E457 | Developing A Growth Mindset
Dec 09, 2021
Today is another episode pulled from a response from myself to one of our active Mastermind members. The topic that came up between the two business partners involved was dealing with fixed mindset vs. growth mindset. I take my time to answer this with them based on my real-life experience in business for myself. Enjoy!
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Podcast Transcript
Danny: So I was having a conversation with one of our staff members about documentation and he had come over from a in-network practice that he was working at and he was talking about just how long it would take him to document and click through and the workflow and how, just how time consuming it was and how much easier it's been with the software that we use, which is PT everywhere.
And I know for us, we're very aware. Sort of time leaks within our staff and our own schedules. And it's just one of the worst things you can do is just waste time on things when you could be doing them more efficiently. One thing for us is we have to document. It's something we need to do and you need to do it as efficiently as you possibly can because that's where you're gonna save a lot of your time.
We were seeing our staff members save upwards of an hour a day as far as cleaning up his documentation, making it more efficient. What if you got an hour of your day back just from documentation? What if all of your staff did the same thing? Highly recommend you take a look at PT everywhere.
It's been a huge time saver for us and really has made a big difference in our efficiency of our practice. You can check 'em [email protected]. I think you're gonna really like what they have. So here's the question. How do physical therapists like us who don't wanna see 30 patients a day, who don't wanna work home health and have real student loans create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about?
This is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name's Danny Matte, and welcome to the PT Entrepreneur Podcast.
What's up guys? Doc Danny here with the PT Entrepreneur Podcast, and today I pulled another response from our mastermind. So we use a app that is a voice message app that we can communicate back and forth to each with each other. Whenever we need you, any question we have or think they wanna bring up just to make sure that, we can be as responsible as possible.
And and really help them, whether their business or personal things pop up. And thi this is something that I thought was really interesting. I took some time responding to this because this is actually one of our mastermind members asked him about his brother. He basically said Hey, my brother you were having a conversation and he said he felt like his brother was stuck in like a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset.
Just this is the way things are, this is the way things are gonna be, this is the way things are for our family and just. Being complacent with that versus a growth mindset of you can accomplish whatever you want, you can move towards whatever you want. Constantly learning and evolving and improving.
And what we see is the cultivation of this growth mindset. Super important, especially as an entrepreneur. He asked me what his brother could do, and this is my response for how his brother can improve and go from a growth or go from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.
I hope this helps you as well. And if you guys like these these are some that I always obviously leave. Personal information out of it, so you don't know who they are. But if you guys like these, let me know and we'll try to pull some more relevant ones that we have. There's just like real life, real time questions and problems that people are dealing with and we're trying to help them with and hope that they help you as well.
Wow, Chris, this is a this is a great. Question, man. I'm gonna take a little bit of time to answer this cuz it's it's a big question, right? So how do you go from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset specifically your brother, right? And I feel like most people have a very fixed mindset, right?
This is the way things are, this is the way. Family is, this is the way that I'm built, and I, or I'm, I can't make these physical changes because look at everybody else around me. This is the way that they look. So I think that it's really challenging to to get past that.
And I think there's some inter, there's like interesting stats around like what people make. And it's typically. I think it's five to 10% plus or minus what their parents made on average is what they'll typically make. And that's because people are, they're tribe based, right?
Like they're community based and they don't wanna necessarily stick out or try to grow past everybody else. Or they say the nail that sticks out gets hammered down. So I think that that's a big reason why people just, they don't, and my, my whole family. They're, government workers and and they work for big hospitals, basically, huge organizations and, they're incredibly smart people and they serve a really important purpose.
Like many of them are emergency medicine or attentive care units, and like they have jobs that are super necessary, very essential, obviously. And And I started there as well, right? In the Army which is a very sort of fixed mindset world. Just the government world.
So I, I think that part of it is just who you end up being exposed to. And for me it was just, I was very lucky. I got exposed to a couple people. One was a mentor that actually was Internship director when I was at Baylor, when I was at the Army's Physical Therapy Program, and he reframed the way I looked at.
What we could do with our career. And he was a successful in-network practice owner. And I was just my last year of school and it was interesting looking back on it, like some of the conversations that he had with me that were impactful. And then for me, a big part of it was also just meeting Kelly Tourette and.
