, but I see I've been on both sides of it and I'm, I'm fortunate at this point [00:28:00] in time in our business where I don't have to be hustling, on social media organically trying to build. Following of some sort or drive business to, to, to our brick and mortar business or whatever else.
And but we work with a lot of business owners that are there, and I talk to them a lot about, okay, how do you manage this? Cuz they're starting to get, they're like, I'm getting like super short with my kids cause I'm trying to respond to freaking message and I wanna make sure I get back to this is I can't unread it at this point.
And they're, and they're like, God dang it, like it's, what do I do with this? And understanding how to create boundaries and that, fit into your life. I think people struggle with that. I do think that's challenge they do early on in
Shante: particular. I do think they do.
And I think that it is there's a myriad of reasons for that. I am always, the first person just to realize my what is the word? Privilege, right? I privilege again gets a negative connotation. It shouldn't, I Sometimes you're born with privilege, sometimes you earn it by doing certain things and it's because of your choice in the agency and what you've decided to do.
Yeah. So again, I don't have kids and I don't have, a [00:29:00] spouse and I these responsibilities. So like I wanted my career to be this and being, do this on social media. For those, the people that don't, one of the main things I tell them is then don't you need to set it up in the way that works for you and not be concerned with the fact that somebody else is doing it and succeeding because they're doing it in that way.
It's not the, that's not the only way to succeed and also that's not feasible for you. Yeah. So yeah, these boundaries definitely do need to be set. I do believe that we teach people how to treat us and if you create this habit of I responded within one second, then yeah, people start to think you're gonna respond in one second.
If you change that. People also have autonomy. And if the type, if you're working with the type of person that if you don't respond with them, respond to them in one second and they get mad at you, you don't wanna be working with that person. Oh, yeah. That's a bad client.
Danny: Yeah. That sounds like an inc.
The worst client, the worst, Danny. But, you bring up a good point with privilege. Like I, I'm [00:30:00] interested as far as, you've earned a lot and you've earned a lot of time freedom, you've earned a lot of doing the things you want to do. You've, yeah, you've built your life in a way that is, you're living it on your terms, which I think is pretty rare.
Which I actually think, like the idea of privilege, it's not just mon a monetary thing, but it's really just a, how mu I viewed it as how much of the stuff do you actually want to do versus not want to do on a daily basis. And people that get to do vast majority of their stuff is what they wanna do.
And granted, we all have things that we have to do that we may not want to do for adults but most people do a lot of shit. They don't like to do everything every single day every day. And you seem to be able to do a lot of shit that you really enjoy doing. And I feel like that is privilege.
But do you ever feel any sort of I don't wanna say regret but just do you feel guilty at all ever about that? Or cause I know it's not like you came from a privileged family by any means, which I, so I, I have a ton of respect for what you've done. Yeah.
Shante: That is the both end of the situation.
I actually did a podcast episode about that because it is real. I was going for a walk in the middle of the day. I love where I live. There's palm tree's outside, but I'm in SoCal and I go [00:31:00] for walks when it's sunny outside in the middle of the ti to break up my day, my coaching days and things like that.
And it was like, I don't know, noon, one o'clock, something like that. I was going for a walk and I was just like, I do feel bad that not everyone can have this. Who wants to have it? I don't need everyone to have my happiness. I want 'em to experience their happiness. But I definitely was like, oh I feel bad about this.
And then, my brain is very action oriented and I was like, what can I do about this? And does me feeling like this actually change anything or help anything. And so there's value in having these feelings and trying to empathize with other people's situations, but just sitting in it and like being sad is not going to be helpful for anything.
So this is also why I continue to create content and coach and show up in the way that I do because that is the best action step I can take to actually help other people create whatever their happiness is. But there's definitely were more times before of man, I do feel guilty that other people don't have this.
If this what they want. [00:32:00] And I will say if they're doing all the right things, but like life is just way harder for them, for people that aren't fucking trying. I don't feel bad for you. You didn't make that decision. But for people that like truly are in situations where just where you're born, how you look, certain things that they're just like way fewer privileged, fewer privileges.
Then I was like, yeah, I feel bad. And I was like, what can I do is keep showing up the way that I am, keep contributing the way that I am.
