E498 | A Simple Framework For Massive Change

May 03, 2022
cash based physical therapy, danny matta, physical therapy biz, ptbiz, cash-based practice, cash based, physical therapy

If you end up deciding to start a business on your own, you are taking a chance on yourself. There is always a risk of failure and I think this is what scares people the most. Today, I wanted to talk about one simple thing that can allow for massive change to happen.

  • Starting with your thoughts
  • Momentum drives massive change
  • Feeling in control of your outcome

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Podcast Transcript

Danny: So one of the best ways to improve your customer experience, which we know will dramatically improve your business, is to have clear lines of communication with your clients. And that's something that can be really hard with these multiple channels between email and text. And what you really need is to centralize that in one place.

And that's something that we've been able to do as we switched over to PT everywhere within our client's accounts. We can actually message right back and forth with them. They can manage their home exercise plan within there, and it allows us to really compartmentalize the community. That we have with those clients, instead of losing an email in the inbox or missing a text and then you're, it's very hard to dig yourself outta that hole because they feel like you're not very responsive, with them.

And for us, it's made a really big difference. It helps make our staff more efficient. It helps us not miss things as much with the volume of people that we're working with. And it's a really smart way of really compartmentalizing your communication with your clients so it doesn't interfere with the rest of the channels.

You have communication with family and friends and things like that, so I think it'd be huge for your practice to centralize it the way we have. Head over to pt Check out what our friends we're doing over there. I think it's really cool and I think you really like it. So here's the question.

How do physical therapists like us who don't wanna see 30 patients a day, who don't wanna work home health and have real student loans create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about? This is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name's Danny Mate, and welcome to the PT Entrepreneur Podcast.

What's going on guys? Doc Danny here with the PT Entrepreneur Podcast, and today I'm doing another screen share explanation. I've actually really enjoyed just being able to write out some thoughts now that I've figured out the tech side of using my, my iPad. Like a, I feel like such a boomer right now with Zoom and sharing that it's probably super easy, but taking me quite a while to actually figure out how to do this.

But I've enjoyed this and I'm actually, I'm working on. A presentation I'm doing this weekend that is really on mindset for people that are newer entrepreneurs thinking about getting into doing their own thing or are just getting started. So I'm building out a different kinda slide deck presentation for that.

But part of it is is what I'm gonna talk about now which is, how to really start to make the change. To where you are mentally driving towards success, which I think is actually one of the hardest things that you have to do, the shift that you have to make. It's not just your skillset, right?

There's lots of people that are highly skilled that they never take a chance of themself. That's frankly what we have to do. If you decide that you want to do something on your own, you have to take a chance on yourself. And there's inherent risk of failure associated with that, which I think is actually, one of the things that, if not the thing that scares people the most, it's like public speaking, fear of failure.

Snakes, I hate snakes, but. Those are probably the top things. The fear of failure is real. The fear of failure is you're getting ostracized by the community, by the tribe. You're you tried to go above and beyond who do you think you are?

You think you're better than us. These are all the things that, we tell ourselves, or maybe even other people have said to you that want to keep you in the same place that you're in. Because they're frankly afraid for you that you'll fail. You'll embarrass yourself. But probably more than anything that you'll succeed and your relationship with them will change.

You'll move on. You'll progress while they stay the same. And so you get a lot of this negative. Feedback from people often that are very close to you not out of, spite. It's frankly out of fear and sometimes it's out of frustration on their own part, right? So we have to be aware of that, but you have to be able to take a chance on yourself and be okay with that the mental side of it.

It's just like learning anything that's challenging. Once you get over that mental barrier it's easy. It's like riding a bike. Those of you that have small kids, Teaching a kid how to ride a bike, usually it's hard, they're scared. They don't know what it's gonna feel like.

It's weird. They're on this little machine that is very unstable. They don't know like, how to pedal or steer or they lean too much and they fall over. They hurt themself maybe a little bit, learning it. But as soon as they get over the the mental side, the fear of commitment to doing.

To actually like pushing the pedals and gaining some speed. Like you need speed, you need momentum to to actually make it work. And. As soon as that happens, all of a sudden it's oh, I can do this. And you never forget it. You can do it forever, right? You may not have rid a bike in 10 years, but you can get it on a bike and you can ride a bike right away.

It's a skill that you've acquired, but the biggest thing you had to get over with the skill of acquiring riding a bike is fear is getting over. The mindset side of things, not the physical side of things. I'm gonna share my screen real quick and and I'll walk you through what I put together.