Being involved in the movement that, that he had created with teaching movement and mobility and with CrossFit and seeing like what people were doing with these little gyms. And I started to just reframe what I wanted to do. Originally I wanted to have a career in the army.
I was gonna be in for 20, 30 years, get a pension, healthcare for life, just like my dad and my, both of my grandfathers. That was just like the thing that we did, right? It was the plus or minus five or 10% of your family. That's just what we see as normal and.
As I started to get exposed to these other people and I started to realize holy crap especially like with Kelly, like I always, what I found was really fascinating was they would do these trips with their kids where let's say they, they would take them to like Germany and he would teach, in London and somewhere else on the bookend of that trip.
And that was a business trip for them. So he's able to like, use the business to support, something that was an important part of his life. And I hadn't really seen that with other people, so I thought that was a really unique, rare. You, rare thing that a lot of people just weren't able to do.
And I started to wanna model my life and then the relationship I wanted to have with our kids and the ability for us to explore the world together, which is a really important core value of mine in and trying to figure out how to do that. There's no way I could have done that in the Army.
It's impossible. You just it's too restrictive of an environment. It's, it's not the same type of lifestyle and there's much less risk with that as well. So I think that for people that are in more of a fixed mindset, It's, most people start that way. I don't think that it's just you're naturally born with more of an abundance mindset.
I don't think that's the case. Or a growth mindset. I think you get exposed to certain things along the way, whether you know it or not, that really start to change the way that you view the world. It's like taking one pair of glasses off and putting another one on, right? You could have blurred vision.
It's the wrong prescription, and then all of a sudden you put. Pair of glasses on and you can see everything really clearly. I for people starting out, I recommend Jim Rhone. I think Jim Ron's stuff is just, it's very easy to understand. You can get lost in a lot of the, there's a lot of super sort of woowoo, universe, this and that kind of people.
And that might actually off-put most people versus some people might align with that and they're like all about it, right? And next thing they're walking around holding a crystal and they're super into whatever, whatever they think is going on. For better or worse, like that's just, some people are built that way.
Other people are like, no, that's. That's obviously not the case for me. And, but Jim Rhone r o h n, what's his last name? He has some of the best stuff that I've ever listened to. And he was a, one of the first sort of personal development, self-help instructors. And I think that, I think that term gets like such a bad rap, right?
It's like you think of people on like late night infomercials. It's really helpful and it's something that I think most people would benefit from just listening to some of the things that he has to say. And one of the things that, that he says, a core tenant of his is you have to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.
And. Like I think about that all the time. You have to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. Most people, they just go to work. They do their job, they do their thing they're, they make the money they need to support their family and they look forward to doing something else that they like actually better than the thing that's supporting their life and their family.
And I think that for us, what is so special about what we've been able to do and the path that we've chosen is that we enjoy the. Just as much as we do the time where we have downtime, and that's not normal. One of my early mentors, he told me, I was like, you don't seem to have me hobbies.
He goes, my business is my hobby. He's I love this is awesome. He's it's a super fun game. I get to play every single day. He's I don't need a hobby. To to look forward to. He's this is what I like to do. It's fascinating to me. I love it, and people don't understand that, but once you find the thing that you really enjoy and you can play the game of entrepreneurship and you can, you.
Evolve as a person within that it is addictive. It's so fun. And it's the start that is so challenging, because for a lot of people what's stops them from ever doing anything else? Is what you're talking about being able to take this sort of Fixed mindset, pair of glasses off, and put on a growth mindset, pair of glasses, and start to see the world instead of all of the shit that is not great or the thi the things that are negative or the dangers of doing something differently.
And when you put another pair of glasses on, all of a sudden you see opportunity, possibility you're able to be creative. And I think for some people that there has to get to a point where it hurts so bad that they finally decide to make a transit. I have close family members that I know wish they could do something different.
Like it doesn't necessarily, it's not good for their health, what they do. It's not good for their family life. They don't see their spouse or their kids as much as they would like to their working swing schedules and their, Health isn't as good as it should be because of that.
Just cuz they're just constantly up all night or then they're sleeping during the day and then their schedule flips back and I hear them say things and where it's oh, I wish I could do this, I wish I could do that. And I know that they can. They do whatever the fuck they want to do.
They can do anything. Your brother can do whatever he wants to do. It's just a matter of can he deal with the fear of transition, the fear of unknown. The anxiety around like doing something different. And in most cases it's not because of the fear of financial ruin. It's the fear of being pushed out of the tribe, right?