Danny: Yeah. Yeah. I've found yeah, like I, I'm in a mastermind group that is considered there's, it's hard to get into is like a, there's like a net worth minimum.
There's, you have to be, as someone sponsors you from the group and as valuable as it's been for like, development of connections and things. And the people that I am in a small group with, we meet every single week. There's four of us. Wow. Yeah, it's pretty intense.
There's a lot of, there's a lot of time commitment associated with it, but I've found that I actually I don't really like being around people that have a lot of money. And not to say that there's anything wrong with it, I just like the things that people get into.
I don't really. [00:33:00] About, I don't really care about this slightly nicer thing that we can do or whatever. And and it's not everybody by any means that I've met in that, but I feel like people trend that direction as they start to have some success and being able to be grounded and I guess have perspective for where you're at and like where other people are is for sure intent.
You have to be intentional about that. So like how do you Oh sure. Continue to focus on the fact that you are, be being grateful for what you have, but also constantly trying to push and evolve.
Shante: I think that I think that one, it becomes easier depending on where you started.
Like you said earlier, like I didn't come from a family that had a lot like all money and like that so when you, like I was not like going hungry or homeless or anything like that. Like I don't wanna paint this picture of maestro in the streets, but like when you like it wasn't like that,
Danny: but it's a great movie by the way.
Just one day it's gonna be your life story. Just gonna get like Yeah, you're like in the streets. Is it? But no, I get you. I get what you're saying. There's people that start off in way harder spot than [00:34:00] computer bust
Shante: did. For sure. Exactly. So but still knowing that I had to work for certain things, whether it was like working for the cleats that I wore to play soccer or coming outta school with debt because I had to pay for these things, it keeps you balanced cuz you're like, yes, I have privilege in some things.
Are there in other areas? I don't, and my whole goal is largely not even like really, relative to those things. It's just what can I do to live my best life right now? That's it. And I think that's where the balancing comes in. And it goes back and forth between, because I watch people that could either just be so blind to their privilege or be so stuck in the fact that they're, that they don't have privilege in certain areas, right?
If you're so focused on what other people have, you never get to realize what you have in terms of like privilege or superpowers or anything like that. If you're just like, man, Danny has this and Danny does that, but it's but what about you? You have something? Not getting stuck on either ends of this and just being like, here's what I, here's where things are at, here's what I have, [00:35:00] and how do I get to whatever I perceive to.
My best life, which I think you nailed before, which is largely that, that time freedom and just being able to do stuff you wanna be doing.
Danny: Oh yeah. I would trade, I would gimme more time any day of the week, like that's the thing I think is more, way more valuable. But I'm very aware of this, cuz yeah, I always think of the, I dunno if you've ever watched the Arrested Development, but Oh yeah.
Like that, the mom in that, you know what she and she says in one of the, in one of the episodes, she's what does a banana cost anyway? Like $10? And she's so out of, out of it in terms of what things cost and she's just can't relate to a regular person and she thinks a banana cost $10.
And I think that, You just have to just continually be aware of the, just like normal life stuff. And I get to a point where it's just you're so disconnected from that and you could, people can just remove themselves from basically any day-to-day stuff.
One thing I've noticed, and I'm interested if you've noticed this with, the business development work that you've been doing in different companies or even with Convert Kit when you sit down and talk to people. But, when I'm around this sort of mastermind group that I'm in nobody gives a shit about any of the business stuff that I've done.
I'm [00:36:00] basically a minnow in comparison to everybody else. But I will tell you this, as soon as they find out that I'm a physical therapist, everyone wants to ask me about their wife's wrist pain or their son's knee thing. Have you noticed that? And I, and if so, always have a job, dude, it is the most valuable thing we have.
I'm telling you, I'm sitting in a room full millionaires, and this is the only thing they wanna ask me about is can't, they can't fix that. They're knee pain. So I think we highly undervalue ourself as a profession, by the way. Because. The health. Like people, especially at that stage, they just want to be active and they want to be able to enjoy their time here as much as they can for as long as possible.
So a hundred percent,
Shante: I dunno if you've noticed that a hundred percent. And that's like circling back two parts. Circling back one. That's why I felt I always have a job. Yeah. People our movement and health literacy is a, as a people is terrible. So you have any proficiency in that you're good to go.