So if you are listening to this on the podcast, I highly recommend that you go check out the Facebook group. It's the PT Entrepreneurs Facebook group. And you can just jump in there. It's totally free. If you wanna watch the video variation of this, there's a whole bunch of other stuff in there that we do as well as people just sharing ideas and asking questions, answering questions, all kinds of stuff.

It's a really active community of people that are in the clinical space that are entrepreneurs. For those of you that are watching this, I'm gonna go through this. I'm gonna explain as best I can, if you're just listening. This is actually how this was explained to me once by a friend of mine that's a pastor.

He helps people with many things that have nothing to do with business, but I thought this related quite a bit to making change. This is all about making change. How do you make change? And for him, he's working with a lot of people that are trying to make pretty significant life changes.

Maybe they've had a lot of just bad things that have happened, or they're in a spot in their life that they're, they don't want to be in anymore and doesn't have to be as. As some of the things that he's dealing with, but for our community, for people that I work with, many of you are thinking about making a change.

You're thinking about, going into business for yourself. Let's use that as an example. Or even, you're in business, you have your own practice or business or whatever you're doing and you're comfortable, and now you're thinking about What do I do next? Do I hire somebody? How do I scale this?

How do I grow a true business? This, it comes right back to this. As we go through any period of time where we have to make an adjustment, a change, po positive or negative, all of this is gonna still apply. To, to putting yourself out there in a way where you can lose again, where you can.

The other thing that I think that we need to keep in mind is there's a difference between confidence and arrogance. We want people to be confident in the decisions they're making, but not arrogant, and the difference between confidence and arrogance. Is, there's humility associated with confidence, knowing that we don't know everything, knowing that we still need to learn and progress and work really hard on ourself.

So as you think about this, you can definitely go too far to the extreme, as you are just like improving on your own mindset to the point where you can push other people away or you can be very irritated by people easily that doubt. This has happened with me. In particular I would take that in a very extreme way.

If someone told me I couldn't do something, especially if multiple people did, especially people that I knew fairly well or were close to me, then I would honestly just use it as a extreme variation of motivation to just prove them wrong, which is not really a good place to be. It's not the most healthy place to have a goal that drives you.

It drives many people. But those people are typically unhappy. And if you wanna see what I'm talking about, watch the Michael Jordan documentary that ESPN did, like that guy's just straight driven by the desire to beat people and prove people wrong. And he's had a lot of success with that, but on the court.

But personally, I think he's had quite a bit of failure. And I can't say that he seems like the happiest person in the world. He seems only happy when he's beating somebody at something. And if that's what he needs from a competitive standpoint that's his personality. But what I want is for you guys to.

Competitive. But also not arrogant, know that you're doing things for the reason of doing those and not giving up and being tough, but also being humble enough to know that you don't know everything and you can learn from lots of different people. Even if somebody's challenging your views, maybe you can look at that in a different perspective to learn something from it.

You don't necessarily have to agree, but you also don't have to take that as, fuel to just. Completely annihilate this person and make them look silly like that, I don't think is a healthy place to be. Getting into that let's drive into this triangle that that my buddy drew out for me and explained.

So the triangle is really how different things interact with each other. So at the top of the triangle, we have thoughts, and at the bottom of the triangle we have feelings and actions. Okay? So we all experie. Thoughts and feelings, and we all have actions that we that we do in the world.

But we really have control of really all of these things. The root cause though, and the things that we wanna look at as we look how these interact is actions change, drive how we feel. And how we how we feel drives how we think, but actions al also drive how we think and how we think drives how we feel and how we feel can drive actions and actions, drive thoughts that we have and how we feel can drive thoughts.

And vice surgeon can go around the entire triangle and one interacts with the other. In either a positive or a negative way. So now that we know that, now that we know what the areas of like mindset as far as making a change are concerned, we then have to decide where do we want to start?

And for a lot of people, they look at this and they think, all right, what's the easiest thing to start to change? And some people will say it's thoughts. They'll say we just have to start. Thinking more positively about ourself, and I think there's validity to that. Other people will say actions and they'll say if you start doing more of the right things, then things are gonna start going your direction and you'll start thinking about yourself differently and feeling differently.

