E537 | Don't Be Afraid To Be Yourself
Sep 15, 2022
When you are teaching a workshop or doing anything where you are the authority, you need to let your personality show. This can go a long way in building rapport with people and today I wanted to leave you with a relevant story of why this is important. Enjoy!
- Why your personality matters
- Back it up with results
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Podcast Transcript
Danny: Hey, I've got a question for you. Do you know if you're tracking the right data, the right metrics, the right key performance indicators in your practice? This is something that's huge for us and really helps us make solid decisions within our business, but the prior software that we're using to run our practice made it really challenging.
To actually get that data out and use it in reports. Since we've switched to PPG everywhere, this has actually become way, way easier for us to be able to have the right data. We have a dashboard of all the things that we actually want to see, the metrics that we want to pull, and it makes our life a lot easier to pull the information that we need to make the right decisions within our business.
So if you're running blind and you're not tracking the right things, or you're having a. Hard time actually pulling everything together. I highly recommend you check out our friends at PT Everywhere and see what they've got going on with their software platform. It's what we use for our practice. It's been a game changer for us.
You can check 'em [email protected]. I think you really like it. So here's the question. How do physical therapists like us who don't wanna see 30 patients a day, who don't want to work home health and have real student loans create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about?
This is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name's Danny Mate, and welcome to the PT Entrepreneur Podcast.
What's going on guys? Dr. Danny here with the PT Entrepreneur Podcast, and today we're talking about why you need to show a little bit of your personality when you are interacting with people. In particular, when you are teaching a workshop or if you're put in a place of authority from an education standpoint.
So maybe you're doing a lunch and learn for a business, maybe you're teaching a workshop at a gym, maybe you're teaching some trainers some advanced stuff as a way to, build some rapport with with coaches and upgrade their skills and put yourself in an authority position.
There's lots of different ways you can do this. And it may even be, in a place like. Your school or a local event or something like that, that you're just at. But I'm gonna tell you a little story about why this is relevant and what recently happened with myself and my son, and what came out of it and how it relates to you.
So my son is 10 and he is just starting to. Learn golf. So he is never really played golf besides top golf a couple times, but he had a buddy that is going to the first TEE program, which is a nonprofit, which is awesome. Shout out to First Tee. They're great. And Atlanta, where we live, there's a course that has a first tee.
It's a little public course that's about 15 minutes from where we live, so his buddy's going there and his brother. So I got Jack signed up. Same place. So we get there and We show up, I don't know, 15 minutes early or putting and chipping a little bit. The instructor's down at the driving range.
We go down to meet him. I go say hello. Jack goes and says hello, introduces himself and after he shakes his hand, he goes, decent handshake there. Next time, firmer look me in the eyes like a man, and I go, I like this guy. This guy is my style. So as the course or as the. Instruction starts, like they have some housekeeping stuff at the beginning and turns out this guy gives him, gives a little background.
His wife is there helping sign people up. She's a part of this as well. They're both long-term educators, 30, 40 years as teachers and coaches. He'd played professional football and he was the he's the golf coach at Morehouse University and they had a funny little rapport back and forth, reminded me of.
My wife and I, hopefully we're just as funny as they are when we're their age. And then he said something that was really interesting. He goes, listen, this is what time this starts. Starts at five 15. If you show up after five 15, you'll sit here and watch everyone else hit. I will not let you participate in practice for the day.
He's I prefer that you get here at least 15 minutes early. He goes, I never get anywhere. That I'm supposed to be without being 30 minutes early, because I would rather wait on the other person and be respectful of their time than I would have them wait on me. So if you show up late, you'll not participate.
And after he got done, he goes, oh yeah, by the way, he goes, if you're, if you want your kids to do any individual stuff with me, I do a little bit of coaching on the side. And he's and if you're trying to, improve your swing, same thing, talk to me afterward. So I didn't show up thinking to myself, yeah, I could use a golf coach.
Like I don't really blame much anymore. But now that my son is into it, and we're going to the course more. I I figured, hey, I might as well, but really what pushed me to set up some lessons with this guy was just this guy in general. I don't know. He's obviously a good enough golf coach to be, the coach for a university.
Obviously knows more about golf than I do, but here's what really pushed me to want to set up lessons with somebody. That I frankly don't know anything about. I know there's no vetting process. I didn't read reviews. I didn't see to do my homework on this guy. I didn't even know what it cost.
I didn't really care, honestly, because I just liked this guy. I like his style. He reminds me of coaches I had growing up. He reminds me of my grandfather. And for me that was enough. I'm gonna get along with this guy. Like I, I'm gonna be able to have a good time. I respect this person, I'm gonna respect their coaching style.
I'm gonna listen to him. He's gonna be on time, I'm gonna be on time. And he's got a little bit of an old school vibe to him and I really appreciated that. So here's what I want you to think about next time that you are teaching, a workshop or you're at an event or an education. Event of some sort that you're at, show a little bit of your personality.
Don't be don't live so much in the gray area. I'm not saying offend people, but if you prioritize people being on time, and that's a core value of yours, punctuality, respecting other people's time, and say something about that. Show your personality a little bit in whatever way seems like it fits that context.