And you talking about removing yourself from being removed from the day to day, and how the mom was like, what's the banana cost? Like $10. That's the average person when you ask 'em about their body and you're like, where's your hamstring? And they're like, I don't know, like over here somewhere.
And you're like, what are [00:37:00] you kidding? What I think that we as PTs also are removed because we oftentimes, we hang around with other ment professionals and so we just assume and think that everybody knows this and they don't know shit. The average person doesn't know anything about their body.
Like the first thing they think they're gonna have to do is get surgery on something. Cuz like something clicked once and they're like, I getting surgery. And you're like, wait, what? That's where we're going with things. Anyone listening to this or anyone that's still treating like, yeah, the what we offer has so much value.
It's so much value and people understand it, especially when they lose it. I've always taken issue with The approach that some people will try to like, push onto PTs and like prevention doesn't sell. It sells after someone's hurt themselves and they don't wanna maybe have it happen again.
But in the beginning it doesn't sell. So if I was still treating, I would absolutely have a package that was like, your shit's fucked up beyond recognition. Now let's get you back. Like the lights on the dashboard are on. Let's, he, I'm gonna help you now. [00:38:00] Instead of trying to push oh, I'm gonna get 'em beforehand.
No one cares beforehand. But afterwards, when they, when we've lost our health and we've lost our ability to do the things we wanna do, we get it. I, what we offer, we can offer as moving professionals is so valuable.
Danny: So valuable. You're right. Look, nobody care. Until they're hurt. I noticed this when I was in the army.
They, threw me into this position where I was based in charge of injury treatment, injury prevention, and human performance optimization. As I said, nobody that was leading any of these things, right? So they're just like, all right, you do all this stuff. So I'm out there, I'm like, we're gonna decrease injuries.
Here we go, guys. And they're like, get the hell outta here. We don't care about that. You think we're concerned about getting hurt? Like we literally are in inventory. Like our job is to run into a building and try to shoot somebody. So then I realized, I go, I'm selling this the wrong way.
Like performance efficiency on the front end. They care about that. And it goes hand in hand with injury prevention. It's just, it's just packaged differently. Yeah, exactly. But I tell you what, you're right, once somebody does have an injury and they don't want that shit to happen again you [00:39:00] got them.
I don't understand why people have a problem with compliant, like long-term continuity with clients like, You got eat, shoot fish in a barrel. If they really got messed up and you help them get back something they like, they definitely don't ever wanna go there again.
Shante: Exactly. They know anyone that's had back pain, you don't wanna be there again, especially people who have like really debilitating back pain cuz that your wrist hurts yeah, it's shitty, but like you have another arm and so you're like, ah, but like your back hurts.
Danny: do anything. You're right. Spine in general, I feel like the neck is the worst one. Yes. When somebody comes around and they're like, they turn with their whole body because they're like, I can't do this. I can't safely drive my children around. Correct. And I'm like, I gotcha.
Got real life now. But in a good way, obviously, I you're right to your point, I think that it just depends on how you frame those things. And this is just business in a nutshell too, right now we're talking about sales and marketing. We're talking about how we can do this as providers, but also as as business owners, it's the same thing.
It's the way that you message yourself and when you show people on Instagram or on your podcast, like it's, it, there's, it's all the same. It's all the same. That's why I find it so
Shante: fascinating. [00:40:00] All of it. All of it. And I think that, you spoke earlier about the, kind of the differences between the online space and brick and mortar, and they both have their, difficulties and things that are a bit easier.
But you have, in the online space, it is so noisy and so crowded that you do need to be good with what you're saying. You need to be great at what you do. Like you wanna, there's always room at the top. I believe that in, I don't care how saturated the market is, there's always room for people who are the best at this thing.
But when your comes to your messaging and how you're presenting yourself and what you're talking about, tofu doesn't fly. Like it's just go in with everything else. You do need to be able to be specific about what you're saying and also understand what people actually want. So yes, it's marketing 1 0 1, but it's so important when things are noisy.
And that, I see people trying to push that like prevention narrative, and I'm like, but also good luck.
Danny: Yeah. Yeah. I don't think if you wanna be like the injury prevention person, That might be hard, maybe, I don't know, maybe we're wrong. Maybe you're like, I prevent ankle [00:41:00] sprains.