And there's validity to that as well. Feelings now I feel like the, trying to change the way you feel about something I think is hard. Because. I don't, I think it's a secondary outcome that happens based off of things you're doing or ways you're that, that you're thinking about yourself. And feelings are interesting.

Like oftentimes we try to like, not feel certain things versus actually feel certain things. And that's tough. I recently had a death in the family. My grandfather died and it was tough, super hard. Our whole family on my mom's side was, it was very hard for us.

He's somebody that's had a very big impact on all of our lives and, it's, my kids were sad about it, I was sad about it. And that's, I, when you look at feelings, like it's okay to feel sad, it's okay to feel upset and or happy or, frustrated or all these things are fine.

Like they're just normal. And you're not like you're trying to avoid those things cuz that's, frankly, part of me is, Alive. You know what I mean? Like you're, if you don't feel things, you're just not, you're missing out on this, just humanity in general. And I'll try not to be too high level this stuff.

And my wife hates it when I do this. She's can you just talk about normal shit? Like you talk about basketball? So I love basketball, but I think it's really important to. To keep perspective for this. If you're trying to make a change in your life and the way you feel about things is natural, it's normal.

I don't think you should really change that. I think that you should embrace that, if anything else, and not try to avoid it or be ashamed of that or hide it because that's just who you are. And the more you can be okay with how you feel, I think you're gonna be a lot better off. But when we're looking to make a change, like a true change, You have to start with thoughts and actions.

So here's my kind of key takeaways from this. If you look at this pyramid, where do you fit in this? Like how do you actually make action out of this little terrible drawing that I have? You have to start with thoughts and actions, and this is where things like a meditation practice or breathing practice, or some variation of just silence where you are, letting things settle.

It could be taking your dog on a walk every morning and not listening to anything. No podcast, no music, nothing to even distract you, and as boring as that sounds, just letting your. Just figure shit out, like index things, calm down, get stuff organized. Let thoughts settle. Let things that are problems be resolved internally by time and space, by allowing silence to to do his thing.

It could be as simple as that. It could be actions, it could be starting to doing doing daily journaling, writing down how you feel, writing down the things you wanna accomplish, writing down things you're grateful. It could be deciding on which actions you need to do that are leading indicators in your business or if you're trying to make a change.

Okay. I know I'm a good clinician. I know nothing about sales and marketing, and I know that's gonna be my Achilles heel when I go into business for myself. So how do I get better at that? Okay, what actions do I need to take? I'm gonna listen to, one book a month. I'm going to. Invest in a course and get mentorship on something.

I'm going to watch YouTube videos on sales from people that are out there, teaching this stuff. Any number of things that you're gonna do, actions, how many are you gonna do? When are you gonna do it? What? Make a smart goal, right? Don't just say I think I need to get better at this. I'll try, I'll start there.

No, it's, I'm gonna listen to this number of podcasts on sales and marketing. I'm going to work. These skills with my family and friends, once a week or whatever it is, but define what those things are that lead to the outcome that you want and you start with those actions. So I really actually prefer people start with action.

If they are, if they're working on the right things. I think that's actually the most important thing. Are you doing the right things that are proactively gonna make your business better? So they are the leading indicators in your change you're trying to make, to then drive to the success that you want.

And I think thoughts are incredibly important too. And obviously we think these, we can control them, we can change them. But it's really. Driving the right actions first because how you feel about yourself is gonna change when you're putting the right work in. The only thing that's gonna pop up is when we have periods of time where we're not successful.

So to change how we feel about things, we have to work on thoughts and actions. And when we look at driving change action drives change the most in my opinion. So how we feel is gonna improve when we're doing the right actions. So if we're doing more of the right things here, then we're gonna feel better about ourself and we're gonna think more positively about what's going on.

So it's really the best place to start. And what it does is it drives momentum, and we talk about this with the bike momentum is actually the thing that I. Is paramount to making the biggest changes that that you'll see. You see this with basically anything. My son was like c couldn't do a pull up and he was getting really frustrated because my daughter, she's been doing gymnastics now, like competitively, on a little competitive teams for an eight year old.

And she can do quite a few, strike pull-ups, maybe, I don't know, six or seven. And my son can do like one, right? Not even one at the time when he decided he wanted start working on it. So every day he goes to our garage gym, he gets on the bar and he does singles. Singles as with limited rest in between.

Just like right back on the bar until you. Do him anymore. And he did 13 the other day like that. And he's been doing this now for, I don't know, a few weeks. But at first he got really frustrated because he wasn't seeing change. So he was doing the right actions. He was here, he was doing the right actions.