Like not being a part of the community anymore because they, they felt that you were, you, they weren't good enough for you. I think, is a lot of people how they feel with their family members in their community and. And also failure of then having to go back after having failed.
And, but I think that if you look at it a different way, right? If you try to do something on your own and you fail, wouldn't it be better to at least have done that and known like at least you gave it your best shot and it didn't work out, then just live the rest of your life and not know, and just have this unknown of regret of what if it had worked?
This is what most people don't actually think about is what if it does? Holy shit. How different is my life? How different is my family's life? What how much less stress is there? Because I put myself in a financial position where, you know I'm not just living paycheck to paycheck and I'm able to be creative and have fun doing the work that I like to do.
The thing that I enjoy more, the most that provides for my family. People just don't even think about that side of it. All they do is they focus on the. All of the bad outcomes that possibly happen, and that scares them off. And it's fearful to, to a point where they never do anything, ever.
And this isn't exclusive to our profession or whatever your brother does, is this, is across the board, from what I've seen. And it's, and if you start listening to people and you'll hear them certain words that they say, oh, I wish, or, oh, you're lucky because, or they throw things out that make themself feel better about the lack of.
Risk they've taken on their own. And everybody's in different situations and I totally get that right. Family situations people, they have to support risk they can and cannot take. And sometimes, it's much harder for other people for some people than other people.
F for sure I think we have to respect for that, but, We live in one of the few countries where we can actually take a chance on ourself with a safety net in place. Even a bankruptcy isn't something that sets people back for life. Plenty of people go through grow through that. It's one of the gifts we have from our country to where we, if you fail, it doesn't, you're not in debt and with credit occurs and creditors and put in jail for the rest of your life.
You get a do-over, basically you get a mu. And I don't think people really look at it that way. So I would tell your brother or anybody that you know, would want to move away from this fixed mindset. To more of a growth mindset or abundance mindset to listen to Jim Roone. He has a couple audio books like, just go on YouTube and listen to some of his stuff.
And if you don't, if you're not like, damn, this is awesome, then it, maybe it's not the right fit for you. But for me it's the number one thing that I listen to when, I really I am trying to keep my mindset in the right place or to improve it, and I've listened to hours and hours and hours of his his stuff.
I actually was part of my morning routine for like years. I would listen to Jim Roone while I'm drinking coffee or taking my dog on a walk or something. Because I just found it so impactful and starting my day that way. The other thing that I think I would re. I was reading the book Vivid Vision by Cameron Herd.
I just went through this recently and it's very hard to do this. It takes a lot of time and it's just really difficult to think about your life and what you want it to be. But vivid Vision is a book that I really enjoyed. And building out, like writing out your vivid vision for three years from now.
In the present tense, like writing, what I did was basically write what I thought would be like a newspaper article of my business and life three years from now. So January, 2025 and it's five pages long. It's very detailed in terms of what I'm doing and who, like what I'm spending my time on, who we're helping, how many people we're working with, what kind of impact we're having outside of our business with other, nonprofits and things like that, that we're supporting family, all these things, and.
Like writing that out and crafting that vivid vision. I think what it does is it forces you to be creative and look at things a little bit differently. It's very difficult to do. I would say they probably took me between, in reading the book thinking about what I wanted to write and actually writing it.
I'm probably sitting at 10 to 12 hours. Like it took me a big chunk of last month to, to be able to actually like to do it. And there was a lot of pain involved in it cuz it, I didn't want to do it because it just required so much thought on my part. But now that I've done it, it's so helpful to be able to read that and.
Make sure okay, am I trending this right? Am I making the decisions I need to make for this to look like what I want it to look like in three years? And I think for a lot of people, they don't have, they don't have a compass, they don't have a azimuth that they're going the direction of to where they know, if they're off course or not.
And creating that, defining that. Is something that can be really helpful as well. So anyway, hopefully this is helpful. I totally understand it. It's cool you're having the conversation with your brother and he's open to it as well. Cause I think the first part of.
Making a change is being aware and accepting that, there's things that you actually want to change. Rarely people actually do that. They usually just blame other people and they act like nothing's wrong and they avoid difficult conversations. So I think that's huge. For him, I hope this is helpful.
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