That might get some people, they probably have hurt themselves first. And now you got 'em. But, I agree. And I think that's one thing that you actually, you, you talk a lot about, especially with marketing that you know, like you, I've heard you say be the thumb guy or whatever be like, so niche
Shante: down.
Put me up on it.
Danny: Yeah, no, on nobody. Is there a thumb person there? There's no thumb person. I talk
Shante: to someone, like one of my good friends with him as well is Ben Patrick. Knees over toes guy. Yeah. That's the perfect example of like down, he talks about other body parts and things like that, but He was on freaking Joe Rogan over this, very like niche town.
In the online space. Yes. In brick and mortar, in person, it's different because you're limited by who can come through your door. So like you don't about so many people with thumb problems perhaps in your town, but you're online and you have access to so many people. That's actually your best bet to stand out, is to be specific and be repetitive and say the same things over and over again.
Danny: Yeah. He's a great example, you actually turned me onto his stuff. This was [00:42:00] early on, you were like, dude, this stuff was great. I did this, like my legs feel better. And I went down the rabbit holes and stuff, and some of his stuff. I'm like, this is well thought out. This is, it is really intelligent.
It's just strength through range. And it's overloading tendons, basically. That's progressively. And it's a bo it's all the exercises. You don't know, you don't wanna do that. You should do a hundred percent. Like I think he sat down with a bunch of other strength coaches, was like, what do people hate the most?
We're doing that. Okay, let's have Nordic curls. Okay, let's have everybody do Nordic curls.
Shante: Literally. And you're like this shit actually works. It's, it is sound. Yeah. And I didn't feel, I went through it first to make sure before I was gonna, promote it. Cause I already knew that before I promoted it.
People would be asking me like, things about it. And I was like, yeah. It's legit. Like it's all this stuff. You nailed it Danny. You're like, ah, I gotta work on mobility first. I don't wanna I
Danny: love that. I love that his mom works with him. That's actually a thing. Like how
Shante: good is that? How she was doing all the customer service stuff.
I got a new letter from them before it was from her. And I was like, that's amazing.
Danny: And now she's, these are ver toe's mom. Like I think [00:43:00] it's awesome, but which this is gonna, this is not necessarily the segue I was looking for, but this is gonna segue me into one thing and I really wanted to finish up with this cuz I think that the stage you're at and the stage, a lot of people are with their businesses where they're starting, they're building people around them, they're building a team.
How has that been for you? What has been the biggest challenge that you've found with building a team? And what do you work on on an ongoing basis to be, to make sure that. A solid leader and that you're able to really like, drive your business the direction you wanna to
Shante: go.
Yeah. I think the hardest part, and I think most people listen to this will agree, it's like just trusting people. My team is not big, my business is not big, but also I ha number one, its think it's really important to decide what your enough is, right? It doesn't mean that you're like settling a resignation or anything like that, but do you need to make a zillion dollars?
I don't know. Maybe you do. That's awesome. If that's what you want or are you happy with where you're at doing these things? Because the other. Side of it. It's like you have to change all the other, change and do a bunch of things that maybe you're like, I don't really think I'm not ready to do.
[00:44:00] So deciding what my enough was and then trusting people enough to do certain things. So my team is small. I have a va, she's phenomenal. Lex, I have a, she is great edits, she's great. I have some of the edits in my podcast, Courtney. I have a website guy, when I got it built as one of those things was I was like, Joe, I wanna be able to fix this stuff.
If something happens, I don't wanna be like beholden to you. And he was like, that's fine. So if the files are in the computer and I don't know what's happening, then I message Joe and he takes care of it. Yeah. And then, I have an accountant, Sandy, who's phenomenal, and then I have Jill who I work with for certain things.
So we run a program together and that. The best experience and largely like watching you do it and I was like, it's okay. This is actually better when you have more people.
Danny: Have a partner. Yeah it's the right one. I think it's amazing.
Shante: That part right there. And I think Jill is probably the only person who I would ever work with in this capacity.
Like she's absolutely phenomenal. We have the same values, we compliment each other really well. And so it's been great and large and what I said [00:45:00] earlier and then taking things slowly for me as the approach that I like has made it easy. My first va I did let her go cause it just wasn't a great fit.