But he wasn't seeing change very fast, so he was thinking that this isn't working, and it was making him feel frustrated and that it was pointless, and that he shouldn't be wasting his time on it. Now, all of a sudden, He gets strict pull up and then another one after that, and now all of a sudden he has momentum and that momentum is contagious.

Momentum drives more action. More desire to do this. More positive thoughts and feelings about the actions we're taking are actually working. That's key. You want that momentum. You want to chase that momentum, and you have to be aware when you get it, cause you wanna double down on it. When things are working, you wanna double down on it.

And momentum drives massive change because everything else starts to fall in line. Now the key here, you're not always gonna see. Positive outcomes from the actions that you take. And oftentimes it's delayed gratification. It's a real thing. Happens all the time, even in the age of, social media and instant access to all information.

You have to wait for certain things like everybody's seen this, has ever done any training, anybody listening to this that has an advanced degree, you that took forever. You had years and years of planning and then all of a sudden years of school and then you wait. It's seven years later and you get a degree.

It's delayed. It's delayed gratification to accomplish a goal that you want. So the key is to focus on the right actions, but you have to brush away the negative thoughts. And feel in control of the outcome. I'm gonna say that one more time because I think this is wraps everything up.

It's the summary of everything. If you can remember this and apply, this is the keys to focus on the right actions. So understand what those actions are. They're gonna drive the outcome you're looking for. You're going to have negative thoughts because you're not gonna have instant success and ongoing success the whole time.

And when you start to. Steps that you take backwards or delays, or you feel like you've plateaued. You start to then question things. Am I doing the right thing? Is this the right decision? What if this was all just a fluke? What, if this isn't gonna work out? I should think about this constantly.

When I first started our practice, I would have. I would have weeks where I'd be killing it. I'd have a bunch of new patients, everybody's wanting to, work with me to, complete a plan of care. And then all of a sudden the next week nothing had nobody's calling me, nobody's emailing me, nobody wants me to do a workshop.

Nobody wants anything to do with me. All of a sudden, for that week, and now I think, holy crap, my business is gonna fail. I'm going under, I start looking for jobs other places. This happened to me, the. Christmas season that we were in business the first holiday season. I didn't know any, I didn't know that server-based businesses slow down, which in retrospect makes massive sense that people are outta town buying Christmas presents their back isn't hurt as much whenever they're around a bunch of their family members and they're eating Christmas cookies and they're having a good time, and it's not a, it's not a priority at that time.

They've got a lot of stuff going on, but what I saw. My client volume, my visit volume, my new patient volume, it just plummeted. And here I am year one, not even a year in. I'm like six, seven months into my business. No idea what's going on. No mentorship when it comes to this stuff. And I start looking for part-time jobs at hospitals.

Luckily for me, I was too lazy to actually fulfill fulfill on any of these applications and go to any of these interviews because my business bounced right back in Q1 of that next year because everybody was ready to get back into the gym and it's usually the business quarter that we see. I didn't know that.

Now you know that. So you should have way less anxiety and stress associated with these small fluctuations within your business. And instead of looking. On the long term, the, a big scale of how things are trending, but when you only have a couple months under your belt, a week is a long time.

It's like our kids when they're in school, they're like, man, we got two months left until summer. That's such a long time. And I'm thinking, man, two months is nothing like that's gonna fly by, but they've only been alive for eight years. So two months in comparison to their eight years compared to my 37 years is very different in terms of perspective of percentage of their life.

It is a long time to them. And when you're newer into business, a week can be a long. If you've only been in business for a couple months, and if you feel like you're going the wrong direction. It's so easy to go the opposite direction here because now we start thinking, oh man, all this stuff, all my thoughts here, like This is where you started to feel bad about yourself.

So you're here, your thoughts are going down, it's negative, and then that starts to make you feel bad. This is going down. And then what happens is this then comes over here and you start doing less actions. You start feeling. Bad for yourself. Have a little pity party sitting on the couch eating a bunch of chips and watching some shit that you know you shouldn't be doing versus going out and doing the things you should be doing.

It's very normal and happens all the time for people to feel bad about themselves. It happens to me, happened to me during Covid. I remember I had, I was like, I didn't know what to do. We got, offices basically shut down. I'm home with my kids, don't know what to do. I was enjoying getting a bunch of time with them, but I also.