And you're going to attract more people that wanna work with you that are similar to you. And that's really interesting because it's this concept of likability. When you look at the psychology of sales, that guy pre-sold the crap outta me just by being himself, just by him and his wife being themself like, I want to hang out with this guy more.
I want him to help me, improve my golf game. But more than anything, I just like him, I think. I think it's gonna be great to be able to chat with this guy for an hour. While we improve whatever I need to improve. And that right there was enough for me to set up, golf lessons with his wife after no time knowing this person at all, right?
Or anything about them. And that's the power of just showing a little bit of your personality. Here's the other thing that happens. There's probably people sitting there, right? When he said these things, or for instance, if somebody tells your son to look him in the eyes and shake their hand like a man, some of you.
Might have gotten a little irritated by that, that might have been something that was very negative to you. You look at that and you think, geez, I don't want this guy spending any time around my son and for whatever, better or worse. That's just the way you feel about it.
And the way that I felt about it was, this guy's awesome. Yeah let's go. I got Jack in the right place and we're going to, we're gonna help his golf game. But more than anything, I like the way this guy talks to. My son, because I don't have a problem with it. I'm fine with that type of coaching, and frankly, I don't think they get enough of it a anymore in comparison to, when I was younger, when I was his age.
So I love the idea that he commands respect, punctuality, professionalism, being nice to the other kids around. And that's his personality. That's part of his personality. So you gotta show part of your personality because you're going to attract the right people and you're going to. And alienate, not alienate, you're gonna push away or detract the wrong people.
The same thing happens with me. The same thing happens with this podcast. Think about this for a second. There, there's, granted, there's probably a lot of people that have listened to this podcast and they think to themself, this guy's an idiot. He curses too much. He has no traditional business experience.
He. I don't know. He makes crazy references to things that make no sense, like a golf instructor, and I want nothing to do with this guy. Like I'm done. The other 50% of people or so they think this is awesome. This guy's openly sharing what's working in his business. He admits mistakes of what's going on.
He's constantly freaking, referencing the army or stoicism or just whatever it is that I'm into and. I like this guy. I don't know why, but I like this guy. And then it's just up to us after that, if you fit that and you're like, okay, I like this guy's vibe. Does his, is his company legit?
Do they actually do what they say they're gonna do? Do they have results that back up what they say? That is what it comes down to. If you have somebody that is a forefront of a business, you first feel like there's an some sort of an attraction or. Or a repellent from that person based on what they say and how they interact.
And then from there you decide, okay, that's not enough. If I'm gonna invest money for a business, does their business actually, have. Do they have outcomes? Do they have a reputation that I would feel comfortable working with? It starts with one and then it finishes with the other, and you don't necessarily need to be charismatic or whatever on the front end, but it does definitely help attract the people that you know you really wanna work with.
And push away the people that you don't, because I've worked with plenty of people that I don't want to work with and we didn't do a very good job of ruling them out and they didn't wanna work with me. And it was a bad relationship, both directions. And we try really hard to get the right people in the door and then deliver for those people.
And this guy I. This coach man, he was awesome. We'll see. We'll see what kind of a golf instructor he is, right? Because they're, he's gotta back it up. If he's not very good I'm probably gonna work with him once or twice and then we'll call it, we'll call it quits. If he's awesome and he might have a great long-term, client, that not only that I'm a spewer man.
If I find somebody that is great, I'm gonna tell every freaking person I know about it, that I know is interested in golf and be like, yo, dude, listen, here's this guy's number. He's awesome. This is where he does lessons. I know it's not close to you. Worth the drive. Go and do it. I'll blow this guy up because.
That's how I am with people. And you don't know who you're in front of sometimes if you're in front of somebody like me and I just spew my opinion on everybody, if I really like something, that's what it is. And for him, maybe that's what happened. So keep that in mind. You don't know who you're in front of.
You always wanna show some of your personality and you gotta back it up with actual, results of what you're actually pushing. So anyway, hope that helps. Thought that was an interesting reference. And who knows, man, hopefully I can improve my golf game. And me and Jack are gonna be out there, having a good time playing some golf.
So I'll see you guys next week.
What's up, PT Entrepreneurs? We have a new exciting challenge for you guys. It's our five day PT biz part-time to full-time challenge where we help you get crystal clear on how to actually go from a side hustle to a full-time clinic. Even if you haven't started yet. This is a great way to get yourself organized in preparation for eventually going full-time into your business.
So we actually help you get crystal clear on how much money you're actually gonna need to. Replace with your business to be able to make a lateral transfer. How many people you're actually gonna need to see based on what you should be charging. We're gonna tell you three different strategies you can take to go from part-time to full-time, and you get to pick the one that seems like the best fit for you for your current situation.
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Hey, real quick before you go, I just wanna say thank you so much for listening to this podcast, and I would love it if you got involved in the conversation. So this is a one way channel. I'd love to hear back from you. I'd love to get you into the group that we have formed on Facebook. Our PT Entrepreneurs Facebook group has about.
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