But other than that, because my team is small, the biggest issue is like trusting people and then no one's let me down yet. It's been great in that regard. I think trust is
Danny: super hard. I, and it is, I remember trying to trust somebody with doing our newsletter for the first time.
Which is not making or breaking our business by any means still. Like our local practice newsletter. Still it's literal. It's important to do that on a regular basis, but it's not like I'm negotiating the lease outta our space or something. Yeah. Yeah. And I remember like looking it over and rereading everything, and I was like, this isn't how I would do it.
And yep. That, and then I'm like damn it, you're being an asshole. You're gonna micromanage this person. This is good. They did it in a timely manner, it's gonna be fine. And but letting that go is hard.
Shante: It's hard. It was, that was my feeling with the podcast editing. For me, I know it's time to outsource or delegate when I'm like, anyone can do it.
I don't even [00:46:00] care. Just like any Rupert, you wanna do it? Okay. You're over it. So that's where I was with podcast editing. And for me I've, on my podcast like yours work a little bit different than that. I don't have a set sponsor, but like the main thing I'm doing with my podcast is talking about my stuff.
I'm not looking to monetize it and make a million dollars or anything like that. It's like I am using it as another form of connection and marketing. Yeah. And After realizing that, I was like, okay, I can pull back a little bit on this. And the woman who edits my podcast, Courtney, is actually a referral from Jill.
So I definitely go with people who I trust and to who they trust. Yeah. And the like interview process, if you will, went really well. And there's still times when she'll do the like blurb thing and it's not exactly how I would do it, of course, but I'm also like, I don't have to, there's so much energy that I have saved by letting her do it, that outweighs everything.
Because like you said, it's not this like the biggest decision of my life where I'm like, ah, I gotta stay on this and be the voice of it. So the trust part's definitely the hardest, but gaining that time an energy bag[00:47:00] makes it so worth it.
Danny: I feel like it allows you to really double down and focus on your, your superpower.
Yeah. What, the thing that you can do in your business that nobody else can. So you know, for you. What would you, if you had to pick one thing, you're like, everything else can be done by somebody else. I'm the only one that can do this. What would it be? Social media.
Shante: That's my brand. That's it.
It's me on there. So I will never outsource that until the brand, if the brand goes in a completely different direction. But for right now, like I am the face of things, and so the content creation and responding to people, I also love doing it. I love the creative side of it. Like I do enjoy editing things and I do enjoy actually creating the content.
Yeah. If I was like, I don't like this, and I would be like, all right, I'm just gonna record some stuff and outsource that and send it to somebody else. But right now, that is where my leads, if you will come from. Yeah. That is so that's me.
Danny: That's so funny. I hate doing, I like the, you're talking about editing a video, you know how long it would take me.
Just some basic shit. [00:48:00] Maybe two hours later, Ashley won't even let me like update a phone by myself. But it's important to know those things because the thing that, and this is where I think business wearing gets really interesting when, because at first you're doing everything.
You're having to learn a little bit about everything. You're having to be jack of all trades. And eventually that's hard because you have to then give up control, which we're talking about, trust other people, and all of a sudden you're giving some of those things away, hopefully to people that are better at those than you.
And like them more that way they're focusing in their little, sphere of, genius and focus on the thing that they really like. And then you get to focus more and more on the thing that you really are good at that nobody else can do, and less of the other stuff. And I think that's one of the coolest parts of, taking a chance on yourself is that eventually, You get to whittle your work down to things that you really like, that this doesn't work for me.
This is just a cool opportunity to talk to somebody that I like and I have a lot of respect for it. And and I get share that with people. I would do this anyway, this would be great. But that's my, this is like part of my job now and I feel very fortunate to be able to do that.
And, but getting to that [00:49:00] point and letting go and trusting other people, I think is a huge hurdle. But the payoff for that is just so much more satisfaction in what you're doing. So much more efficiency and way less stress and burnout because you're constantly trying to do all these things.
You're bad at.
Shante: That I really see when people are burned out, it's cuz they're not doing, very rarely do I think it's cuz they're doing too much stuff. It's cuz they're not doing enough of the stuff that they really love doing. You can need a break from something that you love and need to go on vacation or wanna go on vacation.