Like I was wasting time. I was squandering opportunity, didn't know what to do didn't actually like, have direction cuz no one has been through this at the time. Maybe if someone was still there from 1918, they could have told us a little bit about a pandemic at that point. But basically nobody's alive from that point or remembers it, so you gotta really think.

The, that situation, you didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to do. And eventually what happened was I decided which actions, this is it, which actions I needed to take to then drive towards the goals that I had, which was not having to let of our staff go, which was not having anybody in our mastermind go outta business.

And all of a sudden I went into hyper work mode, like super efficient, super focused on defining the actions that I needed to take. My thoughts started to. Started to think about all the positive things that were gonna come from this, that we're gonna learn, these business lessons, we're gonna learn, we're gonna be able to share.

I started to feel a lot more positive about how things were trending and everything started to move the right direction again, because again, I got momentum. And momentum comes from defining the right actions for you to do and sticking to those things. And not worrying about what the outcome is just yet, but doing the right work.

Focus on doing the right work on the front end, and then if you do the right work for long enough, it's gonna work out and it's gonna change the way you feel and the way that you act or the way that you think about what's happening. So remember, the key is to focus on, and I totally spelled focus wrong, focus on the right actions to brush away.

And I like this. I, I listened to. A few different meditation apps, but I do the Headspace app mainly. Cause I like Andy's voice. He's got a, he's got a great voice. Hey, it's Andy, his little, I think he's English. I don't know what it's, but every time I hear it I'm like, all right, I'm ready.

It's my cue to get into just like focusing on what I'm thinking about in that meditation session. And they talk about gently brushing away negative thoughts. It's not like you're trying to kill it, you're not trying to choke it unconscious and, beat it to death. This isn't, that's not the context of being levelheaded.

You want to gently, think oh man, this negative thought is creeping in. All right, let's just brush this thing away. All right. You can get outta here. See? Yeah. Don't even pay attention to it. Brush it away gently as far as negative thoughts go. That way you can feel in control of your outcome.

And when we feel in control, we gain momentum and we feel far less stressed and far more c. That we're gonna achieve what we want to achieve. And this isn't something that everybody. Masters. Nobody really that I know has mastered this. I definitely haven't mastered this cause I still go through periods, where I get down and I get a little poopy pants when negative things happen and I'm like, oh man, this isn't gonna work out.

I'm gonna go sit here and I'm gonna, just waste time and feel bad for myself. And luckily for me, that's usually my wife was like, what the hell are you doing? You literally can't watch the Matrix three times today. And and do nothing. And then she tells me, get the hell outta the house.

Go do what you know you need to do. Why are you sitting here? So luckily I got that built internally cause I married somebody who's awesome. But when you're thinking about these things, if you catch yourself in that negative loop, you go back to this and you say, damn. I'm feeling bad. What do I need to change that?

I gotta define what actions I need to do, and those actions are then gonna turn into the thoughts that I need. They're gonna make me ha, positive thoughts about what's going on. Instead of just fabricating those things. I'm starting to gain momentum. And that momentum is what's gonna drive massive change, which is the key to everything.

Chase that momentum. How do you get the momentum, the right actions? And that's it. That's the feedback loop that has helped me so much as far. Trying to make just really big changes in my life and with all the people that we work with. And like I, I've done, I've accomplished more than I thought that I ever would honestly, in my life.

I signed up for a career as a, as, a PT in the Army. Okay, let's put this in perspective. Like I was totally down to just be, to make rank just like everybody else does. To be able to work with soldiers to make 80 to a hundred thousand dollars a year basically. As a pt and be fine with that because I find the career field very rewarding.

Personally. It has nothing to do with money. For me, signing up for this job, I don't know. And nobody goes into PTs like, yeah, doing this cause I wanna make a million dollars a year or whatever. That doesn't happen. You're going into investment banking if that's what you think you want to do. So you're in the same boat.

If you're a clinician like me, you signed up for that too. But what I can tell you is you can. Have your cake and eat it too. You can work in this profession and be compensated what you want. Whatever that is, significantly more than what we all signed on for. But be able to work with the people that you wanna work with.

Be able to work the times that you wanna work. Control over your time, control over what your business looks like and the creativity associated with building that, and whatever that ends up looking like for you, it's up to you. But you can't get there without having to go through some serious mental hurdles.