One of the things that's so interesting is the concept of the four Hour work week. So I loved that book. That book was one of the first books that showed me you don't have to wait to be happy. That's what I took away from it. And I was like, You could be happy. Now
Danny: I took away that I had to hire a like a Filipino va.
Shante: Yeah, me too. That's all I took. I did take that part away too and I was like, is this like actually helpful? Exactly. I did take that two parts. Danny, you are right.
Danny: That's it. That's all I remember
Shante: with a Filipino va. And also you can be happy right now and in now. Years later, looking back on it and looking [00:50:00] at people that kind of ask similar questions about working four hours a week, I realized that the biggest lesson from it is if you want to read that book, if you're feeling like you need that book, it means you're doing the wrong thing because the things you love, you're not trying to be like, how could I do this for four hours and that's it, right?
You don't wanna do it for 400 hours a week, but you're not trying to do it for four hours. So in, in looking back and being like, oh, I wanted to read that book because I was still in clinic and I didn't want to be in clinic, I didn't wanna be doing that. So I was like, how could I be in clinic for four hours but still make money and be able to like, Pay my bills.
Yeah. So that was the biggest lesson with that. And now learning, like when you have the time and you're doing the things you wanna be doing, you're good. But that's, that does come with trusting people to do certain things so that you can focus on, once you get to that place where you can actually afford to be play people.
Yeah. Which is typically sooner than people think. But when you're there that you can outsource that, you can delegate that, you can automate that, or you could eliminate [00:51:00] that and then focus on the things that you really wanna be doing and that you're the best at doing.
Danny: Catch me up on your business coaching with Jill and what you guys are doing.
Give everybody kinda a summary of what that is and also who's a home run for that, that if you're listening and she describes you, a hundred percent need to hit Shante up and be like, all right, when's the next open? So
Shante: Jill and I run a six month group coaching program.
We call it the Legacy Mentor Mine. That's mentorship, but it's also a mastermind cuz there's that kind of cohort based and learn from each other. We have two live events. We run with it and it is for intermediate plus female online business owners. And the person who is. A grand slam for this is the person who has an audience already, but is having trouble monetizing or wants to organize how they're monetizing or wants to expand on how they're monetizing.
It is not a good fit for someone who's definitely not a good fit for someone who's just studying out the online space and not a good fit for somebody who is really needs to focus on building your [00:52:00] audience, right? Because building your audience takes time. I can teach you how to do that, but it doesn't make sense for you to spend six months and pay for a mentor.
For something that you just need to rinse and repeat for 18 months and keep doing on your own. Grand Slam is the fe, the intermediate plus online business owner that is Hey, I'm looking to improve how I'm monetizing. I'm looking to create my signature offer. I'm looking to maybe you've created like a zillion things.
We get this often where people are really good creators and they have a million programs and they're just like, I'm on the hamster reel. I'm always creating something. I need to organize this. I'd like to be able to like rinse and repeat and wa you know, run the same thing over and over again and get some more predictability with my income.
Get some more predictability with my year. I wanna be able to plan out my year. Like in my opinion, when you have an online business and you're not necessarily, when you're delivering online services, like a, you're just doing online pt, but when you have like group coaching offers and things like.
Planning out your year becomes very easy cause you have signature offer. You run it a few times, you know how long it takes to actually run it. The energy that you expend in marketing for it and actually delivering it. [00:53:00] And so you can plan, I can plan out 2023. I know what the made things are gonna be.
So for folks that are looking for that kind of guidance and possibly who are looking for a group of other people that are doing the same thing, which I took for granted, I've. Strategically lived in places where I knew I could find support systems where other people were motivated and doing things and Jill lives down the street from me.
We didn't, I didn't move here for Jill. I met her on Instagram. She lives like in the next town over in Manhattan Beach and I'm in Redondo. So I've always strategically lived in places like this, but it's been my experience that women, and especially moms, they don't have that. And oftentimes they'll do these online businesses and like the people around 'em don't get it and they're just like, I have no one to talk to about this.
So if you are also looking for that kind of community aspect where other people are doing these things and they get it, that's a good fit for legacy.
Danny: So if somebody's interested in, learning more about this or frankly if they just want to reach out and, connect and see maybe if there's something else that they can help with, [00:54:00] whether it be Instagram or the coaching work that you're doing.
Like what's the best place for them
Shante: to, best place? Place is always Instagram. Don't email me cuz it's gonna take me forever if I do even get back to you. Just shoot me a DM on Instagram. We run Legacy once a year. We enroll once a year, and so in November we, we do applications. But if you wanna chat about anything, you wanna see if you're a good fit, you wanna see you had any questions, is dm e at the movement?
Maestro? And I'll get back to you promptly because I live in my
Danny: dms. I love it. Yeah, you do. You get back to people so fast. I'm like, I do. It's amazing. As I, every once in a while I may, whatever. Shoot you a little message. You get back so fast. Is this a robot? Is it's a bots.
Shante: I've hired him. He's taking care of my pause,
Danny: clicking away. You wouldn't be good at that. You'd get him like a big board for pause. Yeah. But he could probably do it.
Shante: So
Danny: good. That's so good. Yeah. All right. So we'll message [00:55:00] you and they can find out more. But Shante, thank you so much for your time today. This is it's been far too long since we got a chance to connect and I'm just, honestly, I'm very proud of you. It's super cool to see what you've done.
It's. I think for a lot of people in the profession, it just shows that they can do even outside the clinical world, which, if that's not your passion, like you can still use your skillset in so many other ways, which I think is amazing. So again, thanks for your time guys. If you're interested, please reach out.
If you sound like the ideal person for Shante and even if that doesn't sound like you a hundred percent check out or Instagram course, every single person in our mastermind has gone through it and they've got a ton out of it. So if you have a business you feel like Instagram could help, which is basically any business check that out.
Cause that's been a game changer for a lot of our folks too. So again, Shante, thank you so much for your time today. Really, appreci. Danny,
Shante: this was amazing. Thank you for your time today, all the days, and you have had such a profound influence on my journey, on my career. You're one of the first people I saw that was leading and doing things for themselves and having a bigger impact besides, being a clinician.
And then, like I, said earlier within the [00:56:00] podcast your affiliate allowed me to believe I could do this and go and invest in myself. So you've had an absolutely integral role with everything that I've done and I'm really grateful for you. So thank you, Danny.
Danny: Thank you so much.
I appreciate that. And I, great catching up. We'll have to do this more than once every year or whatever. So hopefully people enjoy it. Either way, we'll catch up and maybe make a podcast out of it. But anyway, thanks again, guys. As always, thank you for listening. We'll catch you next week.
What's up, PT Entrepreneurs? We have a new exciting challenge for you guys. It's our five day PT biz part-time to full-time challenge where we help you get crystal clear on how to actually go from a side hustle to a full-time clinic. Even if you haven't started yet. This is a great way to get yourself organized in preparation for eventually going full-time into your business.
So we actually help you get crystal clear on how much money you're actually gonna need to replace with your business to be able to make a lateral transfer. How many people [00:57:00] you're actually gonna need to see based on what you should be charging. We're gonna tell you three different strategies you can take to go from part-time to full-time, and you get to pick the one that seems like the best fit for you for your current situation.
We even show you all the sales and marketing systems that we teach within our Mastermind for people that are scaling to multiple clinicians, past themself that you need to have in your business to be able to go full-time. And the last thing is we help you create a one page business plan. This is a plan that's gonna help you get very clear on exactly what you need to do and drive action.
That's what this is all about. We want you to win. We want you to take action, and in order to do you have to get really clear on what you need to do next. So go to physical therapy biz.com/challenge. Get signed up for the challenge today. It's totally free. We think this is gonna be a game changer for you and are excited to.
Hey, real quick before you go, I just wanna say thank you so much for listening to this podcast, and I would love it if you got involved in the conversation. So this is a one-way channel. I'd love to hear back from you. I'd love to get you into the group that we have formed on Facebook. Our PT Entrepreneurs Facebook group has about 4,000 clinicians in there [00:58:00] that are literally changing the face of our profession.
I'd love for you to join the conversation, get connected with other clinicians all over the country.
I do live trainings in there with Yves Gege every single week, and we share resources that we don't share anywhere else outside of that group.So if you're serious about being a PT entrepreneur, a clinical rainmaker, head to that group. Get signed up. Go to facebook.com/groups/ptentrepreneur, or go to Facebook and just search for PT Entrepreneur. And we're gonna be the only group that pops up under that.