You you gotta go through some serious challenges, mainly mentally, because there's not it's not a life or death thing that we're talking about. You know what I help people with is far less challenging than many of the people I work with in the military that are legitimately in dangerous, do dangerous.

Dangerous work. Truly dangerous work. They gotta work on the same things. Their outcomes, their end goals vastly different with much more significant complications and ramifications of their actions of whether they're successful or not. For us, we're talking about. Whether you're successful in making a change to do something in your own business and in, in the grand scheme of thing it's frankly laughable in comparison to what people do on a daily basis.

Just a police officer, for God's sakes. Think about that. We had it easy. So if you can take that also and realize the perspective of, yes, this feels bad. Yes, this is hard, but in comparison to other people. This is a path that is much easier and much less risky in a lot of ways, but still difficult and something that is hard to get past.

So having perspective I think is huge. Having gra gratitude for what you have done as well and knowing man, I have made these. These strides. Here I am. I'm here now. I was here when I started, like my son with his pullups and improving those. He can see those. He feels it.

He's gaining momentum. He's feeling better about himself. He's feeling more confident about himself. He's flexing all the time now, I don't think muscle changes that fast, but he thinks it does. He's pretty sure his biceps are bigger. Maybe they are. He definitely feels that way. So in his head, they are.

He has confidence and momentum that he's gained from the change that he's trying to make. And that's it. That's the whole point of everything, in my opinion. I think that's it. If you can just understand what we just talked about. I'm sure there's more, whatever. I'll look back at this in five years and be like Danny, you're a dumb ass.

What you just said makes no sense. Hopefully, cuz that means I would've progressed and I have a better understanding of these things. But as of right now, this is what I understand as far as being able to help, not just myself, but hundreds of entrepreneurs in the clinical space.

Be able to make true life changes with things that are very difficult. And I hope that this helps you. I hope that you can take this framework and you can apply it to what you're doing because what you're trying to do is not easy. It's not dangerous by any means, but it's not easy either. And I have a lot of respect for anybody that's willing to try to make a change in any capacity cuz it's just so easy to not.

It's so easy to be complacent and stagnant and just wait. Maybe something will change if I wait long enough. Don't play the waiting game. Don't get stuck in the waiting place like Dr. Seus says, in all the places you'll go, don't do it. Go for actions. Changes in how you feel about yourself and the way you think about yourself, and that leads to momentum.

And momentum leads to massive change, which is what I want all of you to have. So I hope this helps. Thanks so much for watching and listening. I'll catch you next week.

Hey, peach entrepreneurs. We have big, exciting news, a new program that we just came out with That is our PT Biz part-time to full-time, five day challenge. Over the course of five days, we get you crystal clear on exactly how much money you need to replace by getting you a. Ultra clear on how much you're actually spending.

We get you crystal clear on the number of people you're getting to see, and the average visit rate you're going to need to have in order to replace your income to be able to go full-time. We go through three different strategies that you can take to go from part-time to full-time, and you can pick the one that's the best for you based on your current situation.

Then we share with you the sales and marketing systems that we use within our mastermind that you need to have as well. If you wanna go full-time in your own practice. And then finally we help you create a. Page business plan. That's right. Not these 15 day business plans. You wanna take the Small Business Association, a one day business plan that's gonna help you get very clear on exactly what you need to do and when you're gonna do it to take action.

If you're interested and sign up for this challenges, totally free. Head to physical therapy Get signed up there. Please enjoy. We put a lot of energy into this. It's totally free. It's something I think is gonna help you tremendously, as long as you're willing to do the work. If you're doing the work and you're.

Information put down and getting yourself ready to take action in a very organized way, you will have success, which is what we want. So head to physical therapy and get signed up today. Hey, real quick before you go, I just wanna say thank you so much for listening to this podcast, and I would love it if you got involved in the conversation.

So this is a one one-way channel. I'd love to hear back from you. I'd love to get you. Into the group that we have formed on Facebook. Our PT Entrepreneurs Facebook group has about 4,000 clinicians in there that are literally changing the face of our profession. I'd love for you to join the conversation, get connect with other clinicians all over the country.

I do live trainings in there with Yves Gege every single week, and we share resources that we don't share anywhere else outside of that group.So if you're serious about being a PT entrepreneur, a clinical rainmaker, head to that group. Get signed up. Go to, or go to Facebook and just search for PT Entrepreneur. And we're gonna be the only group that pops up under that.